Status: Complete (:

You're Attractive but Bitter

Not Even Close


Wow, my prayers have been answered and well I never really expected this to happen but we were walking towards the living room and we landed right on the couch. Our lips never inched apart that far and everything was just falling right in to place. She started removing my jacket and I took off her shirt. She had the hottest body on earth. I rubbed her side up and down as our lips moved in sync. This was just getting better and better. She was tugging on my belt and then took it off in just one try. To tell you the truth I was impressed. She knew exactly how to do these things and you’d never really expect that once you see a face as innocent and naïve as hers but looks can be deceiving sometimes.

By now, we were both in our undergarments and I was about to make the first move. I was wearing my boxers so I didn’t really have to take that off. She placed her arms around my neck and lifted herself up so we wouldn’t inch apart. My hands were slipping down her sides to the hem of her panties when suddenly, the door opened without a warning.

“What the fuck are you too doing?!” Blake exclaimed as soon as he came in to the living room. I pulled away to look up at him and then that’s when he pushed me off of Kate.

“Blake!” Kate said getting up and walking towards him. Blake couldn’t stand looking at her so he just looked at the vase that was on the table on his right side. “You can’t just barge in like that,” she said and Blake ducked down to hand her some of her clothes.

“You’re not even supposed to be here at this hour,” he said giving her the last of her garments. Lucky for him, I didn’t unhook her bra just then.

I finally stood up and placed on my shirt. “She’s right dude. If you weren’t my friend, you’d be trespassing.” I said boldly and he stomped around Kate and walked towards me.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” he said completely ignoring the question I just asked him.

“Nothing,” I said looking him in the eye. It was clear to see that anger raged in them.

“Are you sure about that? Because the way I see it, you don’t have any respect for anyone! Not even yourself!” Blake exclaimed. I hated it when he said shit like that.

“It’s not what you think,” I said trying to keep my calm.

“Oh yea? Then why’d Jonathan hand you some money right after you left the scene with Kate?” he asked and I sighed and looked over at Kate who wore a devastated look on her face.

“Look, I can explain.” I said walking towards Kate. I tried to grab her hand but she quickly tore them away from my grasp. She was fully clothed by now and she was ready to walk out the door as tears fell from her light blue eyes.

“Go ahead, explain yourself,” Blake said from behind me. I looked back at him and back at Kate but from the look on her face, she really didn’t want to hear it.

“Just save it okay, I wouldn’t know if what you will say is true or false anyway,” she finally spoke. She sobbed her way outside with Blake behind her. I sat on the couch and waited for them to shut the door.

Once I heard the door slam shut, I just stared at the ceiling and thought about what the hell just happened. Was it all a coincidence or did someone ask Blake to come up here and check up on me. Or maybe he just wanted to ask about the money. All the more, making me feel like a dumb idiot. That bet wasn’t meant to hurt anyone and it definitely wasn’t meant to hurt her. I mean I thought that secrecy might help the subject but it only ended up being exposed. I hated bad endings but hey, probably this is just a brand new beginning for me. Maybe there’s still some kinda hope if I stay patient and change my ways. But well right now, I don’t think I’m even close to being that new guy I’d thought I would become.


I never thought that something as stupid and idiotic as this could ever happen to someone like me who did nothing but live a life and try to make everyone happy. I was nothing but a good person but I’m not saying that I deserve all the good things in the world. I’m just saying that it’s not fair that I get to be treated like a game. I’m a human being for crying out loud. And from what I’ve been told, each and every human being in this world should be given an equal amount of respect because, well, we are all of the same kind. When I found out that Kyle and Blake were right about Caleb, I felt as if the whole world sank before my very eyes. I hardly expected all that crap they said about Caleb would be true and now that I know exactly what Caleb is, I regret all the times where Kyle asked me to stay away from him and me just ignoring the words by letting it all pass through one ear and out the other. I should’ve listened and told myself that he was who he was and that he wouldn’t change for me because I’m nothing but a senseless toy for him to play with but I won’t let that happen again. Once was enough. I’ve learned my lesson the hard way and now, it’s about time to make up for all the things I’ve missed.

“You okay there?” Blake asked me softly as I climbed in his car. He was standing right outside my space of the car and watching me intently as another tear sprung from my eye.

“I’m fine,” I said and he sighed. He shut the door for me and walked over to his side and climbed in. He shut the door before starting the engine.

Seeing that he wasn’t content with my answer he started to dig deeper. “C’mon, Kate, I know you better than to know that you’re just fine after what happened.” He said watching the streets as he spoke.

“Umm, well I don’t really want to talk about it right now so can we just forget about it?” I asked hoping my statement wouldn’t piss him off.

“Sure, just tell me when you’re ready and I’ll be here to listen.” He said placing his hand on the emergency break.

“Thanks,” I said and he nodded.

The ride back to my place was unusually very quiet but I’m just happy that he didn’t push me to actually talk about what I didn’t want to talk about. So out of boredom, I just stared out the window looking at the tress go by as the car passed them.

Once the ride was over, I looked over at him to see that he was staring back at me with a small smile. I smiled back at him and kissed him softly on the cheek.

“Thanks for the ride,” I said gratefully.

“Anytime,” he said and I went out the door and shut it slowly but enough to actually keep it shut. I went in to my house without looking back at him knowing that he’ll be there when I’m ready but as of now, I wasn’t even close to the statement “I’m ready.”
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