There's No Snow in Southern California

Chapter 9

I felt someone nudging my shoulder, pushing me off the side of the couch a little bit. I groaned, it is too early to wake up.

"Kaden, Kaden!" Someone said groggily trying to wake me up. All I did was turn over and bury my head further into the side of the pillow.

"Fuck off." I said, my voice muffled by the couch's pillow.

"No, get up!" I was shoved harder now, the force knocking me off the couch and onto the floor.

"What the fuck!" I said, rolling over to see who so rudely pushed me off the couch. My eyes narrowed as I saw Kennedy standing over me. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Oh get over it. We have to help Raine clean." Clean? What?

"From the party last night?" Kennedy said slowly, after she saw the confused expression on my face. I made a face of discontent.

"Fine." I got myself up off the floor and followed her into the kitchen. I winced as the bright sunlight streaming through the windows hit my face.

There were plastic cups everywhere, followed by empty chip bags and empty bottles. I inwardly groaned, I hate cleaning.

"Where's Raine?" I asked, stepping over some bottles to get to the fridge. I need water, or I will die of thirst.

"Looking for trash bags."

A few minutes later, Raine returned with a box full of giant trash bags and threw one at Kennedy and myself. I leaned down and started shoving the bottles and cups into my bag. I hope she doesn't recycle, 'cause none of this is coming back out to be sorted through.


"What do you guys want to do today?" Kennedy asked, sprawled out on the patio chaise. We had finished cleaning about an hour ago, and have been bored ever since.

"I dunno, I guess I'm up for anything." Raine said, adjusting her sunglasses.

"I kind of want to hit the beach. Its gorgeous out, and I want to work on my tan." I said.

Kennedy and Raine agreed, and we all got up to get ready.

Off to the beach!
♠ ♠ ♠
i'm so sorry that i havent been updating that frequently, but i'm going to be trying to alot more.
anyways, this is kind of a filler, just so i can get back into the swing of things.
so, i hope you liked!
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