Going Nowhere At Full Speed

She's No You

“A girlfriend?” Chloe choked out. She didn’t know why she was so upset. She had been the one to tell Kris that she wanted him to meet a nice girl, and she wanted him to be with someone when she got back. So, why was she so upset to hear that he was with someone now?

“I’m sorry, Chloe,” Ava told her. “We didn’t want you to find out this way, but you asked, and…” she trailed off.

“Ava, this isn’t your fault. Besides, I’m happy for him,” Chloe told her. “I told him I wanted him to move on from me and meet someone else. He’s just doing what I wanted. So, is she nice?” she asked, not knowing whether she really wanted to know the answer or not.

“I’ve only met her once, and we were just quickly introduced, so I don’t really know much about her,” Ava admitted.

“That’s okay,” Chloe told her. “I’m sure she’s perfect for him. Listen, I’m going to go to bed, okay? But, I’ll call you tomorrow,” she promised as she saw Brent walk out of the bathroom. “Do you want to talk to Brent?”

“Sure,” Ava told her. “Chloe, I’ve missed you, and I can’t wait for you to come back,” she told her.

“Me, too,” Chloe told her. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Bye,” Ava said before Brent came onto the line. “I told her,” she admitted immediately.

“What?” Brent asked.

“I told her about Steeger. I mean, I had to. She asked how he was, and what was I supposed to say? So, I told her that he has a girlfriend. Please, don’t be mad at me,” Ava begged.

“Ava, I’m not mad,” he said, looking over at the other bed and seeing Chloe already sound asleep. He grabbed his key off of the desk and walked out into the hallway so he could talk to Ava without waking her up. “So, how did she take it?” he asked Ava.

“Well, she didn’t seem too upset. I mean, she obviously wasn’t thrilled about it, but she didn’t seem like she was completely pissed off. She just asked me if his girlfriend was nice,” Ava replied.

“What did you say?”

“The truth,” Ava told him. “That I only talked to her once when we were first introduced, so I don’t really know her. But, I’m sure she’s going to have questions for you.”

“God,” Brent said, running his hand over his face. “Why does everything have to be so complicated?”

“That’s life,” Ava replied. “Listen, you must be exhausted. Why don’t I let you go so you can get some sleep, and you can call me tomorrow if you have some time. I’ll be watching the game,” she smiled. “I love you.”

“Thanks, and I love you, too. I’ll call you sometime tomorrow. Goodnight,” Brent replied.

“Night,” Ava said before hanging up the phone.

Brent walked back into the room, immediately collapsing on his bed. He woke up the next morning to the alarm on his cell phone going off. He tried to turn it off quickly, trying to not wake Chloe up, but he was too late, as she stirred awake.

“Hey,” she smiled, sitting up in bed.

“Did you have a good sleep?” he asked her.

“The best I’ve had since I left Chicago,” she admitted. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Let me guess, it’s about Steeger’s girlfriend?” Brent asked, and Chloe smiled sheepishly and nodded her head. “Do you want the truth?” Brent asked her.

“Of course,” Chloe laughed.

“She’s a nice girl,” Brent admitted.

“Good,” she said with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

“But, she’s no you,” Brent continued.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Chloe asked.

“Remember, I told you that you two are meant for each other. I still believe that. So, while she’s a great girl and all, she’s no you. You’re the one he’s meant to be with, not her,” Brent explained.

“If he’s happy, I’m happy,” Chloe said. “Seriously, I just want him to be happy.”

“I know that you’re not going to be happy without him.”

Chloe didn’t reply, but instead walked into the bathroom, leaving Brent sitting on his bed, feeling sorry for his sister, and not knowing what to do for her.

That night, Chloe sat on the bed in the hotel, watching the game. Every time she would see Kris on the screen, her heart rate would pick up, and she would feel butterflies in her stomach. There was no denying it, she was completely in love with Kris. But, he now had a new girlfriend.

She continued watching the game, as the Blackhawks won four against two. As soon as the game ended, she fell back onto the bed, immediately falling into a deep slumber, not even waking up when Brent entered the room.

The following morning, she was once again woken up by Brent’s cell phone, and she quickly got ready so she could catch the bus with the team. Brent had already explained Chloe’s situation to the coach, and he had agreed that Chloe could come back with the team.

Chloe walked onto the bus, getting greetings from all of Brent’s teammates as she walked down the center aisle of the bus behind Brent. She quickly caught Kris’s eye, but just as suddenly, he turned away, looking out the window.

In front of her, Brent had found a seat, and he moved over so Chloe could sit next to him. She sat down, and her eyes stared at the back of Kris’s head, who sat two rows in front of her. Why wouldn’t he even look at her? Was he that angry at her? Or was he worried that she would be upset about his new girlfriend?

Chloe leaned her head back against the seat, all these thoughts running through her mind. Before she knew it, they had already arrived at the airport, and they were boarding the plane.

As she followed Ben Eager onto the plane, she looked around, trying to find an empty seat. She saw one next to Kris, and she saw him look over at her. She gave him a small smile, and he turned his head the other way, leaving Chloe feeling dejected.

She quickly moved past that row, choosing a seat three rows back, next to Andrew Ladd and Dave Bolland. She saw Brent sit down next to Kris, and she wondered if he was going to say anything to him.

Throughout the flight, she continued to keep her focus on Kris and Brent, noticing every once in a while that they would say something to each other, but overall, they were both pretty quiet. Chloe wondered if she was the reason for this, and she immediately felt guilty.

She was grateful when the plane landed, and she was able to get off, and go back to her home with Brent.
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