Sequel: Can't Go Back
Status: Updated August 24

Brave New World

You've Got A Good Point


Was I just talking to Shin? Was that really Shin? Shin was so rude. Man time has made him a grouch. I wondered if he had a family.

“Dad” Dorian came to my room. “What the hell happened to our family?” he asked like I knew.

“I don’t know,” I said as I buried my head into a pillow.

“I miss mom”

“I miss mom too, more than you know”

“I know you guys have stuck through thick and thin. I love how you guys never really ‘broke up’” I just laughed.

“We broke up more times than you’ll ever know, but that doesn’t mean I love your mother any less”

“I think we should go and look for him”

“How? He could be anywhere,” I said

“We could get the police involved”

“But I’m not going that route, please Dorian just leave it alone” I said standing.

“You say you love him, but you aren’t willing to go out and look for him” This kid had a point.

“Ok” I said as I sat back down.

“What are you doing?” he asked me.

“I don’t know,” I said as I sunk lower. Maybe I was depressed. Then I heard clomping up the stairs and there was Kiro. That’s when I lost it. Tears, with hatred. I cried and I threw things, I pulled at my hair. I kicked things, all hurting me more.

“Dad, dad calm down” I heard through my tantrum. I felt a hand on my arm and I turned to see D. I stopped for a second before I began to sob.


My dad was going through a break down. I wanted to report my mom missing, but I didn’t have the guts. As I watched my dad I got the phone and called.

“Hello, 9-1-1 state your emergency” a woman said on the other end of the line.

“I-I’m, uh, I’m reporting my mom missing” I said shaky and nervous, most of all scared.

“When was the last time you saw her?”

“Today before I went out with my dad”

“What time do you think?”

“Around 4:00 PM” I said as I looked to see it was 10:00.

“Alright, we’re going to send a cop car out to your location” she said as I hung up. The cop was here in minutes and I ran to get the door.

“Hello, is your father home?” was the first thing he asked.

“He is, but he’s in a crazy state” I tried to explain as I led the way to my dad’s room where he was still crying.

“Good evening sir” dad just nodded. “Your wife has been reported missing” he then looked at me. I got scared. Maybe he didn’t want me to do that.

“Yes, he left after I got home, he told me he was leaving, not coming back. He said he needed help”

“Help for what?”

“Our daughter died recently and he hasn’t been himself,” he cried. “Can you track him down?” he asked as the officer nodded.

“But it sounds like he doesn’t want to be found”

“I don’t care,” he wailed. I’ve never seen this side of my dad. Without my mom he wasn’t complete at all.

“Here’s a picture, and he was driving a car, the license plate” he started shoving random information at the officer.

“Ok sir, I’ll try my best, but I can’t guarantee anything” he said as he left for his cruiser.

“I’m sorry, my dad’s never acted like this,” I said as the officer nodded.

“You’ve never seen a parent without the other”

“Nope” I said as he nodded.

“Don’t worry, I’ll try and get your mom back. Your father kept calling your mother ‘him’ or ‘he’?” he questioned

“My mom is in fact male,” I said as he nodded, not saying anything. I guess he didn’t think gay couples lived out here, well they did. I thought as I went back to my dad.

“Dad” I screamed as he had a pair of scissors to his arm. “Put them down, they are going to find mom, I promise”

“No Dorian, I don’t care anymore”

“You have to stay here, for me, for you” I said as he looked at me, he didn’t look crazy anymore.

“You’re right!” he shouted as he threw the scissors and hugged me. “I can’t leave you, that’s not fair to you,” he said as a cop came in, a different one.

“Uhm, I have some good news,” he said as I smiled. “We found him, he’s in New York”

“How’d he get there so fast?” Dad questioned, then smiled. “You found him”

This was good news. I couldn’t wait to see my mom again. Happy tears fell down my cheeks.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think Tuesday will be my new day because I like Tuesdays :P
I used to post this on Tuesdays before Saturdays, but you'll get them on both days now :D Except this week, you might get it Friday, away again, (I think)
AND I have some crazy news, me and my bestest frienddd on the interwebzzz have come together to write a new story and you can find it here: called : Helping Me. Being Me. Go there to read the description of it because I'm too lazy to write it here :P