Status: Complete (:

You're Attractive but Bitter

Surprise, Surprise


So as it turns out, tour was filled with tons of surprises. First of, Blaire wasn’t who I thought she was. She was just another crazy hoe who was addicted to playing games and shit like that. Next, Kate’s here.

This is exactly why I hate surprises. They always catch me off guard and pop out at unwanted times or situations. Never have I ever had a surprise that was fully good. There was always a bad side in all the surprises that were thrown at me and that’s what I hate the most about it.

I asked her tons of questions like why she was here and why she even thought about coming and stupid things like that but she didn’t answer me. It was almost as if she wasn’t listening to me. Maybe she really wasn’t but why do I care? She’s not mine, we’re not friends, we practically have a hate relationship. I know that I shouldn’t have asked her about her being in tour but I just couldn’t help myself. I wasn’t angry and I sure as hell wasn’t thinking straight. It may be hard to carry a grudge but I guess I’d have to make peace with her some time. The tour barely even started and I’m already torn apart. What a life.

I made my way out of the bus after lying on the couch for what seemed like an hour after what happened. I hated the way I was just sulking around like some loser. I had to go and socialize with my friends and turn my mood around and maybe, feel as alive as I was before Blaire or Kate. I needed that right now so I guess walking around a venue filled with awesome people – minus Blaire and Kate – is a good way to start lightening up.

“Caleb,” someone called from behind me as I walked.

I turned around to see who it was that called after me and to my surprise – oh how I really hate these – it was Blake. “Yeah?” I answered nonchalantly.

“Can we talk?” he asked. As if we weren’t talking already. But I didn’t tell him that because I didn’t want any more people furious at me for several reasons.

“I guess,” I said.

“You may already know this but Ka-“

“Yeah, I know. Just get to the point,” I said impatiently. I seriously did not want to talk about her.

He heaved a heavy and annoyed sigh before saying anything. “Well I just want to let you know that she’s here to have a good time and I don’t want you messing that up for her.” He said frankly and I just rolled my eyes.

“Whatever, I’m not even going to talk to her so what’s the point in telling me?” I asked him suddenly shifting from sad to even worse.

“Okay then,” he said and before he could say anything more, I walked right past him and started walking aimlessly through the other buses and merch booths.

Why is this day getting even more fucked up? What the hell did I do to deserve this? Is it karma? Bad luck? God, if only I could just forget about all this crap then maybe I could be in a better mood.

“Caleb!” another person called out. I just hoped it wasn’t someone who would ruin my mood once again.

Fortunately that person didn’t ruin my mood. Friends are always there when you need ‘em and I’m just happy I have tons of them. So now, it’s time to really start the tour in a fun way.


Today, Kyle and I went to meet up with some bands that were playing in the same tour. I was so excited that I almost fainted when I saw All Time Low and Boys Like Girls. Today – actually this morning – was too awesome for words. I’m really looking forward to the afternoon now and nothing and no one is going to stop me. Not even Caleb.

“So where’s our next stop?” I asked Kyle after I was through talking with Jack and man, is he hilarious.

“Well, I need to eat something.” He said while he patted his really small stomach.

“Hell yeah, you do,” I joked as I nudged him playfully on the arm.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked and we started arguing like two little kids.

I swear when Kyle and I go together, we both act like such kids.

“Whoa, whoa, what’s going on here?” Blake asked as I bumped into him with laughter.

“Oh, sorry I d-didn’t see you there.” I said still laughing.

Kyle told me that he’d go ahead so I let him. Then it was down to just Blake and me. Just like the old times but back then, Courtney would hang with us. We were like triplets, only I don’t look like them at all. I was like the fraternal triplet and they were the identical twins. Well there’s no doubt in that because they really are identical twins.

“I’m hungry,” I said all of a sudden.

“Where do you wanna eat?” he asked me with a big smile.

“I don’t know. Surprise me.” I told him and he slung his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to a certain direction.

“Hmmm, somewhere special…” he said to himself and I looked up at him while we continued to walk.

“It doesn’t have to be super special. I want to eat in a place where this grumbling stomach will truly be filled.” I said and with a gleaming smile.

“Okay then, I think I know just where to go.” He told me.

We walked and talked about random things while we walked to the restaurant but something was sort of unusual. He kept his arm around my shoulders as if he was trying to protect me from something. But strangely, I didn’t mind it at all. I don’t know, maybe I was comfortable with him since I’ve known him for so long but this is sorta new to me.

We ate in a barbeque joint and got dirty with hickory barbeque sauce and stuffed ourselves with delectable hickory ribs and soda. I was seriously stuffed. I couldn’t even get up after the whole meal. I was that full.

“Hey, you got a little something right there,” Blake said pointing at the bottom part of my face.

“Where? Here?” I asked him as I grabbed a tissue from the holder and started wiping my face.

“No, up – no a little dow – you just missed –“

“You do it,” I said laughing.

I gave him the tissue paper and he wiped it gently off my face. “There, you look pretty again,” he said taking his seat.

For a moment there, he looked right into my eyes instead of where most probably the sauce was. It got me thinking, was there really something there? Nah, maybe I was just over thinking the whole situation. He doesn’t like me like that, he’s just a friend. I mean come on, he can practically have any girl he wants. Why would he settle for me?

Before I could say anything else, he called the waitress and paid for the bill. I sipped the remains of my soda before we left the restaurant.

“C’mon, the shows are going to start soon,” he said holding my hand as we walked back to the venue.

“But we don’t have tickets,” I stated. Well, okay maybe I was eager to watch some of my favourite bands play on stage but I really didn’t like mosh pits. Some people just end up pissing me off.

“Who says we need them?” he said and I smiled brightly.

Right, I had a cousin who was in a band that was playing in the tour. But did that mean I get a backstage pass to each and every show?

“But isn’t it sorta unfair?” I asked.

“Kate, you hate mosh pits. C’mon let’s just watch VIP style.” He said and I rolled my eyes.

Wow, he did know me a lot. It surprised me, really. I thought he never really paid attention when Courtney and I talked but obviously he did. I’m glad he’s there for me and that he knows me so well. He’s most probably someone I can trust, someone who’s a true best friend. I don’t think we’d be anything more than that. I really wouldn’t want to ruin this relationship. I want it to last forever. But then again, I'm the only one who wants that and from experience, I have learned that somehow, you can't always get what you want.
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