Status: Inactive because the author is sick of vampires.



One night of visiting, and here she was, huddling beside her bed, trying not to be noticed by the beast that was killing her parents.

She should have known when she heard the breaking window. Of course something bad was going to happen. Why couldn’t she be less of a coward?

The girl listened as the screams faded and the footsteps came down the hallway. She tried to hold her breath, to avoid notice.

But it was too late.

“Ah, my sister. Home for a visit, are you?” asked a very familiar voice. She had never expected it to be her.

She tried to hold her breath, but the owner of the voice cackled.

“You can try all you like to hide from me, but I can hear your heart beating. You’re never safe, little sister.”

Why wouldn’t she use her name? It had happened since she was young. Always the "sister”, or “little sister”, never called by her real name.

“You know what happens next, don’t you?”

She tried not to think about it.

“You know you’re going to die, too. Just like Mom and Dad.”

She began to cry, softly. Why did it have to end like this?

“Get ready, because here-”

She tensed to run. Could she outrun her sister?


She stood up, already crazy with adrenaline.


The girl ran. The window smashed, and she ran as far and as fast as she could.

But it was too late. She fell, pushed over, and was crushed to the ground.

“Stupid girl,” said her sister, and bit her arm.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope it's suspenseful enough! It won't make any sense with the first chapter, as is the trend with prologues, but it'll make sense in good time. If you like it, please comment! Please make the comment a bit more than "it was good!" or "I liked it" or "I hated it".