Status: Complete (:

You're Attractive but Bitter

Leaving Will Solve This


“What the fuck is he doing here?” Caleb asked frustrated. Blake chuckled and I looked his way with eyes that told him to just shut up.

“Caleb, just calm down, okay?” I said walking up to him and pushing him away. He kept his eyes on Blake the whole time and I was worried that their brawl might start up again.

Caleb wrapped his arms around me most probably trying to push Blake’s buttons. I pulled away carefully and turned back to look at Blake who tensed up. This was getting annoying quickly.

“Yeah, like that’s gonna get me jealous,” Blake rolled his eyes.

“Well at least I can hold her while you-”

“STOP IT!” I yelled at both of them and they were both taken aback as they shifted their gaze to me. “If you guys are going to be acting like fucking babies with me on tour then I might as well pack my bags and go home right now,” I said walking towards my bags.

“Kate, you don’t have to-”

“Caleb, I’m sorry but this is just too much for me to handle and I don’t know what else to do. I didn’t come here to form a wedge in your relationship and I really don’t want to keep having to watch you guys bicker about stupid things,” I said but he took both my hands to prevent me from doing anything.

Just then, Jonathan, Kyle, Austin and Kent came up on the bus and took in the scene in front of them.

“What’s happening now?” Kyle asked annoyed as he watched Caleb’s hands gripping my wrists.

“I’m leaving,” I said shrugging his grips off me since he was caught off guard.

“What?” the four boys asked as once. They all shot Caleb and Blake heavy glares while I placed my laptop on the bunk that was right on top of it.

“You don’t have to leave, Cuz,” Kyle said placing a hand on my shoulder. His face showed a lot of disappointment but I knew that this was for the best.

“Yes, I do, Kyle,” I said and he looked like he was about to cry. “Look, I’ll book a flight tonight and go by tomorrow so I don’t cause anymore trouble. I really don’t want to leave but if this goes on, I don’t think I’d want to stay either,”

I sat on the bunk as I switched my laptop on and watched as everyone else disappeared into the back of the bus.

“You’ve got your mind set on this, huh?” he asked me and I nodded.

“So you’re just gonna let her leave?” Caleb asked Kyle who looked at me.

“There’s nothing I can do about it since it’s your fucking fault,” he spat out bitterly. I looked up at Caleb who was now looking at me with regret in his eyes.

“Please don’t leave,” he got down on his knees to level with me and I was about to give in but I knew deep inside that this was never going if I did.

“If I don’t this thing you’re having with Blake will only become worse.” I told him. “It’s for the best,” I told him placing a hand on his cheek.

He showed no emotion as he got up and walked out of the bus. He didn’t go that far though. He just leaned against the bus and got some air. I could see him from the bunk window.
Kyle sat right beside me and leaned on my shoulder. “I’m really sorry Kate,” he said and I looked at him confused. “I promised fun, not drama and I really wasn’t expecting this to happen.”

“Don’t worry about it Kyle, this isn’t your fault,” I said and booked the flight that I wanted.

“What time do you leave?” he asked me.

“I’ll leave in the morning,” I said and he looked even more devastated. “I’ll take a cab,” I said keeping my laptop.


“Don’t worry, okay?” I asked cheerfully. “I’ll wait for you back home.” I smiled at him and he tried to return it but the smile didn’t stay on his face for long. It soon dropped into a frown.

I wrapped my arms around him and walked to the kitchen where Blake was talking with the guys about what happened exactly. I got a water bottle from the fridge and everyone stopped talking to look at me.

“I can’t believe my best friend is leaving me already,” Jonathan pouted and I smiled as I walked to him and gave him a hug.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered into his ear. “But I’ll be back home waiting for you,” I said with a smile.

“Promise to call us when you can?” Kent asked holding up his pinky.

“Only if you’re willing to answer my calls,” I said locking my pinky with his.

They all laughed and all the sadness seemed to wash away from the scene. Blake was silent the whole time though. I knew he was upset. His face showed it clearly.

I gave him a small smile before heading into the living room to claim the couch which was also my bed while on the bus. After greeting each other good night, I shut my eyes and slept hoping that when I leave, everything would go back to normal.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay sorry for the shortness but its hard to write for this story when nothing inspires me to :))

comments are very much appreciated and I think I'm about to end this one.
