There's No Snow in Southern California

Chapter 15

Within a half hour, Kennedy and I had gotten away from school (yes!) and had broken out Raine as well. We were at my house right now, just getting ready to go to the beach. I still hadn't been able to perfect my tan yet. You'd think I could've done that by now.

I wasn't worried about my parents coming home and wondering why I wasn't in school. Today was their 25th anniversary and they had both taken the day off to head to Las Vegas for the day and night. So basically I had the whole house to myself. Which is awesome.

"So they just took off and left you all alone here, and they know you're notorious for throwing parties?" Raine asked me, pulling out a beach towel from the linen closet.

"Yep! Nothing comes in between their anniversary." I smirked.

"That's awesome!" She answered. Kennedy came out of the bathroom at that point, now changed into a turquoise bikini. Raine went into after her to change. I was already into my favorite swim suit, a yellow, black, and white striped bikini.

"This is so much better than Government." Kennedy said. I nodded my head. Anything was better than Government.

Raine returned, and we all headed outside to my Mustang.


"Let's build a sand castle!" I shouted, jumping up and down excitedly. Sand castles are the bestest thing ever!

"But we don't have any pails or anything." Kennedy stated. I waved my hand. We don't need pails.

After a few minutes, we had constructed the basics of a castle. Now for the fun part, decorating! Twenty shells and rocks later, we had a castle that a five year old would call a masterpiece.

I rolled back onto my towel and checked the time. Wow, the day had gone fast, it was already past four o'clock.

"When do you guys have to be home?" I asked. Raine shrugged and Kennedy said before five.

"We should probably leave then." I said, showing them that it was after four. They agreed and we packed up all of our stuff and said goodbye to our castle.

I drove them home and returned to my giant empty house. I sighed as I closed the front door behind me. I had a weird feeling in my stomach, why did I feel like something wasn't right?

I tried to shake away the feeling and took a shower to wash the extra sand off. I changed into a pair of plaid boxer shorts and a white tank top afterwards. I love the feeling of comfy pajamas after a shower. The weird feeling that I had earlier had subsided a little bit, but it was still there.

I headed down to my living room and plopped down on the couch. I must have fallen asleep when I was watching t.v. because when I woke to the sound of pounding on the front door it was dark out. I glanced at the clock, 11:38.

The pounding on the door continued. I sat up groggily and stumbled to the door. More pounding.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I shouted. I pulled open the door to reveal two...cops?

"Yes?" I asked, wondering why they were here.

"Are you Kaden Asher?" The taller cop asked. Glancing at a piece of paper he was holding.

"Yes. Is there a problem, officer?" I responded. What were they doing here this late?

"We're sorry to be calling this late miss, but there has been an accident." My eyes widened as my stomach dropped.

♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh!
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