
The One And Only.

As Spencer watched his boyfriend sing soulfully on stage, just like every night, he felt himself grin. Patrick always had that effect on the young drummer, ever since the first Fall Out Boy song he ever heard. It was about a year after they were signed, a few weeks after Jon had officially joined them, while they were on tour with Fall Out Boy that, after a drunken night, Spencer told Patrick how he felt.

But the next day, he avoided the older man completely, embarrassed that he’d revealed what was truly in his heart to the man he’d been crushing on since he was 15. He hadn’t realised what he had said until he had woken up, hungover, and it came back to him during his first cup of coffee. He had been horrified.

Every time he saw Patrick that day, he’d hide behind Ryan or Brendon or Jon or whoever was nearest to him, until Patrick left. Brendon kept annoying him about it all day until Jon dragged him off to listen to the Aladdin soundtrack with him, and Ryan was just curled up with his notebook, working on new lyrics.

It was after they performed that night, before Academy went on, that Patrick was waiting for Spencer when he walked off stage. He froze on the edge of the stage, staring straight at Patrick and tried to get around him, hoping to escape to the dressing room or the bus.

But Patrick grabbed his arm, not saying a word, and dragged him to the bathroom. Patrick pulled him in and locked the door. He turned back to Spencer and backed him against a wall. Spencer looked down at him, Patrick was a few inches shorter than him, and he melted at the sight of Patrick’s blue green orbs staring into his own eyes. He had never noticed the green that was in Patrick’s eyes before, but he’d never seen them so close up before.

Patrick ran a hand through Spencer’s hair before stroking it down Spencer’s cheek. The drummer tried not to lean into it, but it was as if there were little sparks in Patrick’s fingers, making him feel good. Patrick smiled at him, keeping his hand on Spencer’s cheek. Spencer brought his hand up to lay on top of Patrick’s.

Patrick brought his hand down, bringing Spencer’s with him and intertwined their fingers. Spencer blushed slightly, looking down at their hands, then looking back up at Patrick.

“I’m glad you said all of that last night.” Patrick whispered, his face moving closer to Spencer’s. “It means I can do this.” Spencer was about to ask what, when Patrick moved his lips onto Spencer’s.

He stood in shock for a few seconds, unmoving. This was what he’d dreamed about since he was 15, what he imagined while he was jerking off, why the hell was he acting like a statue now? Patrick pulled away, looking into Spencer’s eyes. “Are you gonna fucking kiss me back or not?” Patrick asked.

Spencer didn’t expect a curse word to pass lips like Patrick’s, but he wasn’t going to pass up this moment. He moved forward, bringing a hand to the back of Patrick’s head, pulling him closer towards him.

They had taken things slowly since that day. Spencer started to spend a lot of time on the Fall Out Boy bus, and in particular Patrick’s bunk. The two of them would spend a lot of time in there, making out lazily. Neither of them wanted to rush into things, and they certainly didn’t want to rush into sex.

The day the tour ended, they were grateful for it. By that time, they’d been together for 5 weeks. Spencer was going to head back to Vegas for 2 weeks to visit his family, then he’d fly out to Chicago and stay with Patrick and Bob. They’d been staying at the same apartment while Bob had been working on My Chem’s new album, and they had decided they keep the same living arrangements for a while longer.

Spencer’s family had always been accepting of his being gay. He’d come out to his parents when he was 16, and he’d hoped they wouldn’t throw him out. But they had accepted it with ease. That’s why he loved his family, they were so easy going, so laid back. They didn’t even raise an eyebrow when Brendon brought Nate over, who he‘d started dating a week or so into the tour. They accepted everyone for who they were.

So when he told them that he was dating Patrick, Ginger’s first question was when were they going to meet him. When Spencer had spoken to Patrick later that night, he told him about the conversation he’d had with his parents. Patrick had laughed at their reactions. They were on the phone for 2 hours when they both told the other they loved them and hung up.

The next day, around 2, there was a knock on the door and Spencer answered it, wondering who it was. As soon as he opened the door, his jaw dropped. Patrick walked towards him and hugged him, planting a kiss on his frozen lips.

“What are you doing here?” Spencer asked.

Patrick shrugged. “Well, I decided that two weeks without you would make me feel shitty. So here I am.” He replied, kissing the boy with more force than before. Spencer kissed him back, happy to be in his boyfriend’s arms again.

But the moment was somewhat ruined when Crystal walked past the pair of them and decided to shout out “Spencer’s boyfriend’s here!” And then Patrick was dragged into the house and introduced to the rest of Spencer’s family.

That night, when they were laying in bed, Patrick told Spencer that he liked his family, that they were cool. Spencer grinned and replied that his family all loved him too. He let his fingers trail up and down Patrick’s shirt, before sneaking his hand under the shirt. He felt Patrick shiver and he looked up at him.

He wasn’t wearing a hat, which Spencer felt privileged to see, and he had his glasses on still. He had stripped down to his boxers and left his shirt on. Spencer, on the other hand, was wearing Patrick’s hat, he loved wearing Patrick’s hats, and a pair of boxers.

Spencer always felt a little self conscious about his stomach, after he’d heard some people talking about how he was the fat one in the band, but Patrick loved it. He said that people didn’t have to be thin like Pete or Ryan or William Beckett to be a nice person, and that Spencer wasn’t fat at all. There was tiniest bit of podge on his stomach, but Patrick refused to let Spencer call himself fat.

Patrick, on the other hand, was more self conscious about his weight. But Spencer decided that if Patrick helped him, he’d help Patrick. He pulled Patrick’s shirt up more, then leant down to kiss his stomach. He kissed higher and higher until he was pulling Patrick’s shirt off. Patrick looked away from him, blushing slightly, but Spencer pulled his head round softly so he was looking into the blue green orbs that he adored.

“Beautiful.” He whispered. “You’re beautiful.” Then he kissed Patrick gently. He ran his hand up and down Patrick’s chest, scratching ever so slightly. Patrick pulled the hat from Spencer’s head and threw it across the room.

They fell asleep in each others arms that night, grateful for more comfort than a single bunk they’d shared for the past few weeks. When Patrick woke up, Spencer was kissing his neck gently. He smiled and pulled him up to kiss him gently on the lips.

For each tour that took Spencer and Patrick away from each other, the two of them would be on the phone for at least 2 hours each day. Brendon was always trying to make Spencer happy when he was in a foul mood, but when Ryan saw these moods, he merely used Spencer’s phone to call Patrick and passed it to him.

Spencer noticed that while they were on tour, Ryan and Brendon had been getting closer. Spencer reminded Ryan that Brendon was dating Nate still but Ryan just shrugged it off, going off to write more lyrics or hiding in his bunk with an acoustic. Jon, being Jon, was usually off getting high with some of the other guys from the other bands while this was happening.

When they both got time off at the same time, Spencer flew to Chicago as a surprise. When Patrick opened the door, Spencer jumped on him, kissing him.

That was the first night they had sex. Patrick had tried to make it special, but since they kept being interrupted by Pete or Jon ringing them, it didn’t turn out to be quite the special night either of them expected. But they’d made it special, just with the two of them.

When they were on Decaydance fest, they’d got a tour bus for just the two of them. The back lounge was filled practically with Patrick’s equipment. He’d started producing albums so they decided to keep all of it in there.

The tour went well, and when it ended, they began writing again. Ryan had written more songs about love. It wasn’t until after Spencer read these songs when he found out that brendonandnate weren’t just that anymore. They were brendonandnateandryan.

When Pretty Odd was released, Patrick and Spencer spent a week together before Spencer went on tour. That was when Patrick asked Spencer to move in with him. Bob had moved out about a year ago and Patrick had moved into a house. Spencer had told him yes straight away, jumping into his lap.

After the tour, Spencer had moved into Patrick’s house and they’d spent 3 months together off tour. Then when they’d started touring again, they had a tour bus to themselves again, but this time they had a bedroom instead of a back lounge.

It was a few tours later that the I Don’t Care (If I’m A Womanizer) remix was released on Pete’s blog. And it was during this song on tour that Spencer was watching Patrick on stage and thinking that he was one lucky mother fucker.

Patrick came off stage and into Spencer’s arms. They kissed gently. “A womanizer, Patrick?” Spencer mumbled against his lips.

“Never.” Patrick replied. “You know that I’m only ever a Spencernizer.”

“I love you, Trick.” Spencer said, nuzzling into his neck.

“I love you too, Spence.” Patrick replied.
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Much Love!

D!ATD xoxo