Dreams of a Warrior Queen


Andra watched horrified as her mother was flogged. She felt herself being untied and made to get up and run to her mother. A strong had encircled her wrist and her tunic was torn from her. Andra screamed and fought the man as he wrestled her to the ground. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Danica struggling with the other soldier. Andra thought about giving up but then she caught her mother’s terror stricken eyes. Andra fought with all her might.
Danica fought the man. He had a sick smile on his face and grunted like a pig. His breath smelled of rotten meat. Tears fell from her eyes as she saw the man rutting on her sister like a dog. Andras’ sweet little face was contorted in agony. She had given up screaming she just cried and shut her eyes tight. Danica went slack for a moment then renewed her struggle. A fist struck her in the stomach and she was momentarily paralyzed with pain. Then a scream was torn from her throat as a terrible pain shook her. The man was relentless as he pumped hard and fast it was a pain like none shed ever felt. Then everything went black.
Andras head snapped up when she heard her older sister scream. Danica wasn’t one to show weakness. She was the most stubborn person Andra had ever met. The feeling of hopelessness and despair that came over Andra as she watched her sister pass out was horrible.