Cliff Diving


Callie and Matt watched in awe of all the equipment that Josh and his team had, and the fact that this team knew exactly what to do.

"Alright, I'm going to scan the sky for anything that looks like a Pteryadactyl's stomach, and then we can go search the jungle. We'll leave the cave for last."

Josh said, motioning for Casey to go with him.

Callie sighed, and shifted her leg restlessly.

"What now? You can't be thinking that you'd like to join them, are you?" Matt asked, a hint of
scolding in his voice.

She scowled at him, "You know that is exactly what I'm thinking."

Matt glared at her, "You have no self control, Callie."

Brad, who was setting up the split-screen laughed at the two, and went back to the monitors.

"You're right, Matthew. No self control whatsoever."

"Hey, Callie. Would you like to help monitor the cameras?" Brad called over to her.


Matt helped her stand and gently placed her next to Brad.

"So, what are we looking at?" Callie asked, looking over at Brad.

He pointed to the monitor, "This is taped to a tree near the cliff, the others are at various
spots along the area. We're mostly interested in this one."

He pointed at the overlook of the cliff, "We're looking for any light that appears in the sky."

"Don't planes fly here at night?"

Brad shook his head, "Not that we know of. Let me ask Josh."

He quickly picked up his walkie and radioed Josh, "Josh, do you copy?

"I copy Brad, what's going on?"

"You said no planes fly here at night, correct?"

"Yeah, why, do you see something?"

"No, we just wanted to double check."

Callie decided to turn back towards Matt, who happened to be sitting next to the clearing, "Do you hear that?"

Brad looked at Callie, "No.. I don't hear anything."

"Shh, listen."

A low thunderous sound came over the clearing and suddenly stopped, but not without the tree swaying and closely followed was a loud tremble.

"What was that?!" Matt asked, quickly backing away from the log he was sitting on.

"Josh, do you copy?"

Brad held the talk button and was about to speak when a deafening roar was heard through the clearing.

"Brad! Brad, do you copy. We just heard whatever that was from where we are, and we're on our way back."

Brad went to speak, when Callie held a finger to her lips.

The ground around them trembled and a dense glow came through the trees.

"Josh, we're hearing trembles and we see a dense light through the trees. I think this thing is heading towards the cave," Brad quietly said into the radio.

"We're almost there Brad, keep calm."


The glow seemed to get closer and a foul stench followed.

Jumping, Brad let out scream when the bushes behind him moved, revealing Josh and Casey.

"Shh!" Josh said, covering Brad's mouth.

The trees shook more violently and soon a loud crack echoed through the clearing.

"Guys, we need to move, now!"

Josh grabbed a camera and moved towards the noise.

"Josh! What are you doing!?" Casey yelled after him.

"I need to get this on tape."

They all watched in horror as the trees nearest to them cme crashing to the ground.

What stood before them was a creature that looked as if it had escaped from Jurassic Park.

"What is that?!" Brad whispered to Josh.

"No idea. Everyone stay calm." Josh said, slowly moving his arms.

He tooka few steps closer to the beast, when it emitted a high pitched roar.

"Josh, let's go. Now!"

Callie grabbed at Matt's arm, "Matt, help me up!"

He quickly glance at her and then towards the monster.

The beast took a few steps into the camp, almost squishing Josh and the base camp in the

"Everyone, run!" Josh yelled.

The crew quickly gathered as much equipment as they could and made their way towards shelter.

Unable to run, Callie sat as still as she could manage.

As she sat there, she felt a hand be placed on her shoulder, causing her to jump and let out a squeal.

"Shh, be calm." Josh whispered into her ear, wrapping his arm around her, and placed one over her mouth.

The beast turned it's head towards them and made it's way over.

Callie sat there, shaking.

Josh wrapped his arm around her tighter, and steadied his breathing.

The creature lowered it's head and sniffed around them, it's breath smelling of rotten garbage and decaying fish.

"Hey! Heyyy! Over here!"

Callie and Josh glanced over towards the crew and saw Brad and Casey waving flares around trying to attract the beast's attention.

It quickly turned towards the flares and stepped towards them.

"Shit!" Brad cried, tossing his flare over the cliff.

Casey, quickly followed suit.

The creature spread its wings and took off over the side of the cliff, after the flares.

The camp stayed quiet for a few seconds.

"What thehell was that thing?" Casey yelled, running back to base camp.

Brad shook his head, "I have no idea. Josh, did you see that thing?"

Josh unwrapped his arms from Callie, "Yeah, I saw it Brad. The damn thing almost ripped our faces off."

Brad shrugged.

"Please tell me someone got that on tape?"

"We got it! One of the cameramen yelled as they quickly rewound the tapes.

Josh's face broke into a wide grin, "Guys.. we did it! HOLY SHIT!"

Everyone broke into chorus' of cheers; yelling and hugging everyone.

"Alright guys, the sun is surprisingly starting to rise. Let's start breaking everything down and get out of this place!"

The crew immediately set to work breaking down the cameras.

Callie sat on her rock, watching the team move in unison.

"Hey, can I take a look at your leg?" Brad asked, kneeling down before her.

She nodded and stuck out her leg.

Brad chuckled and slowly begn to unwrap her ankle.

"I feel like Cinderella. Except that your obviously already married, Callie stated smiling and winking at Brad.

"Except I am probably nothing like your Prince Charming. Then again.."

He glanced up at her and winked, causing her to laugh.

Josh turned and glance towards them, "Brad, are you check on her leg?"

"Yeah, come and take a look at this."

Josh knelt down next to Brad and lightly touched the bite marks.

"This looks more like a wild animal bite than a Ropen bite."

"Well since no one really know what a Ropen bite lookgs like, I'd have to agree. And it doesn't look infected either, which is a good sign."

Callie laughed, "Of course it's good. But tell me doctor, am I going to live?!"

Brad shook his head, "Unfortunately, my dear, you will survive."

She smiled and nodded at the two of them.

"Let's re-wrap this and get her back to the States."
The sun had finally risen over the bay, and Josh and his team were ready to trek down to the waiting boats.

Matt braced Calie with one arm, and Casey had her opposite side.

They found thier way down the path, having to stop briefly so Matt and Casey could regroup.

Finally, they boarded the boats and set off to the main land.

The trip was short; since the locals didn't like being near the island.

Hitting land, they unloaded their gear and piled into their rental car.

"Do you have a ride to the airport?" Josh asked, as everyone settled in.

Matt nodded, "Yeah, but we are going to stay here for another night so Callie can rest."

Josh nodded, "This is going to be an awkward farewell. Although, this is my number at "headquarters" if you ever want to contact us."

Matt took the business card and placed it in his pocket, "Thank you. We really appreciate everything you've done."

"Oh, likewise! I don't think we would have found the cave if it wasn't for you!" Brad stated, motioning towards Callie.

She smiled, "Glad I could help."

Josh nodded, "Welll, not to drag this out any longer, we need to get to the airport. It really was a pleasure meeting you."

They all said quick goodbyes and they waved to Callie and Matt as the car pulled away.

"So, that was an adventure.." Matt slowly stated, as he helped Callie hobble to their lodging.

When they made it to their room, Callie grabbed some clothes and stated she was going to

Matt nodded, "I want to re-wrap that leg after you get out."

Callie quickly showered and hobbled back into the main room.

Sitting on the bed, she placed her foot onto Matt's lap and threw the extra bandages at him.

"I cannot believe we actually saw something. If it wasn't for Josh and his team, you'd be dead... what a freaking trip." Matt quipped as he wrapped her ankle.

Callie nodded and stiffled a yawn, laying down on the bed.

As Matt continued to wrap her leg, Callie slowly nodded off.

Matt noticing, gently placed her leg back on the bed and lifted the covers over her.

"Goodnight Cal."

He gathered his clothes and made his way into the bathroom.