Sequel: Can't Go Back
Status: Updated August 24

Brave New World


Kiro Carsten

15 Years Later

“Dorian, where did you put my phone?” I could hear through the wall as I woke up. I turned to seeStrify Sebastian’s back.

“Morning” I groaned as I got up.

“Uh, morning” he said turning over.

“Mom, Dorian took my phone again” Julia burst into our room.

“Uh, Dorian” I yelled as I got out of bed. Julia was now 16, where did the time go? I missed the younger days when neither her nor Dorian could talk. There was no fighting. Dorian wasStrify Sebastian and me’s son he is 15.Strify Sebastian is the biological father, you can tell by the name that he isStrify’s Sebastian’s. His real mom was Laura the creepy nurse. That time when she tried to rape me, but went afterStrify Sebastian, yeah she got pregnant from that…

It had been three weeks since the incident and Strify felt horrible.

“You have no idea how sorry I am. I feel dirty,” he said.

“I know you’ve said that a million times, you know I forgive you”

“Yeah well I’ll never be able to forgive myself” he said as he rested his head on my shoulder as the doorbell rang. Who could that be? I thought as I went to answer the door. I opened the door to Laura.

“AH!” I screamed.

“Kiro, what’s wrong?” Strify yelled as he ran to me. “What the fuck do you want?” he spat as he spoke.

“I knew you wouldn’t want to see me, but I need to talk to you,” she said as he stepped out. I could hear them yelling and screaming, but I didn’t know what it was about. I sat at the bottom step of the stairs for hours waiting for Strify to come back inside. He finally came in. I looked up at him, and I saw that he looked defeated and tried.

“Strify?” I asked as he put a hand up.

“I lost,” he whispered.

“What did you lose?”

“She’s pregnant,” he said as I gasped.


“It’s mine, I have to keep it because I lost the argument,” he said as he cried.

“No! Sh! Stop. It could be a good thing”

“How?” he cried.

“It could be a playmate for Julia”


“Mom, tell him to give it back” Julia said as I looked at Dorian. He looked just likeStrify Sebastian.

“Dorian, why do you have Julia’s phone?”

“Mom, why can’t I have a phone? I’m old enough”

“I have to talk to your father about that, but for now please just give Julia her phone back” I said tired. Why kids fight is beyond me.

“Did you resolve our kids problem?” Strify Sebastian asked once I got downstairs.

“I hate you! You can’t help?” I asked annoyed.

“What, she asked you,” he said. He still sounded like he was 21. I was the only mature one here.

“Dorian wants a phone,” I said as I sipped my coffee.


“So? Are you going to get him a phone?”

“Why do I?”

“Because maybe I don’t have to do everything around hereStrify Sebastian I’m so fuckin’ tired of having to do everything while you sit there and pretend to be young, but in reality you are old” I yelled as I stormed out. I hated fighting withStrify Sebastian, but sometimes that’s the only way he will listen.

“You know, you don’t do everything,” he yelled coming into our workroom. “I work, I’m here before you are, I’m there when the kids get home from school, I make dinner most nights. So don’t tell me I do nothing,” he yelled as I looked at him. “What?” he asked as I ran to him, closing the door.

“Did you start that fight on purpose?” he asked as he kissed me.

“No, I wanted to-“ I couldn’t finish my sentenceStrify Sebastian kissed me.

“Shut up. I don’t care,” he said as he threw his clothes, as he threw mine off. “I’ll make this really quick, the kids are downstairs” he said as he pushed into me. Even after 17 years of being together. Strify Sebastian was the best in bed.

“MmmStrify Sebastian” I moaned as he kissed me to silence it. “I love you,” I whispered.

“I love you so much more,” he whispered.
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Ok so I figured I'd post today because I have 8 chapters written so it's enough to post today :)
So I hope you enjoy this new part :) I told you it was a flash in the future! :D
Comment! Enjoy :D