Then There Was You

You're Taking Me Places I've Never Been

Alex’s POV

As soon as we started driving, I put on the radio.

I got your picture, I’m coming with you
Dear Maria, count me in.
There’s a story at the bottom of this bottle
And I’m the pen.

Ellie looked up at me quickly.

“Isn’t this your song?” she asked.

“You remembered?” I said.

“Haha yeah I guess I’m getting better at that” she said. I couldn’t help but smile at her.

“So if you didn’t listen to our kind of music, what kind of music were you into?” I asked.

“Pop music really. Taylor Swift, Miranda Cosgrove, Demi Lovato” she answered.

“Aaaaand who the hell are they?”.

“Like…Britney Spears stuff” she cleared up.

“Oh. Eww” I said with a fake disgusted face. She nudged me playfully and giggled. She had no clue that it was the little stuff like that that drove me absolutely crazy.

“There’s nothing wrong with them” she said.

“Oh yeah. You’re right” I said. Then pretended to hold back throwing up.

“Ha Ha. You’re funny” she said sarcastically. I smiled at her as I got on the freeway.

“Where are we going?” she asked.


“Downtown?! I have to be home soon” she said.

“I’ll get you home soon. I promise”.

“Right. Like you promised I’d get home last night. And I didn’t” she said. I looked at her.

“Yeah but you had fun last night regardless” I said with a devilish grin.

“It was….alright I guess” she said.

“What?! I’m amazing!! What are you talking about it?!” I asked. She laughed.

“Yeah, I said you were alright” she said again.

“Whatever. You know I’m fuc-- um-- I’m amazing so whatever” I said.

“You don’t cuss anymore. Why?”.

"Coz, coz...I'm just trying to watch my language, okay?" I said. She scoffed.

"Liar" she said. I had to break a smile.

“Coz I like when you smile, okay?” I said. She looked at me and blushed.

“Yknow, you blush more than anyone I’ve ever met” I said. This caused her to blush even more.

“See? There you go again” I said. She hit me.

“You don’t need to be embarrassed in front of me. For anything. We’re pretty much past that stage” I said.

“Yeah I know. It’s just….” she stammered out.

“What?” he asked.

“……I had no clue that you were so important to all these star struck girls” she said.

“What? What are you talking about?” I asked again.

“When Mandy found out I slept over at your house, she freaked. When she saw I was wearing your clothes this morning, she freaked even more. I had no clue you were that big of a deal” she said.

“Wow. Thanks” I added.

“You know what I mean. Of course you’re a big deal to me now but I had no idea like, how big your band was” she explained.

“Hollister, we’re not that big of a deal. I mean, yeah, we have some dedicated fans but we’re not exactly Green Day or Blink 182 either” I said, pulling into a parking lot. As we got out of the car, there were a few girls who became still as statues as soon as they saw me. They freaked. Ellie looked at me.

“Oh yeah, you’re not a big deal at all. You just freaked out those girls” she said. I laughed as the girls decided to come over.
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Phone Call -- Forever The Sickest Kids
neeeeeew layout (:
short update. but the next update is gonna be a good one.
already know what i'm gonna do (:
comments would be lovely<3