There's No Snow in Southern California

Chapter 16

"The tractor trailer crushed the car, there was no chance of survival. They died instantly." The cop said to me, his voice trying to be sympathetic. I was sitting on the couch, facing them. The tears were almost instant. This can't be happening.

Memories of when I was a little kid were flashing by. Chasing seagulls on the beach with them laughing behind me. Decorating the Christmas tree with A Charlie Brown Christmas playing on the television. Going on bike rides around Boston.

I squinted my eyes against the pain, thinking of things they would never get to see. Me graduate high school later this year. Going to college, becoming a musician. Getting married. Having kids. They would never meet their grandchildren. Ever.

"Is there any family here that you could stay with? To uh, make arrangements?" One of the cops asked me. I shook my head. Arrangements... I let out a small sob.

"All my family is back east, in Boston," I said with a strained voice. How was I going to tell everyone? How can I focus on midterms with this now? How am I ever going to be able to organize the - the...funeral?

"We're terribly sorry, but we can't stay here much longer. Is there a neighbor you could stay with? For tonight?" The cop said, obviously anxious to get away from the crying, orphaned teenager.

I thought for a second, then nodded. He's not my favorite, but he's the only one I know. The cops seemed satisfied, and departed. I sat there for a few more minutes, just trying to dry my eyes. I looked around the empty house, stood up, and headed next-door.
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So...sad chapter...
Sorry 'bout that.
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