Sequel: Can't Go Back
Status: Updated August 24

Brave New World

I'm ready to go.. or not?

I sat on my bed just thinking when there was a light knock at the door. I knew it as Kiro.

“Come” I said as the door opened and in walked a sleepy looking Kiro. “Hey” I said as I motioned for him to sit.

“Hi” he said sitting beside me. “About last night” he started. Last night was amazing; I just didn’t want him to know it. “It didn’t mean anything, did it?” he asked facing me.

“Did it mean anything to you?” I asked

“I don’t know” he said letting his head fall.

“I don’t think it should, nothing could ever work, and we’re too good of friends” I said as he nodded in agreement.

“It’s still really hard to say goodbye”

“It’s supposed to be that way” I told him. “Well I better pack the last of my stuff”

“Right, and I’ll make you breakfast” he said as he got up and left while I packed up.
10 minutes later I looked around the room; everything I had packed away, all that was left was what had come in the room. I walked down the stairs suitcase and all. I had a total of 2 suitcases and a carry on bag. I began walking down the stairs when I tripped causing my bags to fall down the stairs. I fell a couple stairs, but I was able to stop myself.

“Courtney? What was that? Are you alright?” I could hear him coming towards me.

“Yeah, I’m alright” I said as he reached me.

“What happened?” He asked as he moved my suitcases by the door and coming back for me.

“Well I was on my way down the stairs, when I tripped” I said laughing as he sat next to me.

“You are crazy” he said laughing.

“Oh thanks” I said as I went to get up. “Ow! My foot” I said as I sat back down.

“What?” he asked as if he didn’t hear me.

“My foot, I think I sprained it” I said

“I should take you to the hospital”

“But I have to leave in an hour, it will take to long”

“You can take another plane” Kiro said

“The next plane isn’t until tomorrow”

“So you can spend an extra day here’ he said as he tried helping me down the stairs.

“I don’t know about this” I told him once he got me to the couch.

“Just listen to me, your leg needs to be looked at”

“No, I’ll be fine” I said as I got up just to fall again. “I’m not giving up” I said taking baby steps towards the door.

“Fine, but I’m not helping ou” he said as he walked off.

“Fine” I yelled as I picked up all my bags and headed out the door. I made it to the middle of the driveway before I fell. This time I couldn’t get up, there was too much weight on me. I knew Kiro wouldn’t come and help so I called foe a taxi. The taxi arrived faster than I thought it would.
“Excuse me ms. did you call for a taxi?” a short man asked.

“Yes I did, could you possibly get these bags off of me?” I asked as he came over and put the bags into the trunk.

“Where to?” he asked as I finally got in the car.

“The airport” I said as I looked out the window at the house for the last time, tears came to my eyes, the last time I would see Kiro I was mad at him, madly in love with him. I took a second look on what I was about to do.

“Wait!” I said as he stopped the car.

“What is wrong?”

“I think I forgot something” I lied as I looked through the review mirror and I saw Kiro coming out, he took one look at the taxi, and I threw open the door.

“Kiro” I called as I got out and fell on the grass. He came running to my side.

“I’m sorry” I said looking up at him squinting my eyes from the rising sun.

“No, I’m sorry, I was the jerk” he said as he went over to the driver. “Turns out she’s not leaving” the driver gave him a funny look, but he just shook his head and started to unpack the trunk. Kiro brought my bags into the house and then came back for me.

“I’m glad you decided to stay” he said smiling.

“I’m glad I decided to as well” I said as he picked me up and brought me into the house. “Now what do you think about seeing a doctor?” he asked as he put me down on the couch.

“I think it’s a good idea” I said

“Alright, let me change, then we’ll go” he said as he ran up the stairs as I laughed at him. “Why are you laughing at me?”

“Because you always have to change”

“Not always” he said as he came down again.

“Ready to go?” I asked as he nodded as he helped me off of the couch and to his car.

As we got to the hospital, the emergency entrance was very busy, it was a miracle we got in.
“Hello, Hi my friend hurt her foot” Kiro yelled at the woman. The woman told him one second and a doctor came out. I had no idea if it was for us or not.

“You hurt you foot? Let me see” he said as we went into an examining room. “This looks like a bad sprain, you lucky you come now, any later it would have been broken” he said as he wrapped a bandage on my foot. “There it should hurt for about two days, then you well as new” he said as he walked away.

“Aren’t you glad we came here?” Kiro asked me. I just looked at him. “I’ll take that as a yes” he said.