The College Stalker


‘If I could tell the world just one thing
It would be –
We’re all okay.
And not to worry,
Cause worry is wasteful and useless
In times like these’

One week later.
I had to speak to my stalker soon. I had to find out for myself if he had been able to see beyond those reams of confusion – if had understood my question. And was he ready to answer it?
I had barely come in front of the third year classroom, when a senior girl called out to me:
“Looking for Abhra?” she taunted me “He hasn’t turned up yet.”
I made an indistinct noise in my throat. Couldn’t the third years lay off the first years, for God’s sake?
Another senior boy came out of the room only to mock me, “Are you looking for Abhra? He isn’t here.”
I wanted to slap them so hard. However, being a well-brought up young lady – I refrained myself from doing so. I wasn’t allowed to go around abusing my seniors, I believe.
In my secret heart, I was beginning to get troubled. What could’ve happened to stop him from coming anywhere near me?
I felt so bitter. Had my confusion forced him out of my life? Did it? Had it?
I met Sheila coming into our classroom. She understood from my expression I was troubled about something.
“What’s up?” she asked.
“I can’t find my stalker.” I practically wailed.
Even though we knew very well that his name was ‘Abhra’ somehow the name ‘stalker’ stuck to him. Of course, I never called him that to his face. But it seemed more comfortable to call him ‘stalker’ than ‘Abhra’ in front of the whole class.
“Aw, honey – you are gonna see him soon.” Sheila tried to comfort me.
But I was determined that no one should comfort or sustain me until and unless I spoke to him one-on-one.
“I am going to find him,” I said in a firm voice.
“Bunking all the morning classes?” Sheila asked, surprised.
I had never bunked a single class. Not even when I had been in my relationship. Nothing in the world could make me bunk my classes. She must have been shocked to hear me voice the thought of bunking.
“I don’t have a choice,” I said, briefly shouldering my bag “It’s pointless to attend a class when my mind is elsewhere.”
Sheila knew it would be of no use to tell me to forget it. She simply wished me luck. I met Roshni and Preeti on my way out of the door.
I didn’t stop to exchange greetings. I muttered something like, “Catch you later, guys.”
Behind me I heard Roshni ask, “What’s up with her now?”
One word quenched all further queries.
Then I heard a chorus of groans.

‘Won’t be made useless,
Won’t be idle with despair
I will gather around myself, my faith
‘Cause life does darken most fear’

Where could my stalker be if not in class? I wanted to meet him so badly. I knew it would be useless to call him. He wouldn’t receive my calls if he wasn’t ready to answer me.
Oh fuck that.
In times like these, things depended on chance. And I just had to take that chance. Everything depends on this one chance. I fished out my mobile phone from my pocket. Praying that he would, receive my call, I dialed his number.
Guess what?
The record bitch told me it was busy. I waited for him to take the call. The line got disconnected. He hadn’t received my calls.
And who was he calling this early in the morning? Thousand questions swam up in my head. What was he playing at?
My phone vibrated in my hand. Involuntarily, I answered the call.
“Aria – is anything wrong?”
Instead of replying, I asked in an urgent voice, “Where are you?”
“Me? I’m near the big pond near the E-Faculty buildings.”
“Stay there. I’m coming.”
Before he could answer, I disconnected the call. My stalker was now left with no choice but to wait for me there.
Now the stalker became the stalked one.

‘My hands are small, I know
But they are not yours
They are my own…’
♠ ♠ ♠
Hands is a song by Jewel.
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