Status: Complete (:

You're Attractive but Bitter

Worth the Wait

My alarm started ringing sharply in my ears. I didn’t even know that I set it yesterday but well since I’m awake, I might as well get up already. I rolled over to look at my clock and saw that it was already 10 in the morning. I never really slept that much but since its summer, well it doesn’t hurt to be just a tad bit lazy right?

“Kate? Its time to get up!” my mother yelled from down the stairs. Now I know who set the alarm.

“I’m up already. You don’t have to worry!” I yelled back and grabbed some clothes to change after my bath. When I went in the bathroom, I heard my mother still yelling to me but I couldn’t really distinguish exactly what she said since all I heard were muffled words trying to pass through the bath room door but failing.

I dilly dallied in the bathroom and thought about what transpired last night. I still didn’t get over it and I don’t think I ever will. As the warm droplets of water touched my bare skin, I thought about what really would happen this afternoon and maybe later on tonight and would it be a great idea to fall for him this quick? I asked myself several questions but only getting zero answers and more questions.

As I changed in to my clothes and fixed my hair, I realized that maybe he asked me out as a friend to like catch up on things I mean it’s only been like a day and I’m already jumping to conclusions. Way to put my hopes up and watch them all crash and burn at the end but there might me a slight possibility and then again, maybe not. But then if I remember correctly, I asked him if he was asking me out on a date and he said yes. But let’s just keep it simple here. I don’t wanna mess this whole thing up it’s already a mess as it is.

“Knock, knock,” Kyle said knocking literally on my door.

“Who’s there?” I said before getting up from the seat in front of my dresser and opening the door.

“I can’t believe you didn’t know,” he said playfully trying to act out the hurt that I caused him.

“I was just kidding Kyle,” I said letting him in and checking myself out in the full length mirror in the dresser. It felt kinda weird doing it in front of Kyle but we’re cousins I mean I guess it isn’t that big of a deal.

“Who you looking hot for?” Kyle asked chillaxing on my unmade bed.

“Um, no one in particular,” I lied turning away from the mirror to face him.

“Hmm,” he said in disbelief. He knew me too well.

“Okay…so why are you here again?” I asked changing the subject before it gets too ugly.

“Oh nothing, I just wanted to know whether my cousin was asleep or awake because the guys and I are heading out and Caleb asked me to see if you were interested or not.” He said casually and I swear if wasn’t in the room, I’d probably be screaming my lungs out. I know I might sound dramatic or whatever you call it but its hard not to be when the guy in your dreams wonders about you being interested to go out with him and his friends or not.

“I’ll be down in a jiffy,” I told him and he smiled and went down the stairs and probably out the door to tell everyone and Caleb as well.

I looked at myself in the mirror again and trying to tell myself that I looked fine but for some reason, I didn’t have the guts to trust myself. I fidgeted more with my hair until I told myself that I looked more or less okay. After which, I got my phone and iPod and placed both of them in my pocket while I rushed down the stairs.

“Whoa, slow down there,” my dad cautioned and I smiled and greeted him. “You going out?” he asked and I nodded.

“Yea, Kyle and his friends invited me,” I said feeling kinda nervous. I didn’t really know how my dad would react since this situation involved boys and all. I don’t really talk to him about these things and I’ve never really asked permission from him. I only ask my mom since I always tend to get scared. He might give those long sermons daughters have with their fathers and I really do not like does.

“Hmm, there’s nothing much to do here so I guess you can go.” He stated but I didn’t know that I was asking his permission. But I guess it’s alright I mean at least he agrees.

“Thanks, Dad.” I said and headed out the door to see the guys in a circle.

I don’t think they really noticed that I was coming. But when I started to walk and go closer, one of them looked my way.

“Hey Kate,” Jonathan said waving at me.

“Hey,” I said and acknowledged the rest of the band and they made space for me in the circle they made.

“So there’s at least 7 hours left before the show. What will we do til then? I mean we already rehearsed last night…” Austin said trailing off at the end.

“Well, we can go to Little Caesars, I heard their pizza’s great there and besides, I’m getting hungry.” Kyle said patting his stomach.

“Little Caesars it is then,” Marc said and they started to go in to their own cars.

“Need a ride?” Caleb asked me before Kyle could.

“Sure,” I said showing off my pearly whites as I smiled brightly.

“Come on then,” he said and I followed him to his sedan. It wasn’t much of a car really I mean it’s not worth bragging but the ride with him, I’m thinking it would be worth the world. I hopped in to the passenger seat and he went in his side of the car and we started to move.

The butterflies started fluttering as we started to talk and right now, this moment is all I’m practically asking for. 2 days down and probably a lot more to go? Well I wouldn’t want to rush this situation but I know that he’s worth the wait.
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comments? feedback??? cmon its not that hard :D
i'll be waiting...please don't let me down