SXSW Brings More Than Music


I walked away from Stubbs, directing all my attention to my ipod so I didn’t notice when I stepped on some one’s foot.
“Sorry” I mumbled still not looking up.
“It’s okay” I know that voice it belonged to “Rian Dawson” I said looking up at him and finishing my thought out loud.
He stuffed his hands into his pockets and nodded.
“Well sorry again” I said tried to step around him.
“Not so fast…”
“What?” I asked
“Don’t say anything. I’m kidnapping you.”
“Oh really”
“I said don’t say anything.” I couldn’t help but laugh at him.
“Yeah. No.” I said and turned around, trying to go back into Stubbs but Jack Barakat stood in my way.
“You picked a good one, Rian.” He said, looking me over.
“For what?” I asked. Most of the times I would be happy to be kidnapped by All Time Low. But not now it’s South By South West, The 1st one on my own and a lot of cool bands were playing, in fact I just left Katy Perry.
“Oh our manager thinks Alex needs eye candy.” Rain said from behind me.
Hugh Alex, I liked him the least. Sure he had an amazing voice. But damn he doesn’t know how to pick his girls and I just didn’t like him.
“Yeah? Well I’m not that girl” I said it honestly
“And what makes you say that?” Rian says walking over to stand by Jack so he could look at me.
“Because I hate Alex,” I said I did in fact hate him.
“That’s the first.” Jack said completely amazed
“Well you see it’s not me. Can’t you just go pick that girl over there” I said and pointed to some blonde girl “She’s seems to be more like his type” I added
“Yeah see that’s the thing. Matt doesn’t like his normal type. This is his 15th break up this year.”
Jack said to fill me in a little more.
“Is that supposed to make me fill sorry for him?”
“Yes.” Rian said
“Well it’s not working.”
Rian moved so that he had a good grip on my arm and Jack did the same.
“Let go of me guys. ” I said but they shook me quite.
“People are going to think this is weird. Two of members All Time Low are dragging an ugly music freak.”
“You are not ugly.” Jack said moving his hand and linking his arm in mine.
“Nor are you a freak” Rian said as he did the same thing.
“Yeah. Right.”
I guess I hadn’t realized it but we had arrived at tour bus.
“No guys. You don’t want me ” I said and I tried to pull from their grip.
“No. I think we do” Turned to see Matt and Zack at the door.
“Nice choice. Tall. But, not too tall. Good sense of style. Gorgeous green eyes…” Matt trailed off.
“Huge boobs” Jack said beside me.
“Hey!” I said and I hit him Playfully.
“I was going to go with great hair but yeah.”
I looked down at my chest. “Does everyone think that?”
They all nodded. “Y’all are mean.” I said and crossed my arms over my chest.
“I like the very little accent you get when you say that.” Zach said.
That made me smile.
“Great smile.” Matt added.
I laughed then said, “If you guys are going to keep naming ‘good things’ about me can we go inside.”
I used air quotes around good things, because I didn’t think there were many “good things” about me.
“Good Laugh. Good sense of humor” Jack said.
Rian laughed. “Come on…” I think he paused for me to say my name
“Come on Emy let me show you to the couch” Jack said pulling me inside
“Yeh?” I questioned

The inside of the bus was nothing special just really big. I laid down on the couch.
Zach moved my Legs, sat down and then put my legs so that they were on his lap.
“Jack hand me a piece of paper and pen.” Jack did and handed them to Matt.
“Okay so what did we say?” He asked and then they started rambling things off.
“Good hair both color and style.”
“Gorgeous green eyes”
“Good height”
“Good smile”
“Musical laugh”
“Voice of an angel”
“Good sense of humor”
“The accent when she say’s y’all”
“I love her clothes”
“Big Boobs!” Jack yells and I scowl at him.
“I like your name” Zach says
I smiled and put my head on the arm of the couch and closed my eyes.
“Who’s this?”
Oh god. Alex. Why did they have to choose me to be his bitch why not another slut. But no! They wanted him to actually “Love” someone.
“I’m nobody. In fact I’m leaving,” I said before any of the guys could talk and started to sit up.
“Oh no your not” Zach said and held my feet to his chest, that forced me to lie down or I would tip over.
“This is Star.” Matt said to Alex
“Yeah? ‘Cause that’s what she is” He said sarcastically.
“Oh shut the fuck up!” I said sitting up to look at him.
“Oh guys she’s a gem”
“Hey pretty boy! Shut up! Just because you got dumped doesn’t mean you have to take it out on others”
“She’s right Alex. You need to get over Biza, She cheated on you, Em didn’t.”
“She hasn’t yet” I yanked my feet away from Zach, marched over to Alex and slapped him.
“What makes you say I’d even date you? Especially after you’ve insulted me, and would even consider that I would cheat on you. I’m not that kind of Bitch!”
“Then what kind of a Bitch are you? Because there seem to be a lot of those out there.”
“There aren’t you just run into them a lot.”
I shot that at him and he stood so he could tower over me.
“You didn’t answer my question what kind of a bitch are you?” He said moving his face closer to mine.
“One that doesn’t need to waste my time with someone like you.” I shot out the word “you” with all the venom in my body.
They started to clap. They being Zach, Rian, Jack and Matt.
“Is it hot in here or is it just the burn she just caused?” Zach said coming over to me and hugging me.
“It’s just hot in here.” Alex said trying to hold onto the only pride he was left.
“Yeah. It’s been that way sense Emy stepped through that door.” Jack said, pinching my butt making me jump into Alex.
“Yeah I’m writing down ‘Handle’s Jerks well’ to the list.” Rian said taking the paper.
I moved away from Alex for the heat of his body, made me shiver.
“To what?” Alex asked
“The List Great Things About Emily, That Makes Her Better Than Any Of Alex’s Girlfriends”
Jack said happily
“What! You think this girl can compare to any of my Ex’s” Alex said and caused me to roll my eyes.
“Sure as Hell!” Rian yelled
“She’s nicer, Cooler and Prettier. Your just to stupid to realized it” Jack said.
I stood up. “Guy’s I don’t want y’all to fight because of me” Zach smiled when I said y’all “I’ll just leave and you can find someone else to cure Alex. ‘Cause like I said from the beginning you don’t want me.”
“No you’re staying.”
“Yeah. This is part of what Alex needs to learn” Matt said. Alex stormed to the bunks but I’m sure if we weren’t moving He would have left.
“Oh Shit the bus is moving. I have to call someone” I staggered out.
“Calm down. We’re just going to San Antonio. You can still call though.” Zach said rubbing my back.
“Okay.” I walked into the bunk area with my purse and whipped out my iphone.
I touched the screen and dialed my best friends number. She picked up on the 2nd dial.
“Hey Emily! I thought you were going to come over after you left Katy Perry,” She didn’t sound all to mad.
“Yeah I know. I’m sorry.” I had to think fast come up with an excuse for why I forgot to go. “I met this guy.”
“Yeah. While you were at a Katy Perry show? The guys you date all have a bad taste in music” I laughed and sat on the nearest bed.
“Hey he worked there. It’s not his fault.”
“Okay, Okay” I could picture her picking up her hand to show she was innocent.
“Anyway. I’m on the road to San Antonio. He wants to go to Six Flags.”
“Okay. See you when you get back.”
“Alright bye Is”
I hung up and sighed. I always hated lying to my friends.
“God! Are you done!” Somebody from the bunk above the one I was sitting on. Alex.
“Oh sorry. Yeah. Sweet dreams. ” I said it and then regretted it. I truly hated my accent, even if Zach loved it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am not re-writing this story.
Just adding a new one.
I changed Her name.
I think Star fits the other girl better.