Then There Was You

Oh, She Makes Me Feel Like Shit

Alex's POV

I stood there holding my newly red cheek. She slapped me.

She slapped me.

The rest of the band, as well as the other girls waiting to talk to us, just stared at me. I was shocked. I stared at her as she stormed off, shaking her hips angrily. Her friend stood there, more shocked then I was.

"I am so sorry, Mr. Gaskarth. My name is Mandy. I don't know what got into Ellie. She had no right to do that" she explained.

Ellie. That was her name.
Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

"Wow" I said in a low tone as Mandy walked away.

"Dude, what the hell did you say to her?" Jack asked

"Who?" I asked.

"Who? Um, the girl that slapped you?".

"I told her she was acting like a bitch" I said, still staring at the exit Ellie walked out of. Jack laughed.

"Dude, that's funny" he said.

"Yeah. I think I'm in love with her" I said kidding. Jack laughed even more walking away. But I didn't laugh with him. I stood there, still staring at the same spot she walked out of, imagining who this girl truly was. The thought of me ever being with a girl that wears Hollister is pretty funny. I've always been with different girls. The girls that wear Converse shoes and die their hair red and blue. Girls like that interested me to the extreme.

This preppy uptight chick that looks down her nose at a freak like me. Was I really starting to like her? I fell out of my daze and walked back to where the other girls were, thinking about how I could possibly like a girl like her. Like Ellie. After I finished with the last few people, I looked at the Street Team Sign Up sheet. I looked down the list. No Ellie, surprise, surprise. I saw Mandy's name on there, though. Thoughts started racing through my head. I should get on this.

You can't take her number from the sheet and call her.

Why the hell not?

It's pointless. Do you really think she'll give you Ellie's number?

After the positive and negative thoughts ran through my head, I decided that this was my last chance to get to Ellie. Coz I know she'd never come to one of our concerts again.

When no one was looking, I grabbed the sheet and put Mandy's number in my phone. This was my last chance at anything I would have with Ellie. I mean, Ellie probably wouldn't want to go out with a guy who called her a stuck up bitch but hey, I might as well try, right? After I secured Mandy's number in my phone, I snapped it shut and stuck it into my pocket. I turned back around to see Jack staring at me, grinning.

"What?" I asked him.

"Damn. You do like Hollister, don't you?" he said.

"Shut up" I said walking away, pushing him out of my way. I walked backstage to get my guitar. Jack followed me.

"Answer the question" he asked.

"What question?" I said

"You wanna fuck Hollister, right?" he said.

"Shut the hell up, okay?" I told him. I put the guitar in its case and walked out into the parking lot. There were a few more girls that wanted autographs and pictures. They were my type of girls. The girls I was supposed to be with. Black clothing from head to foot, red and blue streaks, some with too many tattoos. These were the girls that I need to end up with. Not some preppy high school chick. That was really pretty. And smart. And had enough common sense to stick up for herself...

I do like her.

Damn it.
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Everything I Ask For -- The Maine
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