There's No Snow in Southern California

Chapter 1

"Kaden!" My mother shouted from the other side of my bedroom door, waking me up. I groaned, letting her know I heard her. I opened my eyes and stared at my ceiling. Today was my last day here. My last day in my beloved home of Boston. My last day in a New England summer. My last day with my best friend, Hailey, and my boyfriend of one year, Caleb. Don't think about it Kaden. Just don't think about it. If you don't think about it, you won't have another breakdown.

Tomorrow, my parents and I were flying across the country to live in some town in Southern California. I'm not going to lie, I was a little bit excited about it. There will be way more job opportunties for me out there. You see, my life lies in music. I love it, I breathe it. I think I might actually die without it. I've been playing guitar and writing my own songs since I was eight. Now I'm eighteen, a senior in high school.

"Kaden! Get up!" My mother shouted again, knocking rapidly on my door. Jesus, woman! I'm up!

"I'm awake!" I shouted, sitting up in bed. I ran my fingers through my medium length black hair, trying to get it under control. My bangs were probably sticking in every direction. I made my way to the bathroom, tripping on my cat as I went.

"Tink! Jesus!" I said. Did I mention I'm extremely clumsy?

I took a long shower, trying to wake up. Walking back to my room wrapped in a towel, I got dressed. I decided on a pair of green shorts and a yellow tank top with some black flip flops.

I walked downstairs to be met with my parents sitting down at the dining room table.

"Its awake." My dad said, faking amazement.

"Shut up." I said, grabbing a water from the fridge. "Do you guys mind if I spend today with Hailey and Caleb?"

My parents exchanged a look. I just rolled my eyes. They don't approve of Caleb, just because he has a few tattoos and his eyebrow and tongue pierced. Actually, they thought he was a girl the first time I brought him home. I think it was the long hair and black eye makeup. You should've seen their faces. It was great. But today's my last say here. I'm spending it with my best friend and my boyfriend.

"Sure, honey." My mom said. Yes! I wouldn't have to argue with them. "We'll finish packing while you're out."

I nodded and turned on my heel, leaving my parents in the dining room.
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so this is a new story that i decided to start. sorry this chapter is so short.
and the jonas brothers will be involved in this story, don't worry =]
also, picture caleb as bill kaulitz. if you don't know who he is, google him or look at my page
anyways, leave a comment!