Cliff Diving


Two weeks after returning home from Papa New Guinea, Callie was finally crutch free and testing her ankle's stability to the max. She stood in the bread aisle of her grocery store, and against her better judgment, should have let Matt do the shopping. Guess it's not a good idea to go grocery shopping while hungry.

She could be seen waffling between two of her favorite brands of white bread and as she moved to make her decision, someone stepped in next to her.

"You know, Wheat is much healthier for you than White bread."

Callie smiled to herself and dropped her gaze, "True, but I am a carbohydrate whore."

The man chuckled at her forwardness, leaned to his right and grabbed a loaf of Wheat off the shelf, "Try this. It's delicious."

She nodded, "I'll take your word for it."

She saw him stick his hand out from the corner of her eye.

"I'm Josh."

Without looking up, she grabbed his rough calloused hand in hers.

"Josh? Hey, how are you?"

He looked taken aback and started at her, "Callie?! Holy shit!"

"It's good to see you too."

She could see him turn red, "I see your leg is healed."

"Yeah, and I can see that you're trying to pick up girls at the grocery store."
Josh looked up at her, a twinkle in his eye and his cheeks growing even redder, "I don't know what you are talking about."

She smiled, "Of course you don't. So what did you find out about the case?"

"I'll have to give you my number. We haven't started editing it just yet; we had another case to do down in Mexico, but I can give you a call when we start to edit everything."

Callie nodded, "Alright, well.. what days are best?"

"Um," Josh paused, rubbing the back of his neck, "..I have no idea. I can always give you a call." She nodded in response and they awkwardly stood there for a few moments. "Well," Josh said, "I better get going. It was good to see you! Glad you are doing good!" Callie smiled, "Yeah, thanks! I'll be waiting for your call."

They awkwardly said goodbye and Callie turned, letting Josh watch her as she walked away and towards the registers.

A week went by since Callie saw Josh at the grocery store, but they still called each other frequently and exchanged a few emails.

Callie was sitting at her computer desk when the new email notification buzzed. As she opened the tab, she noticed the familiar name and smiled to herself.

Hey Callie,
We just got all the footage from Argentina imported into the computers and started editing today. Was wondering if you'd like to come stop by the office and check out what we got before it airs next month on SyFy. If so, shoot me a quick email. The address is:

512 Walnut St
Los Angeles, CA

Hope to hear from you soon,
Joshua Gates

Callie smiled, quickly jotted down the address and replied to Josh's email.

Hey Josh,
I would love to stop by and see the footage! I'll be leaving here shortly, it should only take me about twenty minutes!

See you soon!

She pushed herself away from the computer desk and grabbed her things. Within seconds, she was in her car and on the road to Josh's office.

Twenty minutes later, Callie had arrived at the office and no sooner had she pressed the intercom button, the door was released and Brad stood on the other side, a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Callie! It's good to see you! How's your leg?"

Callie smiled in return, "It's good to see you too Brad. It's doing much better, I'm not limping as much as I was the day after. Lots of prescribed drugs and rest really does the trick!"

Brad chuckled and they began to walk down a long corridor, which presumably held many offices, due to the number of doors on either side.

"This is mine and Casey's office, so; welcome to Ping Pong Productions!" Brad said proudly.

"I like it. Very casual, and I'm sure the staff isn't bad either," she winked at him.

He placed a hand on her shoulder, "Right this way Madame. Josh is inside helping Casey with editing."

Brad opened the door to a room that was filled with about five computers, a few dozen video cameras and a large bank of editing equipment plus a sound mixer.

"Look who I found in the main lobby!"

The guys turned around and smiled, "Hey, it's Callie!"

Casey stood up from the chair and gave her a big hug, "How are you? How's the leg?"

She smiled, "Good, and better. Finally."

Casey smiled and sat back down, "Well that's good. If you'll excuse me, I have a bit of editing to do; you guys can stay though."

Josh gave her a lopsided grin, "It's good to see you again."

Callie smiled in return, "You too."

The room fell silent for a bit, while everyone sat and watched Casey manipulate and enhance the video and sound quality.

"As soon as Casey can, we'll show you what I asked you to come over and see today. Let me just say this, it's amazing!"

Callie nodded, "Sounds good to me. Take your time."

They exchanged small talk for a few minutes until Casey pushed himself away from the desk and rubbed his eyes, "Alright we are go for watching the final edit."

Josh grabbed the nearest empty seat and rolled it over for Callie.


He smiled in return and looked back over to the monitors.

"Alright, well this is what we've got before we jump in to save Callie."

She groaned, "Please tell me you don't have me like screaming or whatnot."

Casey turned and smiled at her, "Kinda. We have pretty much the point where we hear you scream, and them we kinda run up the hill. As you can see here.

Callie watched the monitor.

Josh was leading te group up the hill, following a very lost your guide when her scream is heard piercing through the thick jungle brush.

"Did you just hear that?!"

"It sounded like a person! Let's get up the hill and make sure no ones in trouble." Josh said, excusing himself from the guide and started jogging up the hill.

When the camera reached the clearing, Matt could be seen kneeling towards the mouth of the cave. When he saw that people were moving through the clearing he let out a relieved sigh.

"Oh, thank god! Listen, my friend is down there and something's wrong she isn't answering her walky and I'm freaking out!"

Brad stepped into frame, "Alright, take a deep breath, try to call her again."

As Brad stood with Matt, Josh and Casey started setting up the area with tarps and their other equipment.

Matt continued to crouch at the mouth of the cave when he heard Callie coming closer to the entrance. "Callie you scared the shit out of me! Next time use your wal-"

A low growl was heard from the cave and Matt took a small step back, as he did, Callie let out another loud scream.

Josh and Casey dropped what they were doing an ran to the mouth of the cave.

As they did, Callie managed to crawl out of the cave up to her shoulders when she was violently pulled back inside.

"Don't worry, I got you. Can you kick?"

Callie couldn't see, but she knew this was the moment when she felt someone grab her and she began wildly kicking her left leg as hard as possible into whatever was attempting to pull her back into the depths.

She immediately felt grateful for the help that Josh and Brad showed and she knew if it wasn't for them, she would most likely be dead.

A few seconds later, Callie watched as she kicked once more and saw her and Josh fly back into the tall grass.

Casey stopped the tape, "Well that's what we have of you screaming. And the first time we met you!"

Everything from here to the good stuff was a few cuts scenes of them setting up camp, and Callie sitting on a log being attended to by Brad and then a quick shot of Callie an Josh flirting, as he started a mold of Callie's wound.

Callie wouldn't let them see it, but she blushed.

They continued through the video and they added more jump cuts stopping at the moment where Brad an Callie were sitting at base amp staring at the monitors.

"This is where it gets good."

Casey pushed play and as Brad and Callie were talking a growl was heard and they quickly reacted.

"What was that?!"

Brad picked up the radio and called out to Josh.

"Yeah, we heard it too. We're on our way back."

Brad, Callie and Matt sat near the tents trying their hardest to stay quiet, and when they heard rustling in the brush, Matt nearly screamed.

Callie made a note to talk to Casey about Matt and watched the monitor as Josh an Gabe could be seen walking into the clearing.

They crew converged back on the area and began discussing what they had found or seen in the surrounding area.

As they talked a branch broke and another loud growl broke through the clearing.

The four of them leaned closer to the monitor, the bet part of their adventure was coming up.

The trees started swaying violently and half of the crew ran one way while the others, mainly Callie had to stay at camp because of her leg.

Watching the monitor she knew she was mentally cursing herself at this exact moment; why did she have to be so carefree in that moment when she practically dived head first into a dangerous cave.

As the large creature broke trough the camp, everyone went into panic mode. The cameraman nearly started screaming and you could slightly make out Callie standing before the giant beast.

As they watched, Josh ran into frame and grabbed Callie. The cameraman hid in the thick brush and tried to keep them and the creature in the same frame.

Soon, the beast waddled its way towards the two and as Josh slowly begin to withdraw from the clearing, he tripped on a rock and sent them to ground, Callie landed with her back against Josh chest and she winced loudly in pain.

Quickly, Josh put his hand over her mouth and you could see his mouth moving, quietly telling her to stay still.

Callie closed her eyes and leaned back against Josh, fearing the worst when suddenly the sound of Brad and Casey screaming for the creatures attention, waving around flares was like a scene out of Jurassic Park.

When the creature was far enough away, Josh removed his hand from her mouth and helped her into a standing position.

A few seconds of staring at each other Josh smiled and ran towards the cameraman who emerged from his hiding spot.

"Please tell me we got that on film!?"

Casey stopped the video and turned to look at the three of them.

No one spoke for nearly ten minutes.

Callie looked from Brad to Casey to Josh, who sat there with his mouth agape and running a hand over his three day stubble.

"I- I-.. Holy shit!"

Casey nodded, a goofy grin on his face.

Brad stood there his fingers resting on his chin, "My only concern is people calling that thing a hoax. How can we physically prove it was there?"

Josh shook his head, "I have no idea."

Callie cleared her throat, "Let people think what they want. The skeptics will continue on with their day and the true believers will do what it takes to get themselves to the area and search for the truth themselves."

Josh smiled at her, "I agree completely. I mean, people can sit there and say that we didn't find anything and managed to build a wooden dinosaur and whatnot. But we will know the real truth. Cause even if that was an elaborate hoax someone pulled on us, they'd have to have a background in movies or special effects."

They all nodded in agreement and sat there for a few minutes.

Brad glanced down at his watch, "Oh god it's almost 2. I need to get going. Gotta meet with a new client at 4. Callie it was good to see you again, please don't be a stranger! Casey, Josh I will give you guys a call later tonight."

He lightly hugged her, waved to the guys and pulled his phone from his pocket as he exited the room.

As the door shut, Casey turned back to the computer, "I gotta finish this case and then start working on the Chupacabra case video."

Callie and Josh stood from their seats said goodbye to Casey and opened the door to the long hallway.

"Hey, would you be interested in grabbing some lunch? I know this little diner right down the street. Has the best Turkey Club sandwich in the area."

Josh smiled, "Ma'am, are you asking me out on a date?"

Callie laughed, "If that's what you want to call it. I just call it eating lunch with some dude cause I'm freaking starving!"

"Sounds good to me. Let's go."

They exited the building and walked silently to the end of the street and turned left at the corner.

Royale Diner came into view within seconds and Callie pushed the door open and the two of them picked a booth in the far corner.

"Two waters please. And we are all set to order as well," Callie smiled at the waiter as he took their down their order, "Thanks."

"This sandwich better be amazing," Josh said pointing a finger at her.

"Or what?"

He frowned and stopped pointing, "No idea. I'll have to figure that out."

She waved her hand through the air casually dismissing his claim, followed by "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

They sat in silence for a few moments, waiting for their food, and people watching.

"So, how did you get into traveling everywhere? And how does Cryptozoology play a part in your life?"

Josh laughed and glanced down, an adorable half smile on his face, "Actually, it's somewhat of a funny story.."

Josh began to go into detail about his college years. He explained how his parents were very understanding for his want to study Archaeology and Drama.

"My dad is an experienced Scuba diver and my moms from England, so they were always under the philosophy of, 'if it makes you happy'. So yeah, I had a great support system at home."

Callie smiled, "That's awesome. My parents weren't as understanding. I had to go to school for what they wanted. By my junior year of college, I had dropped out and went traveling. Spent a few years in Italy and finished school there."

Josh smiled, "They weren't too happy, were they?"

Callie shrugged, "If they weren't, they've never told me."

Josh nodded.

They sat in silence for a few moments, until the waiter came over are young their food.

"Thank you." They both said as the waiter asked if they needed anything else and walked away.

"Wow. I must say this sandwich already LOOKS amazing."

Callie gave Josh a huge grin, and bit into her sandwich. She had to close her eyes, and quickly opened them again once he heard Josh laughing, "Really? It's that good?"

Callie motioned for him to take a bite.

He stared at the gigantic sandwich in his hands and brought it to his mouth. He took a decent sized bite and momentarily had the same reaction as Callie. He let out a low groan and stared at her.

"Oh my god. You were right! This is delicious," He said with his mouth full and not bothering to try to cover his mouth.

Callie laughed, "I told you, didn't I?!"

Josh nodded and took another bite.