My Life As A Teenage Spoficus

It's My Birthday And I'll Cry If I Want To!

The day of my birthday arrived. I was soo excited. I was going to have a circus, magician and party games and food. My mum took my to the supermarket NAZDES and I picked my birthday cake. It was a cake in the shape of a Lion with yellow frosting and googley eyes.

Everyone arrived at half-past five and i was wearing a orange princess dress and matching shoes which my mum had boght me and i was carrying the teddy my dad had sent me.

Everyone was laughing when the circus was on and the magician picked georgia(who was wearing a purple dress) to help him with a trick. Afterwards we all had party food including Jelly and Ice-cream(my favourite).

All my friends were huddled in a group whispering and giggling and i knew something was going on. I struted over to them and they ignored me and when they finally talked to me it was to tell me that they weren't my friends anymore and that they weren't talking to me anymore. After the party i cried myself to sleep in my bedroom holding my teddy firmly in my hands. I thought about my friends list now:

1. My Orange Teddy
2. My mum
3.My dad

After thinking i burst into tears and nothing could stop them they just came out like a river that had flooded. I didn't go to school the next day. I was too upset.