There's No Snow in Southern California

Chapter 11

Joe and I walked in silence down the beach. My arms were still crossed against my chest. Just because he got me to go on a walk with him doesn't mean I have to talk to him. I can't help it if I'm stubborn.

"So..." Joe said quietly. I looked at him from under my sunglasses. He sighed. He knew I wasn't going to make this easy. Cause well, that would be too easy.

We continued walking in silence. I waded a little bit into the water, letting the waves glide over my feet. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Joe wringing his hands nervously. I hope he's not thinking about starting conversation again.

"Why do you hate me so much?" He said quietly, I almost couldn't hear him over the waves. I stopped and turned to look at him. He looked really genuinely sad. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot. Not to mention I'm not one for second chances. Or how you need a serious attitude adjustment." I said simply. He just nodded his head and continued walking. I followed.

"I am sorry, you know. About kind of spying on you." He glanced over at me.

"Yeah, you better be. How'd you like it if someone was spying on you!" I said back.

"Actually, it'd be like every other day. I am famous, you know." He said smugly. I scowled at him.

"See! This is what I'm talking about! The constant I'm-Joe-Jonas-the-famous-rockstar-and-I-can-do-whatever-I-want-and-I-have-no-sense-of-manners attitude!" I retaliated. He stepped back from me, his eyes widening.

"Sorry, sorry." He said, holding his hands up.

"Mhm." I murmured. I'd heard that before. Joe and I came upon an abandoned lifeguard station. Oh I love these! I ran up to it and climbed up the ladder. I could hear him following me.

When I reached the top I turned around and faced the ocean. I sat down on the worn wooden floor as Joe reached the top. He sat down next to me.

It was turning to late afternoon, so the sun was turning the sky a pretty orange color, and the water was sparkling like a Cullen.

"Its so pretty." I breathed.

"Yes, you are." He whispered. I turned to look at him but it was too late. We were sitting too close together, and I didn't see it coming.

Within about two seconds flat, Joe had his lips pressed against mine. My body froze, while my mind melted. I couldn't even form a thought. Even the most basic, like "My favorite color is purple." And then, my lips started moving with his. It was almost like...magic. Sorry for the cliche.

"HOLY CRAPITY CRAP!" Someone shouted from the beach. I pulled away from Joe, gasping for breath.

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Lol, I liked this chapter. :D
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