Forget About Me, It's What I Deserve



Lexy chewed on her fingernail as Mitchell sped down the freeway. She hated when he drove really fast. The concert was in an hour and Lexy wanted to get there ASAP. Partly because she wanted the coolest t-shirt there. Mostly because she wanted to try and seeJack Barakat her dad.

"Geez, Mitch, can you go any faster?" Ally asked sarcastically. Lexy saw him smirk from the side.

"You want me to try?"

Lexy's eyes widened and she yelled "Hell no!" Mitchell's eyes widened and he slowed down a bit. As he turned into the correct exit, Lexy examined her outfit. Gray skinny jeans, sparkly tank top, and red Converse were fine.

"You look fine, Lex. Right, Mitch?" Ally popped in from the backseat.

Mitchell gave Lexy the twice-over, lingering a bit on the top's low neckline. "You look hot, Lexy."

"Thanks. C'mon. I wanna get inside," Lexy said and Mitchell parked the car. As the 3 teenagers carefully got out of the car, Lexy tightly grabbed Mitchell's hand. She was more than nervous. She was panicked. Mitchell gave a strained look to Ally. Ally coyly smiled back and looked down at her hands. She was so glad Lexy didn't know about her and Mitchell's secret affair. Ally loved the suspense of not getting caught and loved the secret kisses she and Mitchell stole outside of Lexy's house.

A flash of black and blond hair raced over to Ally and swept her into a hug. "Ally Bear!"

"Jack Attack! How are you?" Ally asked as she was placed back on the ground.

Jack Barakat smiled and looked over at Lexy and Mitchell. Mitchell grimaced in pain as Lexy grabbed onto his hand even tighter. "Good. Who are they?"

"Your daughter and her boyfriend," Ally replied and Lexy timidly walked up to Jack. Jack looked down at her and smiled. He knew this day was coming. He'd been counting down for the past 5 years.

"I-I'm L-Lexy and this is M-Mitchell," she stuttered softly. Jack smiled at the girl and ruffled her hair. Not every day you meet your birth father who happens to be a rockstar.

"Nice to meet you, Lexy and Mitchell. Lexy, wanna come meet my friends?" Jack asked his daughter.

Lexy nodded and whispered to Mitchell "I'll be back. Y'all go inside." Mitchell nodded and kissed her cheek as she walked with Jack.

Mitchell turned to face Ally and she smirked. "We're alone again, Mitch."

"I know," he replied shortly and turned to walk inside. He was getting tired of sneaking around for Ally.

"Wait up!" Ally whined and ran to catch up. Lexy looked back and saw Ally press her lips against Mitchell's. Lexy's eyes filled up with tears and quickly turned her head.

So much for a good birthday.
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Gah...I'm really liking writing this story right now =]]

Comments are appreciated xx