Going Nowhere At Full Speed

Did You Miss Me

The boys had been gone on a road trip for the last week and a half, and Chloe and Ava were glad to finally have them coming back today. Ava was currently sitting in Chloe’s living room, waiting on Brent to come back home. She had just finished a twelve-hour shift at the hospital, but she refused to go home and sleep.

Chloe continued flipping through channels, trying to find something good to watch, when all of a sudden, the front door opened, and Brent came walking through the front door, his bag thrown over his shoulder, looking extremely tired.

He laughed when he saw Ava sitting on the couch, her eyelids half closed. “Hey,” he smiled, and Ava immediately sat up straight. “You miss me?” he joked, a smile on his face.

“Not at all,” Ava said, jumping up and running into his arms, kissing him. “What about you? You miss me?” she asked, pulling away.

“Well, I’ve missed Chloe more,” he told her, looking over at Chloe, who laughed at his joke.

“Aw, thanks, Brent!” she said sarcastically. “So, how was your trip? I mean, I know you guys only lost one game, but still.”

“It was good, but I’m exhausted,” he told her.

“Yeah, so is Ava,” Chloe laughed, and Brent looked down at Ava, who he had his arm wrapped around.

“I just got off a twelve-hour shift,” she explained.

Brent nodded his head. “Oh,” he said. “Well, what do you say we go to bed?” he asked, beginning to pull her into his bedroom.

“I like the sound of that,” she told him with a smile.

“Don’t forget, your sister’s still in the apartment,” Chloe called out.

“We’ll try to be quiet,” Brent called back, shutting his bedroom door behind him.

Chloe rolled her eyes, changing the channel once again. She stopped on a soap opera, thinking to herself that her life could be a storyline on that show. She sat back, getting comfortable, as she tried to figure out what exactly was going on on the show.

She was starting to doze off when she heard a knock at the door. She stood up groggily, walking over to the door and opening it. Before she could even comprehend what was going on, she felt a hand go to the back of her head, pulling her forward, and her lips being devoured by someone else.

Without even opening her eyes, she already knew who it was: Kris. She would know his kiss and touch without even thinking about it. His tongue ran along her lip, and she immediately allowed him entrance. Suddenly, reality hit her, and she pulled away. “What was that?” she breathed, and Kris just stared at her. “Kris!” Chloe exclaimed. “You have a girlfriend! You can’t just come in here and kiss me!”

“No, I don’t,” he said.

“What? What are you talking about?” Chloe asked, confused by his statement.

“I don’t have a girlfriend. Marilyn and I broke up,” he confessed.

“What?” Chloe questioned, walking back and collapsing on the couch. “Why? Kris, you were happy together. And, I told her not to break up with you!”

“What are you talking about? You told her not to break up with me?” Kris asked.

“Yeah, she told me that if I wanted her to, that she would break up with you so you and I could get back together,” she admitted. “But, I told her no. I told her that you two were better off together,” she began rambling.

“Chloe,” Kris interrupted.

“What?” she asked.

“Marilyn didn’t break up with me. I broke up with her,” he told her, and Chloe’s eyes widened.

“You broke up with her? Why?”

“Because I realized how in love with you I am, and I can’t keep pretending that I’m going to get over you,” he confessed. “Because I’m not.”

“Kris,” Chloe began.

“I’m not,” he said, taking a step towards her and wrapping his arms around her. “Chloe, I’ve been telling myself that if I just kept waiting that I’d eventually get over you. But, I’m never going to get over you. I love you.”

Chloe looked up into his eyes, trying to see if he was telling the truth. “I love you, too,” Chloe smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning up, kissing him.

“Wow, how long have I been sleeping?” they heard someone say. They broke apart, seeing Ava standing there, a smirk on her face.

All of a sudden, Brent walked up behind her. “What?” he asked before lifting his head to see Chloe in Kris’s arm. “Wow!” he exclaimed. “When did this happen?”

“Like two seconds ago,” Chloe told them.

“So, does this mean, that you two are finally back together?” Ava asked, looking back and forth between the two of them.

“Well, we haven’t really talked about it or anything,” Kris joked. “But, yeah, I’d say we’re back together, right?” he asked, looking down at Chloe.

“Yeah, you could say that,” she said giving him a kiss.

“Okay, I don’t need to see my sister and my teammate making out,” Brent told them.

Ava rolled her eyes, looking up at Brent. “Let’s give the two lovebirds some alone time,” she said, grabbing his hand and pulling him back towards his bedroom. She turned back to Chloe and smiled at her.

“Thank you,” Chloe mouthed to her. She spun around in Kris’s arms and looked up at him. “So, where were we?” she asked.

“I think right here,” he said, bringing his mouth down on hers.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'll have the epilogue up in a couple of hours!

Comments? Thoughts?