Going Nowhere At Full Speed


Ava put on her pair of flats as she heard a knock on her door. “I’m coming,” she yelled as she hopped on one foot, while putting her shoe on the other one. She opened the door to see Brent standing on the other side, looking as handsome as ever, smiling at her. “Come on in,” she told him as she slid her foot into her shoe and moved aside.

“You look beautiful,” Brent told her, giving her a quick kiss.

“Thank you,” she smiled. “You don’t look so bad yourself. So, where are we going tonight?” she asked.

“Well, I was thinking of just going out to dinner, and then we could come back here and watch a movie or something,” Brent told her. “But, if you want to do something else, we can do that,” he added.

“No, not at all,” she smiled. “It’s perfect,” she said. “Let me just finish getting ready really quick,” she told him.

“You look like you’re all ready to go,” Brent commented as he watched Ava walk back towards her bedroom.

“I just have to put some earrings in,” she called out to him, as he sat down on the couch, waiting for her. A few moments later, she came back out, earrings in her hands, trying to put them in her ears. “There we go,” she said, smiling. “Now, I’m all ready,” she said, grabbing her purse off of the table and pulling Brent out the apartment door.

They walked into the restaurant, and Ava looked around. “Wow, fancy,” she muttered under her breath, as they were seated by the hostess.

“Is it okay?” Brent asked her.

“Yeah, but just for future reference, I would have been just as happy going to McDonalds,” she replied.

“Well, I was thinking of saving that for our next date. And, if we get really serious, I think I might take you through the Burger King drive through,” he joked, and Ava laughed at him.

After they had ordered, Ava looked over at Brent. “So, how excited are you to be going back to work on Monday?” she asked him.

“You have no idea,” he said, his face lighting up at the mention of hockey. “I am looking forward to it so much, especially to see all the guys again.” He looked over to see Ava smirking at him. “What?” he asked, wondering what he had said.

“Nothing,” she replied. “It’s just I love seeing you like this, excited to get back to playing. It’s always great to see someone who loves what they do for a living.”

“And, what about you?” Brent asked her,

“I love what I do, too. You know that,” she said as the waitress came back and delivered their food. She stayed there a little while longer, looking at Brent.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “But, do you think I can have your autograph?” she asked shyly.

Brent looked over at Ava, a surprise look on his face, and he saw her smiling back at him. “Sure,” he said to the young girl. He grabbed the pen and paper out of her hand and signed his name on it.

“Thank you so much!” the girl exclaimed, running away with the piece of paper in her hand.

Ava laughed a little, saying, “Look at you, Mr. Popular! I feel as if I’m not worthy of your presence!”

“Ha ha,” he said sarcastically. “I think it might be the other way around. I’m not worthy of your presence,” he told her, as they both started eating their meal.

Thirty minutes later, they were finished eating, and Brent was paying the bill. “So, you feel like going back to the apartment, or do you want to do something else?” he asked her.

“You know me, I always love staying in,” she smiled, as he laced his fingers with hers and they walked towards his car.

Fifteen minutes later, Brent pulled up in front of their apartment building, and they walked inside. “So, your apartment or mine?” Brent asked as they faced the two doors.

“I’ll go with mine,” Ava told him. “Just in case Chloe and Kris are in yours,” she added.

“Good thinking,” Brent told her. “I knew I liked you for a reason,” he joked.

“Oh, is that all I’m good for? My brains?” Ava asked jokingly.

“Hmmm, I can think of a few other things you’re good for,” Brent smiled as he pulled her close to him, kissing her.

Ava pulled away a few minutes later, pulling him over to the couch. She kept switching her position, trying to get comfortable, eventually settling for lying down, her head on Brent’s chest, with his arms wrapped around her.

Ava began flipping through channels before finally settling on an old movie. She lied back, trying to stop her tiredness from taking over. A little while later, she couldn’t hold on any longer, and her eyelids began drooping.

She woke up a little while later to the sounds of yelling coming from next door. She sat up and looked behind her, noticing Brent was sleeping, too. When she didn’t hear anything for a little while longer, she laid back down before she heard screams coming once again. She quickly sat up, shaking Brent’s shoulder. “Brent, wake up,” she said as he stirred awake.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, sitting up, too.

“I keep hearing yelling coming from your apartment,” she told him, and both of them immediately stood up.

“Yelling?” he asked, walking towards his apartment.

“Yeah, I don’t know who it was, but it was definitely coming from your apartment,” she said as she followed him.

Brent turned the door handle and came face-to-face with Dirk. He looked around to see Chloe standing in the corner, her hands gripping Kris’s arm.

Brent turned around to Ava. “Go back to your apartment,” he ordered her, not wanting Ava to get into the crossfire of him and Dirk.

“Brent, I’m not going to leave you here,” she told him.

“Go!” he ordered, but she stayed planted. He turned around, looking at her. “Please, Ava, do this for me. Please, just go back to your apartment. I’ll be in there in a little bit, I promise,” he assured her.

Ava reluctantly turned back around and walked to her apartment, turning her head to look at Brent one last time.
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And let some more drama begin...

Oh, and I'm making another deal (yes, I'm tempting fate once again). If the Blackhawks win tonight, I'll update again right afterwards. If not, well you'll have to wait a little longer. Hey, it worked out last time, didn't it :)

Let me know what you thought!!!