Sequel: Can't Go Back
Status: Updated August 24

Brave New World

The Crime Scene

The scene of a crime can be a deadly place. A place no one wants to be, especially not Sebastian. The only thing running through his mind was where’s Carsten? Is he ok?

“I’ll be right back, do not leave this car, you hear me?” he screamed at Dorian as Dorian nodded. They were both scared, but neither one cared to show it.

“Keep safe. I’m coming back. I promise,” he promised his only son as he embraced his son, maybe for the last time. “I’ll be back” he said again.

“Dad, I love you” Dorian said as tears brimmed his eyes.

“I love you too” he replied as he got out of the car.

He could see the owner of the apartment building freaking out a little ways away. Sebastian didn’t know where to turn; everywhere he looked he could see people freaking out, fire fighters trying to fight the blaze. He turned and through the corner of his eye he could see Robert.

“Robert” he called. He might as well go see if Robert knew anything, then just waiting around forever.

“Robert” he called again as he approached Robert. Robert looked at him; it was a worried look on his face that he wore. This surprised Sebastian.

“Strify” he said. “I-“ Robert choked on his words.

“What is it Robert? Wait! Do you know where Carsten is?” he yelled as he began to panic.

“Carsten? Who’s Carsten?” Robert asked thinking maybe he wasn’t coming to save Kiro, but trying to find someone else.

“Kiro” Sebastian screamed, as Robert turned white.

“Strify, I’m sorry” he said as Sebastian shook him.

“Tell me where he is, if you know?” he screamed.

“He’s in the blaze,” Robert yelled back. “I left him in there” he cried as he broke down on the sidewalk.

“Sir we have to ask you to move” a police officer asked Robert to move. “You too sir” she said to Sebastian, but he ignored, he was too pre-occupied about getting inside. He then took off into the blaze.

“Sir, you can’t go in there. Sir it’s not safe” but it was too late, he was already in searching every place for Kiro. He didn’t know what floor Robert’s apartment was, so this was going to take longer.

A fire fighter passed him, and looked at him.

“Sir, you can’t be here”

“I’m, I’m looking f-for, my w-w-wife,” he cried as he tried to compose himself.

“Alright we will find her,” the fire fighter said. “Do you know what floor she’s on?” Sebastian shook his head.

“Floors two and three are clear,” another fire fighter yelled as Sebastian looked at the fire fighter in front of him.

“Let’s go floor five” Sebastian nodded, following his orders. He didn’t know what else to do. As they approached floor five there was fire blocking the entrance to the hallway.

“Its not safe, I think we should go a floor up”

“What about my wife? What if he’s on this floor?” Sebastian freaked out as the fire fighter calmed him down.

“We’ll find her, I promise,” he said as they moved up a floor. Floor six was smoky and it seemed to be empty.

“What your wife’s name?” the officer asked.

“Carsten” Sebastian said shaky as he coughed. He thought he’d cough up a lung by the time this was over.

“Carsten” the officer yelled. The more the officer called his name, the less hope Sebastian had.

“This floor is coming up clean,” the officer said as he cleaned out four apartments while Sebastian cleaned out five.

“He’s on floor five, I know it” Sebastian said more to himself than anyone else.

“Let’s go back to floor five,” the officer yelled.

“Floor four and five are clear,” another officer said through the walkie-talkie on his suit.

“That can’t be, there are only six floors” Sebastian yelled as he ran down the stairs where he banged on all the doors screaming Carsten’s name.

“Sir the building is empty, we have to move. You have to move, that board is going to fall” Above Sebastian’s head was a huge board caught on fire, ready to fall.

“I’m not leaving” Sebastian called.

“We can’t leave with you”

“I’m not leaving without my wife” Sebastian shouted.

“Maybe she’s outside waiting”

“No” Sebastian shouted as he opened a door and he saw a hand. “There’s someone in here” Sebastian yelled as he moved the door, the board began to fall.

“Sir” the officer yelled as the board fell.

Sebastian didn’t care, there on the floor in the middle of everything lay Carsten.
♠ ♠ ♠
Early, like I predicted. :P
I know my story is sad again. I really am sorry. I tend to write to how I'm feeling. I remember having this idea months ago, and it came to me in a dream.