Sequel: Can't Go Back
Status: Updated August 24

Brave New World

You Choose

I tried to walk away from the group of boys in the living room, but they all loved to talk, so much for off to school.

“Guys, Courtney needs to leave” Kiro said saving me from having to stay and chat.

“Awe do you really need to leave?” Yu asked me as I began to get up.

“Yes” I said as I walked to the front door.

“Do you need a ride?” Kiro whispered to me.

“No, I think I’ll be able to walk” I said smiling at his gesture.

“Fine” he said as I left the house. I started walking I had to keep looking back to make sure he didn’t come and follow me.

I made my way to first class which was English. That sounded funny, English class in Russia. I took my seat; a girl took a seat next to me. I knew her from back in New York; she was in my English class there as well. Then it dawned on me that all my classes would be the same.

“Hi” I said as the professor walked into the classroom.

“Hey! Aren’t you in my English class back home?” she asked as I nodded.

“That’s so cool, where are you living?” she asked as I began to talk, but the professor started to talk.

I sat during the whole class trying not to fall asleep. Finally class ended and I found myself walking out of class.

“What do you have now?” she asked, and I learned that her name was Julia.

“I have a break, I have music at 4” I said as she looked at the clock.

“Oh, I have biology next; I guess I’ll see you tomorrow”

“Yeah, bye” I called as we went our separate ways. As I walked out the front of the building, a 5’5 person stood there looking at me.

“Hello stranger” I said as I walked up to Kiro.

“Hi” he said looking at his feet once again.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him.

“Well you have your schedule on the fridge, and I figured I’d walk you home” he said blushed a bit.

“That’s sweet” I said as we began to walk home.

“I also wanted to apologize for my friends this morning”

“It’s alright” I said

“I’m such a bad friend- wait you probably don’t even think of me as a friend” he said.

“Hold it” I said as I stopped he stopped as well and faced me. “Yes I do think of you as a friend, you are the only one I know here, well except for the girl I just met, and you’ve saved me twice of coarse I’m going to call you my friend” I told him. He just looked at me and smiled.

“I’m glad” he finally said as we began to walk again. We reached the house when Kiro burst out.

“What to go out for lunch?” I looked at him startled a bit; I wasn’t expecting him to yell it.

“Uhm sure” I said as I looked at my schedule. “I’m free until 4 so that gives us about 3 hours” I told him as he ran up the stairs. “Where are you going?”

“I need to change” he called as I laughed. “Hey don’t laugh” he called again.

“I’m sorry, but it’s funny, you’re funny” I said as I sat on the couch to wait for Kiro. Kiro what a funny name, I thought, maybe it’s not his real name. I’d have to ask him about it.

“Ready!” he called coming down the stairs. He was wearing a pair of pin strip pants, with a black shirt. I laughed at his pants as he stopped in front of me.

“What?” he asked in a whinny voice.
“Nothing” I laughed.

“No not anything. Something, you’re laughing”

“I told you, you’re funny” I said as he looked at himself in the mirror.

“Do I have to change again? It’s the pants isn’t it?” he asked as I nodded. “Knew it” he said as he ran up the stairs. As soon as he was up, he ran back down and grabbed my wrist.

“What the?” I asked as he pulled me up the stairs.

“You’re going to help me get dressed, just so I don’t have to get dressed a million times” he said making me laugh.

“Uhm ok” I said as we walked into his room.

“Come” he said pulling me into his closet. “You choose” he said.

“I love these pants” I said picking up a pair of red pants.

“I’ll wear them. I love them too” he said as I walked out of his room so he could change.

“How do I look?”

“Pretty” I said as we both laughed.

“Thanks, now let’s get to the eating, I’m starving” he said as we walked down the stairs and outside.