There's No Snow in Southern California

Chapter 8

Several drinks later, Kennedy, Raine, the three Jonas boys - I had finally met Kevin - and myself were gathered in Raine's backyard. We were sitting on the grass under the palm trees. I fell back so I was looking up at the stars. Surprisingly, you could actually see some.

Raine fell back next to me looking up at them too. She was pretty awesome, we had bonded in about two seconds. Basically, we were instant best friends. Pretty much just like instant coffee. Instant and full of caffeine.

"I never figured you could see stars out here." I said, gazing up at the tiny pinpricks of light.

"I know, I thought that too when I first moved here. This is one of the only places you can see them really well. Sometimes I climb onto my roof when I can't sleep and look at them." Raine answered.

"I used to do that all the time!" I said, sitting up in awe. No way had she done that! She was like me in west-coast form!

"NUH-UH!" She shouted, sitting up and facing me. "You're me in east-coast form!"

"OhmyGod! I just thought that you were me in west-coast form!" I shouted, this is insane!

"Holy shit! Where have you been all my life!" She shouted. By this time we were making such a commotion Kennedy and the guys were staring at us.

"Dude! You and me must have the same brain! It makes perfect sense!" I screamed, this information dawning on me.

"Omigawd! You are so right!" She said, her eyes wide with amazement.

"You do know its impossible for you guys to have the same brain, right?" Nick interrupted us.

"Shut up Nick." Raine and I shouted at him in sync.

"Woah!" We said, again.

"Stop doing that!" Okay, this is starting to get freakily like The Parent Trap now.

"Wow, I never met anyone that could keep up with Raine like this." Kennedy said, staring at us in awe. This is just plain insane.

"I Never! We should totally play that game!" I said, looking around at the group. I Never was one of my favorite drinking games.

Everyone agreed, and we got settled in a circle on the grass. Raine had wanted to go first.

"I never went streaking on a class trip before, when the supervisors were within fifteen feet of said streaking." She said, smiling at her creativity. I looked around the circle to see if anyone was going to take a drink. And to my surprise, someone did. Kevin lifted his cup to his mouth and took a gulp, a smile on his lips. Everyone's mouth dropped. Kevin?!

It was silent as we obeyed the rules. No one could question him about it. Continuing in the game Nick was next.

"I never had sex." Oh psht. I rolled my eyes and took a gulp of my drink without even thinking about it. The others just looked at me with wide eyes. What? Were all of them still...ohh.

"Moving on. I never got in a physical fight." Kennedy said, steering the focus away from the last question. I rolled my eyes again, taking another sip, as did Raine and Joe. Of course he's gotten into fights. Cause no one likes you cause you're an ass Joe!

"I never floss." Joe said. I rolled my eyes, he was disgusting. Of course everyone but him drank from their cup.

"I never wore my girlfriend's dress and danced like a slut for her." Kevin said. I cracked up laughing as Nick swore under his breath and took a gulp of his drink as Kennedy's cheeks reddened. Yes! My turn!

"I never went through an entire school year without sneaking out, getting detention, or getting suspended, since third grade." I smiled as everyone but Raine took a sip of their drink. See, me and her were in sync and badasses since third grade.

"Back to the beginning! Yay, my turn! I never have been scared of the dark." Shit, I hate the dark. I took a sip of my drink as well as Kevin. He streaks but is afraid of the dark? Okay...

"I never swore in front of my parents before." Nick said. This is kid for real? Everyone but him took another gulp of their drink. I was starting to get low on mine.

"I never went around school pretending there was a hungry monster in my stomach that went around eating peoples arms." Kennedy said. Woah! How did she know!? I took a gulp of my drink as did Raine. I almost spewed it all over Kevin. She did it too! We looked at each other with wide eyes. This is insane!

"I never sang and danced in front of the mirror naked." Joe said. I smiled as I took the last sip of my drink. All done! Everyone stared at me with wide eyes. What!?

"What?" I said. Now the game is over we can actually talk about it.

"You've done that?" Joe exclaimed. I shrugged.

"Yeah its fun. You should try it sometime."

"Maybe I will." He said, smirking. Okay, maybe he wasn't that bad.
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i had so much fun with this chapter.
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