Status: Complete (:

You're Attractive but Bitter

Who Knew?


I drove off the side of Kate’s house and went back to Caleb’s. I needed to deal with him. There was unfinished business left and I don’t want to just leave it hanging like that. So once I got my car parked at the side of the road, I got out of it and walked towards the front door. His car was still in the garage so he’s bound to be inside. Who knows he’s probably moping in all that sadness he just witnessed. He’s not that good at hiding his emotions so right now, that’s what I expect him to do.

I knocked on the door twice before he answered it. “What do you want from me?” he asked angrily. His eyes weren’t red so I guess he hasn’t she some tears. Yet.

“I want you to explain yourself,” I stated as he moved away from the door. I let myself in and shut the open door.

“What do I have to explain? Don’t you know me well enough?” Caleb said sarcastically which kinda made me wonder.

“Nope,” I said acting naïve and sat on the couch in the living room.

He rolled his eyes before taking a seat on the chair beside the couch. “It wasn’t a bet,” he said and I raised an eyebrow.

“Sure it wasn’t,” I said sarcastically.

He looked at me in all seriousness and sighed. “Well that’s only half of the story.” He said and I motioned for him to go on. “The truth is, Jonathan and I really did bet on her but I didn’t treat her like all those other girls. I treated her differently-”

“For a sure win? That’s shallow Caleb, even for you.” I interrupted and he heaved another weighty sigh.

“No, I treated her differently because I liked her,” he said spitting words through his gritted teeth. He unclenched them before saying anything more. “She’s different and I didn’t see her as just another game for my ego, she was way more than that.” He said in a very sentimental way. I was wondering if he really was telling the truth or just making me think that he is.

“Then why’d you take the money?” I asked not really thinking of any other question.

“Well you know Jonathan, he won’t accept forfeits.” He said slumping in his seat.

“Have you even tried to ask? Or maybe just tell him why you wanted to forfeit? Didn’t you even try to reason out?” I spat out. Never really wanted to put out a series of questions but my mind was starting to explode.

“No, I wanted to but…” he trailed off not knowing what else to say.

“What? Your ego wouldn’t let you?” I teased and received a glare in return.

“Just stop it man!” he exclaimed. “I like her! Don’t you get it? She means the world to me and you took her away! I was going to explain everything to her but now, look what you’ve done!” he shouted getting up from his seat. He paced back and forth with his hand covering his eyes.

“Trust me, I only gave you a head start,” I said and got up as well. I didn’t want this to go any further so I went out the door and back in to my car.

Is it just me or did Caleb just turn in to a whole new human being? Trust me, I didn’t expect this from him and I never thought that those words would’ve come out of his mouth. Maybe he was telling the truth or probably he was disguising his lies. Truth be told, he’s a great guy but is he capable of saying things like that? I mean I’ve been his friend for over 5 years and never have I seen him like this because with him, it’s all games galore. He’s never serious with girls he just looks at them with only one thing in mind but hey, probably Kate would have been different for him. I mean she is an extraordinary being. She had him under his spell and now, I only feel guilty for casting him out of it. But if their relationship is strong, they can get through this.

Now what am I saying? That sounded pretty corny. Probably I got it from Caleb. I didn’t know being sentimental would be contagious but hey, who knew?


I wasn’t sure about what I had to do. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to call her and apologize and explain for fear that she might only turn me down. I know that’s a stupid notion but maybe Blake was right. Maybe I’m just too egotistic to see what exactly is right in front of me. It could happen you know but I thought that maybe I changed in a way and this just doesn’t prove a thing. This is idiotic.

I roamed around the room not really knowing what else I should do. Band practice started like 30 minutes ago but I really don’t plan on going. I have to stay home and think of way to actually redeem myself you know. I can’t stay like this forever so here I go. I need some thoughts for a start though and the only thing that was in my head was: Is she ever going to take me back and just forget about what Blake said?

Things ran around in my head and I started to feel a little tired. I lay on the couch using my arm as a pillow. I stared at the ceiling hoping that something might pop out in my head so to stop the sorrowful part of me that’s bringing me way down under. I thought about it for more than an hour just lying there looking at the ceiling until every cell inside of me urged me to get up and make a phone call.

I dialed her number on my phone only to be let down by the sound of her voice that led me to voice mail.

“Sing me your song after the beep.” A long beep followed and I shut my phone ending the call.

I wanted to talk to her and I didn’t want to just leave a message and wait and hope for her to call me back. So with this in mind, I got out of my house and in to my car. I drove to her house as fast as I could, breaking all the road regulations. I didn’t plan on following those written scriptures. I planned on following my heart for once. I knew that it would only lead to crazy situations but I was carefree. I couldn’t care less if I died driving. As long as I died for her, it’d be fine but luckily, I was given time to actually reach her house without anyone stopping me. Not even the police.

I parked at the side of the road and got out as quick as I possibly could. I knocked on her door waiting for her to answer.
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