Status: Complete (:

You're Attractive but Bitter



I was so fucking confused. People tell me to believe this and others tell me that it isn’t true and they expect me to believe all of them? I didn’t have the power to do that. I wasn’t a two-sided person. There’s usually at least a side I have to take. I walked to Caleb as soon as he entered the door. He smiled at me as soon as he saw me approaching but I couldn’t smile back. Not with all this confusion in my head.

“What’s wrong?” he asked after I wrapped my arms around him.

“I don’t know what to do anymore.” I told him but I didn’t think he’d get it but he just told me that it was gonna be okay and rubbed my back up and down for comfort.

“Caleb! Get your ass up here now!” Kyle said from center stage. Caleb loosened his grip around me and kissed me softly and then I smiled back. I didn’t really expect that and it kinda took me by surprise. I saw people staring at me after he left and went for sound check and it was quite weird because I wasn’t used to being stared at. Even more when I was in this kind of situation.

So I tried to escape the attention but even Blake was doing it too which was weird. I mean what did he really want from me? I kissed him in public. So what? It’s not as if he didn’t kiss someone in public. That doesn’t only go for him but for everyone else who shot me weird looks. I sighed and rolled my eyes and watched the band up on stage doing what they needed to do before every show. I sat on a chair near the bar and waited for the show to start. I was handed a VIP pass so I didn’t have to get squished by all the other fans that wanted to be upfront. I was starting to feel kinda pissed at everything around me. I didn’t want it to be like this. It was stupid and senseless. Everyone’s getting mad at each other already. Take for example Kyle and Blake. Before I came, they were all good friends with Caleb and then when I arrived, they’re all suddenly against each other which is plain idiotic.

I shook my head at myself and asked the bartender for a Coke Zero. He served it to me in a glass and I drank it moderately because if I drank it really fast, my eyes will tear up. I think maybe it’s because of the fizz.

After they set up and did preparatory stuff, I went backstage and went into their dressing room. They all felt really nervous and Kyle, well he felt both aggravated and nervous which was bad for him I think since he was hyperglycemic. I tried to talk to Kyle telling him that it’ll be fine but all he did for a response was nod and nod and nod. Truthfully, it was annoying but well that was Kyle Burns. So when I gave up on talking to Kyle, I walked over to where Caleb was and he kept smiling at me as if he was born with that killer smile on his face all the time. This time I smiled back and hid any emotion that could ruin the mood. I didn’t want to make everyone feel bad like Kyle now before the show right? I sat beside him and we made small talk until it was time for the show.



“I’ll see you later okay?” I told her before I went up on stage. Nothing can stop me now. I won the bet and it was all over but it Kate and I, we were just beginning. Once we all got up on stage, everyone started cheering for us and it was quite over whelming but that was nothing compared to how Kate looked me in the eye from backstage and mouthed an ‘I love you’ to me. I mouthed the same words back adding a too at the end and started with the show. I wanted to get this over with and to take her away where no one else can tell us what to do. I was unstoppable and yes, I do have a big ego but I don’t really care anymore. I do whatever I want and get away with it as I please. No one can push me around and tell me to do what I don’t want to do because well, I choose not to let them push me around even if their decision is better than mine. I stick to what I say and no, I don’t plan on regretting what I did since this is where I am now.

Throughout the show, all I thought about was her and the way she made me feel. She was an exceptional lady and she can’t be messed with and she changed me. She made me this whole other person who saw things differently and made me think about what I was doing before I could even do it. She’s one hell of a girl, that’s for sure.

“You were awesome out there!” She praised once I walked over to her after the whole set.

“Why thank you,” I said giving her a brief kiss. I knew now that she hated PDA so it surprised me that she grabbed me by tugging on my collar just to give me a longer kiss.

“I am the luckiest man on this planet.” I stated after our brief make out session.

“And I’m the luckiest girl,” She said stroking my cheek with her delicate finger.

“And we’re perfect for each other,” I said and we headed for the dressing room. Everyone was out chatting with the fans and I didn’t really want to leave her alone so I changed in to fresh, clean clothes and got out of my sweaty ones before heading out with her hand in mine. We walked to the entrance but we couldn’t go out right away. Jonathan handed me the money and I was glad the Kate wasn’t looking. I heaved a quiet sigh before heading out the door and in to the parking lot.



Being in this car with Caleb was just…I don’t know how to describe it so lets just say that it’s indescribable. I don’t think anything like this has ever happened to me and knowing that we’ll be on a rooftop looking at a wondrous view is just exceptional and there’s nothing more romantic than that. He made a quick phone call before turning his attention to me and telling me about the way he felt about me and just hearing the words that he was saying gave me chills down my spine and goosebumps and I felt so, so…loved.
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