There's No Snow in Southern California

Chapter 10

"Kaden! I know you've just unpacked and everything, but c'mon! Hurry up!" Raine shouted from my downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back. I quickly shoved my beach towel into my beach bag and slipped into my converse. I shoved my sunglasses on as I ran down the stairs, and said good-bye to my mom. "See you later, Mom!"

"Alright, dear! Not too late!" She shouted back, from where she sat in the home office.

"Finally!" Kennedy exclaimed as I reached where she and Raine were standing at the bottom of the stairs. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Edward Cullen? Really?" I said as I caught sight of her beach bag. I rolled my eyes. Personally, I'm Team Jacob all the way.

"Jacob's better." I stage whispered to her as I ran out the door.

"Is not!" She answered, her and Raine following me.

I got in the driver's seat of my new black '69 Ford Mustang Boss with an awesome hood scoop. Okay, so it wasn't exactly new. It's vintage. I guess its just new to me. This is what happens when your daddy gets a nice big promotion. But, hey I'm not complaining. This car is my baby.

"Okay, where am I going?"

"I'll just tell you when to turn right and left. It will be just like Driver's Ed again!" Raine said excitedly, smiling.


After a few wrong turns, we finally arrived at the beach. I parked my car and got out. Ahh, there's just no place on the planet like the beach. The sound of the waves, the smell of the water, the sun shining off the sand and water.

Raine jumped out of the car and ran onto the sand. Kennedy and I followed. Once we caught up to her, we dropped our bags on the white sand. I got out my towel and started laying it out.

Kennedy shoved her shorts and flip flops into her bag and said, "I think I'm gonna go for a walk, maybe look for some sand dollars. Any one want to come?"

"Sure, I'm up for that." Raine answered, throwing her shorts onto her bag.

"Um, I think I'm just gonna chill here for a while, if you don't mind." I answered. I really just wanted to soak up the sun right now.

"Okay. We'll see you later." Kennedy and Raine headed off down the beach.

Once I got my towel all straight, I slid out of my converse and used them as weights to hold it down. So it doesn'y blow away, you know? Then I slipped out of my shirt and shorts and rolled them into a makeshift pillow. I threw them down on my towel and layed down on it. I slid my sunglasses over my eyes and closed them.

Ahh. This is definitely my type of relaxation. And the day was absolutely perfect. Not too cool, not too hot. Not too windy, and not a cloud in the sky. Hey, what the-

"Oh, well hello there." A familiar voice said. I groaned.

"Move, Joe. You're in my sun." I said back, not bothering with a hello.

"Hey now, that's not a very nice way to treat a celebrity." He answered. I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I don't care if you're famous, you're hogging my sun. Move." I said again, this time a little bit louder. Maybe this time he would listen to me.

"Fine, fine." He moved -finally- and I could hear him walking around. I was kind of curious to see what he was doing, but not so intrigued to bother looking. I opened my eyes as I turned over to let my back tan some.

"Ahh!" I screamed. Joe was laying down way too close to me, his towel practically overtaking my own. "You're such a sketchball!"

All he did was smirk. I don't think he knows just how infuriating he can be. And I haven't even known him for more than a couple of days.

"Soo..." He started. I looked over at him.


"Wanna go for a walk?" Gah, what is it with these people and walks?

"Not particularly." I said simply.

"Oh c'mon, why not?" He whined. Great, he's a five year old too. I sighed.

"Because, I want to work on my tan. I'm not all naturally tan like all you people."

"Bullshit. You're plenty tan." I raised my eyebrows at him. Really? Cause I am definitely albino compared to you.

"Yeah, sure."

"I'm serious! C'mon, Kaden, please? Take a walk with me?" He stood up and offered his hand to me. I groaned.

"Fine, fine." I grumbled, taking his hand and allowing him to help me up. Once I was standing, he started off down the beach.

"Hey! Wait a sec, let me pull on my shorts!" I yelled after him. He turned around, a confused expression on his face.

"Shorts? Why do you need to put on your shorts? We're at the beach." He held his arms out wide, as if I didn't know what a beach was.

"Cause I feel awkward walking around without them, okay?" I said, a bit aggrivated as I pulled them on. "I didn't even want to go on this damn walk."

"Yeah, yeah. Just c'mon."

I followed him, crossing my arms across my chest. All I wanted to do today was tan. But noo.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kaden's Outfit
Kennedy's Outfit
Raine's Outfit
I liked this chapter. :D
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