Diamond Girl


“You are such a fucking idiot!”

“What the hell Peter?!” I yelled as he pushed my pencils from my desk. “Don't be mean!” I pouted.

“Well you make things difficult.” He threw his hands up, “what happened to the plan?!”

“Well, I decided not to go with it, it was stupid.”

“So you wrote a letter?”

“Yes! Why did I have to light his lawn on fire to say something?” I asked exasperated, as he began mocking me.

“I've heard it all before, blahblah, you've got a pretty face and I guess you can sing alright.”

“This just confused him even more!”

“He's confused? What about me?!” I rolled my eyes. “And besides he has a stupid girlfriend anyway.”

“You guys are so...I don't even know! You've known each other what, a few weeks and you've been here there and everywhere--” “You mean he has.” “--and you're so stubborn!”

“Look, this can just be the end of it, conversation over, let's never mention the last two weeks again.” I said, balancing on my chair.

I watched as he thought it over. I was just about to prompt him again when the door slammed open and I squeaked as I toppled backwards on the chair, hitting my head on the wall and ending up on the ground.

“Ow...” I moaned, reaching up to touch my head, my fingers coming away red.

Someone pulled my hand away gently, “You're so clumsy bonita.”

I flinched and pulled my head away.

“That looks nasty.” Pete said, “Maybe you should go to the hospital.”

“No! I'm fine.” I protested, trying nto get up and only proving him right as I stumbled.

“I'll take her.” Gabe said, shifting his arm around my waist to hold me up.

“I'm fine!” I growled, but they wouldn't have any of it.

“Here, hold this to your head.” Pete gave me some tissues, “it's still bleeding.”

Somehow I got from my office to a car, not remembering any of the journey. There was an awkward silence in the car and I looked out the window uncomfortably, knowing this whole thing was my fault.

When we got to the hospital he helped me inside without saying anything and we sat in silence in the waiting room. When I was finally called to see a doctor he looked at my head, before deciding it needed stitches, which was when I kinda freaked out.

“What?! You're not going to shave my hair off are you?!” I looked at him horrified and Gabe burst out laughing.

“No, we don't need to go that far.” He said with a smile. “Now I'll just get you to come sit over here...”

He dabbed the cut with antiseptic and I flinched as he began cleaning it out. Tears welled in my eyes and I grabbed Gabe's hand feeling like a big wimp. “Now i'll just put in a general anesthetic...”

I felt him begin stitching my skin back together a few minutes later and he started talking to Gabriel. “Now you can't leave her alone, she has a minor concussion. She should be fine sleeping but someone has to be with her.”

I tuned in and out of the conversation, just hearing bits and pieces until it was time to leave.

We got in the car in silence and he drove in silence, but when we reached my house he finally spoke.

“Tayla's home right?”

I shook my head, “she's at her boyfriend's for the night, but I'll be fine.” I started getting out the car.

“You can't even walk straight.” He sighed, “and the doctor told me not to leave you alone, you have a concussion.”

“I can walk just fine!” I growled, before stumbling and grabbing onto the porch railing.

“Look I'm going to make sure you don't die in your sleep, god, just let me help you!”

I sighed, handing him my house keys.

It was already 6 o'clock and I wasn't hungry anymore so I just began climbing the stairs to my bedroom. I lay down on my side as to keep from putting pressure on my head and decided to just go to sleep as I was.

I felt the bed sink beside me and arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me backwards. I tried to tell myself I couldn't be bothered arguing with him, that I was too tired, that he was too stubborn. But when it came down to it, I knew exactly why I was content to sleep with his arms around me, feeling safe. Because I liked it. I liked him.
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hi there (:
let me know how you liked it, as always.