Then There Was You

She'll Be The Death of You

Alex's POV

"Then why are you calling me?" she asked.


She was good at this.
What do I say to that?

"To annoy the hell out of you. Why else?" I said.

"Coz you like me. I'll accept the fact that I'm a stuck up bitch if you accept the fact that you like a stuck up bitch" she threw out.

"If you think I'm into you, you're crazy" was all I could say. I could practically feel her grinning that stupid smile through the phone. She'd won. But how could that happen? Where did I go wrong?

"Nice comeback" she said. I had already lost.

There were two ways to go about this:
a) I could ask her out right now or b) I could keep playing this back and forth match with her and see where it goes. Well, let's think.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with b.

"Thanks" I said sarcastically.

"So, was there any other purpose to this call or what?" she asked. Now she was just being a bitch on purpose.

"Just wanted to see if you had adjusted your attitude at all. Seems that you haven't" I replied.

"No, actually I've been doing better. Any chance of you changing your freak ways?" she asked.

"I'm not a freak" I said.

"Yeaaaaah you are, Alex" she said.

"Okay next topic, are you coming to our next concert or what?" I asked.

"So I can stand out like a weirdo?" she asked.

"No. So you can drool all over yourself when you see me walk on stage" I said.
Ha. Ball was back in my court.

"Well that wouldn't happen if I did come, just so you know" she said.

"If you did? That means you might?" I asked.

"I don't have any extra cash to get tickets".

"Well what if I just gave you some?" I threw in with out thinking.

"And why would you do that? I mean, you're not into me, right?" she said.
Me and my big mouth.

"Nope. Maybe I just need someone to make fun of" I said.

"Well how about this? I'll go to your next concert if you tell me, right now, that you want me there because you need to see me" she said.

Oh fuck.
That was a non-escapable trap.

"No way!" I said.

"Well then I guess I'm not going" she said.

"Psshhh fine then. Later" I said hanging up.

I wasn't going to beg her.

No matter how badly I wanted to see her.

I'm Alex fucking Gaskarth.

I don't do begging...

...damn it!
Here it goes. I picked up my phone and sent her a text:

I really want you there, okay? I need to see you.

Ugh. I can't believe I actually just did that. A few moments later, I received a response:

What should I wear? Coz I don't think my Hollister shirts are going to work.

Yesssss. She was gonna go. Sure I had to grovel but hey, she was gonna go. I texted back:

Don't change at all. Concert is at 7 tomorrow night at the same hall. Come to the merch table before to get a ticket.

Another few moments went by:

Should I bring Mandy?

Ugh. I liked her but I wanted some time with just Ellie. I'll get Jack to hang out with her or something.

Yeah sure. That's fine.

Okay. Ellie is coming tomorrow night.
This will definitely be a night to remember.
♠ ♠ ♠
The Way We Talk -- The Maine
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Keep the feedback coming (: