Status: Complete (:

You're Attractive but Bitter

All The Way?

We went down slowly hand in hand as soon as I paid for everything. And with each step that I took, I began to feel really nervous for some freaky reason. I’ve never been with a girl like Kate so I guess that’s why I’m acting this way. Well there could be hundreds and thousands of reasons out there but it all comes back to just one of them. I’m in love with her. I’m not falling for her. I’m freaking in love with Kate Nixon. This was something entirely new to me. An experience that maybe, can last longer than I think it would but let’s not push it to its limits. For one, I’m scared and well I’ve never been scared like this before but the reason behind this feeling is that I fear that I might end up losing her in the end. I try to think positive and be optimistic but all the negatives beat the positives out of my head and well it’s insane because I wasn’t really what you would call a pessimist. I’ve never really had this kind of self esteem and low self confidence but I guess that’s what she makes me feel when I’m around her. She makes me feel weak and I’m beginning to think I’m a loss for words. Not just anyone’s, but hers. It’s really mind boggling to think that a guy like me could be with a great and exceptional girl like her and trust me, I don’t believe it either but since I’m not really a think-three-steps-ahead kinda guy, I’ll just live in the now with her right by my side.

“Hey, you think we can crash at my place first? You know before I bring you home?” I asked her hoping that I’d get the answer I wanted the most.

“Uh, yea, sure, why not?” she said and she smiled brightly and we went in to the car.

“So, what did you think about our first date?” I asked her and grabbed her hand as soon as we were on the open road. I was driving an automatic vehicle so shifting wasn’t really a problem.

“It was amazing. I’ve never had anything like it,” she said and I looked at her and we exchanged glances for a little while and then I had to put my eyes back on the road.

“Well, I’m glad you like what I did,” I said and she snuggled in close to me and we stayed just like that until the car ride was over.

Once the car was parked in the garage, I looked over at her noticing that she had fallen asleep. I smiled at her recognizing how very cute she was in the state she was in. She was so vulnerable and oh so beautiful and well I don’t want to take advantage of her like this. That’s not me anymore. Well it’s not like I took advantage of a girl that was unconscious I mean that would be sick but I did take advantage of girls who were drunk or maybe half sober but what can I say? I was in the same state.

I carried Kate inside and shut the door quietly with my foot once I got in. I set her down on the couch and washed myself and waited for her to wake up. She twisted and twirled around the couch a lot and it was kinda funny to see her do that. So since I had nothing better to do, I sat on the lazy boy beside the couch and made myself comfortable as I shut my eyes and slept.


The last thing I remembered was being in the car after the sweetest date of my life. It totally turned my crappy day around and I was happy that he thought of something really romantic. After that, I kinda shut my eyes and slept while he was driving and when I woke up, I noticed I was lying on a couch which wasn’t mine and the sun was shining brightly outside. Once it hit me that I actually slept here in a house that clearly wasn’t mine, I felt a tinge of shock and worry. I looked around and saw that Caleb was there sleeping as well. I began to calm down a bit and then I checked my phone that was in my pocket the whole night. I noticed that I received tons of calls, text messages and voice mails and whatever. I expected it all to be from my mother but she wasn’t the only one calling. Kyle and Blake were on the list as well which kinda surprised me. At least we didn’t fool around last night meaning I don’t really have to explain much about why I was missing to my mom.

I checked the clock that was on the table beside the couch and saw that it was 8:30 A.M. My mother should be awake by now. So I called her using the speed dial and she picked up after the first few rings. I walked out of the living room so that I wouldn’t worry about waking Caleb up.

“Mom?” I said as soon as she picked up.

“Kate, where are you?!? Do you know that your father and I are worried sick and-“

“Mom, I’m really sorry. I kinda fell asleep in a friend’s house and don’t worry, I’m okay nothing happened I was just really tired and he helped me by putting all my worried to rest.” I said cutting my panicking mom off and explaining to her briefly about my absence.

“Well, your friend could have brought you back here,” my mother said starting to calm down.

“But he was tired as well and his house was the nearest,” I said hoping she wouldn’t think about the wrong thing.

“He’s just your friend right?” she asked in a voice just above a whisper. I’m guessing my father was in the room.

“Yea, he is actually,” I said and my mother sighed.

“Okay then, be back before or after lunch then,” she said and I smiled to myself.

“Okay, bye mom. See you later,” I said and waited for her reply before I ended the call.

While Caleb was sleeping, I examined his house by going around and in the rooms. It was a pretty neat house and I was beginning to feel at home. I went down the stairs and in to the basement and saw all kinds of musical equipment. I guess they practiced here as well. Once I went up the stairs, I went back to the living room and noticed that he wasn’t in the chair he was sleeping in anymore.

“Good morning,” he said from the left side of the house which was the kitchen.

“Hey,” I said as I entered the room. I placed my arms around his neck and kissed him.

“Mmm, I think I might need that every morning,” he said as soon as we inched apart.

“Very funny,” I said placing my arms back to my side.

I sat on the seat that was next to me and he sat on the one beside mine. He had a pretty neat kitchen and a really cool island right in the middle. There was a TV on the counter that was beside the fridge and a dinner table that was able to hold at least six people beside the island. He smiled at me once he knew what I was doing.

“What?” I said and without another word, he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me lightly on the lips. We started to get up and then it got out of hand. He pushed me up against a wall and well I guess we all know where this is headed…
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