Status: Complete (:

You're Attractive but Bitter



Blaire and I have constantly been seeing each other with each passing day. Not a day goes by that I don’t receive a call or a text from her. Suddenly, through the days, things have changed for me and I was starting to think that maybe Blaire was the one because after I met her, she was all I could think about and no one else ever crossed my mind anymore. Not even in parties wherein there are about a thousand or maybe millions of girls I could possibly choose from. Now I know this sounds redundant and you might think that I’m just fooling around but trust me, I don’t care about anyone else but her now. I’ve never ever cared for anyone like this and well it all seems like a perfect story. The kind of fairytale that has a happy ending and all the good stuff in it and so far that’s that path the relationship’s been taking. I just feel so happy that I finally found a girl that could turn my life around and show me the real meaning of love and show me exactly how to love someone. This all seems so cool and exciting and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her. Okay, that might have sounded a bit over the top but you can’t blame a guy for falling in love. That’s like telling someone not to breathe or telling someone not to make their hearts beat at all. Yes, it is hypocritical that I say this now and I don’t even get half the things I say since there are like millions of things on my mind right now but well, let’s just say that love gets me in a really talkative mood.

It’s like everything I do with her has a special meaning. It’s like everything I do is a sign that would tell me that I should stop searching for someone who could heal the wounds in my soul. As you can see, I’ve never really said anything quite like that and guess what, I don’t regret a single word.

It’s been months since FTSK has been on the road and well we’re about to go back and rock the world in a few days but somehow, I don’t want to leave just yet. I want to spend more time with Blaire and I just want to hold her and feel her lips on mine and just be with her as much as possible and she doesn’t seem to have a problem with that.

I was walking to the apartment building when suddenly, I saw her on the opposite side. I waved at her and she waved back as she ran towards me. She took my hand as we went up the flights of stairs and went out into our little place.

“So, I was wondering,” I started to say as we both sat on the ledge.

“Yea?” she said looking at me with her blue green eyes.

“Would you want to come with me?” I asked her not really being specific.

“And where will we go?” she cocked an eyebrow and paired it with a smile. I swear this girl can just melt your heart in a second.

“Places. I want to take you on the road with me.” I said and a wide smile crept up on her face.

“Are you serious?” she asked, her eyes popping out with all surprise and shock.

“Hell yea,” I said stating the obvious but of course, not in that sarcastic-snappy way. I did it enthusiastically.

“Of course I’d love to come. I thought you’d never ask me!” she said placing her arms around my neck.

“Blaire?” I said after a few seconds.

“Hmmm?” she said back away a few inches but still keeping her hands around my neck.

“I love you,” I said and she blushed.

“Thank you,” she said and I got totally confused.

Who says thank you when someone says the three magic words that can automatically make you crumble in to pieces right then and there? Well apparently, Blaire is one of them. It’s one of those moments wherein you totally expect someone to say exactly what you wanna hear but they end up saying the wrong thing and well at this minute, people usually start getting pissed or angry but I won’t be one of them and besides if the feeling’s not mutual and she said those words, it wouldn’t be entirely honest now would it? So I guess she was just being honest. I mean who wants a dishonest answer? I surely don’t.

Well, if I were to be brutally honest, yes it was a big blow to me but maybe I’ll get to shrug it off sooner or later. I mean it’s not as if she’ll never learn to love me, right? My heart tells me she will and so I shall follow it because it speaks only of the truth, at least that’s what I think…
But I know that deep inside there’s some kind of lovey-dovey feeling in there. I mean it’s evident in a way and if she didn’t like me in that way then why was she seeing me almost everyday of her life? Why would she waste her time on me if she didn’t like me? Wouldn’t that be stupid? Wasting your time on someone you don’t even like? Look if you think I’m describing myself, don’t turn the tables around. We’re talking about Blaire here and how she’s supposed to like me like how I like her.

“Yea, sure,” I said awkwardly after a while.

She smiled brightly at me and took her hands off my neck and placed them on either side of her. She looked straight ahead and looked at the big scenery right in front of her. There’s this thought in my head telling me that maybe she really doesn’t look at me in the same way I look at her but how was I supposed to know? She seemed all cool about it when I told her what I truly felt about her. I just don’t get it anymore than anyone else does. In other words, I am confused.
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wow so much for trying really hard...