Status: Complete (:

You're Attractive but Bitter

Caleb Turman

“So are you coming?” Kyle asked but I hardly heard anything before that. My mind was still wrapped around that dream I had just a while ago.

“What?” I said.

“Going to the show?” he said.

“When and where?”

“Tomorrow, I’ll pick you up. Come on, it’ll be fun!” he said enthusiastically.

“Huh, um-”

“Be ready by seven,” he said and ran out of the back door. I swear sometimes, I think that boy has problems.

My mother came in to the kitchen and I guess she practically heard everything. She looked at me with a weird smile on her face.

“What?” I asked her as I got a bottle of water from the fridge.

“I agree with Kyle, you need some fun in your life.” She said and I gave her a confused look.

“He said that?” I asked.

“If you paid any attention to that boy then you would know,” she said and left the kitchen.

I stood there staring at where her body was seconds ago and thought if this was just a dream or not. I shook my head and tried to accept the fact that my mother was trying to be nice. But agreeing with Kyle? That wasn’t something she used to do. I thought she hated Kyle for making me just like him. As a child he was arrogant and somehow I think he influenced me and maybe that’s why we stopped visiting him during the summer. But did my mother just forget about all that and decide to move in here?

I drank the last of the water and placed the bottle in the trash bin. I went up the stairs and into my room. I looked out the window to see the view. I noticed that Kyle lived next door and beyond their house, there was a big lake. That was where Kyle and I used to play. His mother used to bring us both there and we used to swim in that lake. I remember it all as if it happened just yesterday.

My phone started ringing and it alarmed me. I quickly rushed to pick it up.

“Hello?” I said.

“Hey!” Courtney, my best friend back in North Carolina, shouted.

“What’s up?”

“I thought you said you’d call me once you’d get there. Wait are you still in the car?” she

“No but I kinda fell asleep. I’m sorry,” I apologized.

“It’s okay, so how is it over there?” she asked but it seemed as if she didn’t have the time to really talk. She sounded sarcastic.

“It’s okay I guess,” I said.

“Well since nothing happened yet, I’ll just go. I need to go do something.” She said as if someone was chasing her.

“Or someone,” I muttered under my breath.

“Whatever,” she laughed and put down the phone. I kinda counted that as hanging up on me but I’m that the kind of person who starts fights over little things. I’m not that sensitive. After a while in my room, I got kinda bored and I really didn’t know what to do so I decided to take a walk. I placed my phone in my pocket and told my mom that I was heading out.

“Come back before 6 okay?” she said and I nodded

I went out the door and started walking. I looked around and then I froze. I saw a guy that looked so familiar and it was as if I’ve seen him before. I looked at him closely and then realized who it was.

It was Caleb Turman.