Sequel: Can't Go Back
Status: Updated August 24

Brave New World

Don't Let Me Go

Kiro looked at his lover on the way to the banquet.

“What are you thinking?” Strify asked his lover.

“You, I love you, today is a good day” he smiled.

“Then why do you were a confused look?” he asked concerned.

“Well, how will I dance with you?” he asked. He felt bad that he couldn’t use his legs.

“Babe, just do what we’ve been practicing” Strify kissed his husband; he could feel Kiro smile as he pulled away.

They reached the banquet where everyone was supposed to be. Strify pushed Kiro into the big room, there were many people.

“Wow, look at everyone” Kiro mumbled to himself. There were Robert, Shin, Yu, and Rom3o at one table. The rest of the tables were filled with fans. Strify went and took the microphone from the DJ.

“Hello everyone” he said as everyone cheered. “Uh, well, thanks for coming, and I hope you have a good time tonight!” he said as he waved and got off the stage, and joined Kiro at the table.

“How’d you get all these fans here? We just told you about it this morning”

“All thanks to the Internet my friend, the Internet” Rom3o laughed as the other two nodded. “Now eat up the fans want to see your first dance” Rom3o protested.

“Calm down, we’re eating” Kiro said as he ate. He was more fascinated to watch Strify eat though.

“Hi, I just wanted to say congratulations to both of you” a fan said smiling.

“Well uh, thank you” Strify mumbled as she walked away. “I guess I’ll have to get used to that,” he said.

“Are you guys ready or what?” Rom3o came up to them about an hour later.

“I guess so,” Strify said as he took Kiro’s hand and led him to the center of the dance floor.

“I already feel tired” Kiro laughed as their song began to play. “Just like we practiced,” Strify told Kiro. Kiro leaned against Strify and he let Strify guide him. He tired to move his feet every so often. Before they knew it everyone was cheering and people decided to start dancing as well. The song hadn’t ended, but everyone wanted to be part of the moment.

“Let’s go cut our cake now” Strify said as Kiro nodded and they moved towards the cake.

“Oh look they’re cutting the cake,” someone screamed, and the room fell silent.

“You should tell me how this tastes”

“Why should I?” Kiro asked as he threw cake at Strify.

“Hm, it’s very good,” he said taking his plate and shoving Kiro’s entire face into the cake. Kiro just laughed.

“Thanks” he said taking a piece and wheeling off.

“Oh you aren’t going to pay me back?” Strify asked surprised.

“No” Kiro laughed as he got back to the table. Strify walked back and everyone started grabbing a piece.

“You didn’t grab a piece Strify?” Yu asked.

“No, I have my own right here” he said as he started licking it off Kiro’s face. Kiro starting giggling, while people started whistling as Strify continued to lick Kiro’s face.

“You missed a spot,” Kiro told him.

“I did?” he asked confused.

“Yeah, right here” he said kissing Strify. Strify deepened the kiss.

“Hey, hey. Save it for the honeymoon”

“Honeymoon?” both Kiro and Strify questioned.

“Yeah, you didn’t think you wouldn’t have a honeymoon?”

“No we didn’t think we’d have one”

“What kind of wedding is that?” Rom3o asked

“I don’t know” Kiro said.

“We are true friends, and we booked you a hotel room down the street”

“You did?”

“Yes, now go have fun” Rom3o said as the two got up and started to dance to the song that was playing. Neither knew what the song was but they danced. Kiro did more standing than anything else.

“Kiro are you tired of standing?” Strify asked.

“Yes” Kiro said relieved that he wasn’t the only one.

“Ok” he said as he took Kiro in his arms.

“Strify, what are you doing?”

“You said you were tired”

“So? I would like to sit” he laughed.

“Awe, I thought you’d love this more”

“I guess this is better” he said kissing Strify.

It was nearing midnight, and they had to end this party soon. Kiro was drunk and he knew it. A girl came up to him.

“Hey sexy”

“Hi” he said smiling.

“Do you want to dance?”

“I can’t dance”

“Oh” she said leaning forward. “I’ve got better idea” she said moving even closer to him; kissing him

“Uhm, I don’t think that is such a good idea” he said moving away. He knew what this would do to his marriage.

“No, I don’t care” she kept saying as she pulled him off the stool causing him to fall.

“Kiro” Strify cried as the girl ran away. “Are you ok?”

“Yeah, I’m fine”

“Yeah and you’re drunk”

“Not totally” he said as he wrapped his arms around Strify’s waist. “Can we go to the hotel now, I want to be with you”

“You are with me”

“Just you” he smirked as Strify caught on.

“I’ve got you,” he said as he placed Kiro in his wheelchair and went up to the stage.

“Alright everyone. I hope you all had a good night, and thanks for coming out, drive safe,” he said as he went back to the table.

“Where did Kiro go?” he asked as he looked around for the wheelchair.

“I think the washroom” Shin said.

“Thanks. Oh and give this money to your mom for babysitting Julia tonight”

“Got it,” he said as Strify went to look for his husband. Rushing to the washroom, he went to into the handicap washroom and found Kiro on the floor passed out about to be raped.

“No, get off of him, not you again” he yelled as he pulled her off. It was the nurse. “How did you get in?”

“I have my ways,” she said as she got up.

“Come on Kiro, wake up” he said putting cold water on his face.

“Mm” Kiro moved around. He opened his eyes to see a scared looking Strify. He got up and kissed him, “Home, or hotel now”

“Yes” Strify said as he carried him to the limo. The limo took them to the hotel where they checked in and went to their room- the honeymoon suit. When they got there, there were flower petals all over everything.

“Sets the mood” Strify said as he carried Kiro out of his wheelchair and onto the bed. He took Kiro’s suit, and began to message his back. Kiro, from underneath Strify, managed to take Strify’s suit off.

“Was that all you planning to do, message my back?”

“I’m just getting started,” he whispered in Kiro’s ear. Kiro smirked as Strify picked him up and he threw him up against a wall.

“Oh are we back to this are we” Kiro asked as Strify slid off his pants.

“Maybe” Strify said as he trusted himself inside Kiro.

“Oh Strify” Kiro moaned as Strify thrust harder. “Strify I love you” Kiro yelled as he pushed Strify onto the bed, since he was having a hard time standing.

He lay Strify onto the bed and trust into him.

“Kiro mmmm” he moaned as Kiro nibbled Strify’s chest, both boys feeling the pleasure when Strify burst out.

“Kiro. Ow! Kiro”

“Strify what’s wrong?” he asked as his husband fell to the floor before him. “Strify” he screamed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for posting so late, I've said that for every story I update, I should stop :P
Anyways I got lazy, I finished writing Part 3 this morning, I just have to type it all out, uhhh. That's a pain in my ass, but I'll do it don't worry. I was also thinking of writing another Part. Yay! another part, that would Part 4! I haven't started writing, and I won't start for another month, I have the idea, but I'm going to be taking a break, after I finish posting the rest of the chapters to this part, I'm going to be taking a 2-3 week break before going back into it.

Ok I'll shut up now, but I thought I'd get that out there. And if you would like to know Kiro and Strify's wedding song it's The Fray: Never Say Never