Just Leave Me Alone!

The exploration

Tsk Tsk Tsk. This boy has no idea whats coming for him. Im not one of those girls who just sit there while somebody decides to be an asswhole towards them. I actually stand up for myself.
I am currently wandering the house seeing as Mr. Jackass left me without knowing where to go. It was a nice enough home. It had some cozy rooms, but some of them are just so clean inside that you are afraid to walk inside because you don't want to let in even the littlest of dirt.
I think Im gonna make a list of how to annoy Jason while Im walking.

1. Ignore him when he asks for things
2. Sing the most annoying song i can think of
3. Be sarcastic ALOT
4. constantly ask "Do you hear that?" "What?" "Never mind, it's gone now."

Hmmm. I think I'll think of some more a later time.

Ahem "Miss?"

I turned around to see an old pudgy woman standing about 5 feet from me. She had that kind face that a lot of people around 60 have.


"I was told to show you to your bedroom."

She gestured for me to follow her and continued down the hall.

We must have been walking for 5 minutes before we pulled up to some white double doors.

"This will be your room for now Miss."

"For now?"

"Well you can't sleep in your own room when your getting married."

"Oh uhm yeah I guess so."

I have to share a room with that bastard?! Grrr.

"Would you like for me to get you something Miss?"

"No not really. Uhm whats your name?"


"Pretty name." I commented

"Thankyou. If you don't mind I have to go check on the meal. I hope you like your room."

She smiled at me and left. I took a deep breath, put my hand on the handle, and opened the door.

Holy Mother of Crap!

This room is gorgeous!

It had a white and green theme going on. There was a be, a wooden desk, and 4 doors. I went to the first door and saw a balcany looking over the most beautiful garden I had ever seen in my enire life.

I am definately going down there every chance I get.

I turned around and went back into my room. This time I chose another room. I opened it to see a nice large bathroom. WooHoo my own bathroom! I'm not going to act all excited very much on the way it looks because a bathroom is a bathroom.

I headed back out for the other door. This time i walked into a closet. Hell it's practically the size of my old room! It just is covered in a whole bunch of clothes. Boy do I love clothing!

Hmmm I think I might like it here. Well, that was untill i heard a cough from behind me. I turned around to face the King Donkey himself.

"What do you want?" I sneered

He glared at me before talking, "My parents wanted me to come tell you that it's dinner time."

"I'm not very hungry thankyou."

As if on que my stomache grumbled at me. I put a hand on my stomache and gave it a stern look.

"I see you are hungry." He said with a smile. I blushed and looked away. Since when do I blush? No guy has ever made blush before. Ergh this makes me hate him even more.

"Come on, I'll show you to the dining room."

He turned around and walked out the door with me following slightly behind. After a bit of walking we entered a lare dining area. It's got a long oak table in the middle of the room and Mr. Thomas at the end of it.

"Welcome Emily." He said with a polite smile, "Please sit."

I sat down next Jason. I looked around and that's when I noticed it.

"Where's Mrs. Thomas?"

Both of them seemed to tense so I knew I must have said something wrong."

"Mrs. Thomas, she, well, passed away 5 years ago from cancer."

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know. I understand."

"How could you possibly understand?" Jason spatt.

I looked at him with pure hatred in my eyes. "Because both of my parents died just 2 years ago numbnuts."

He looked sorry with what he said and went back to eating. Hmph serves him right.

"How did they die?" Jason asked, still looking at his food.

"I don't really like talking about it."
