Happily Never After Could Happen to Us

A Day In The Life Of Autumn Rose


"Rosie," Uncle T.J whispered through the door. I sighed quietly. My alarm clock had went off fifteen minutes ago. Mondays were the worst days of the week. "Autumn Rose Garver," he growled.

"Five more minutes," I answered groggily. I pulled the blankets over my head and shut my eyes even tighter than they already were. I knew what he would do next, only because it was our morning routine.

"You are sixteen years old. You should be able to get up when your alarm clock rings, but no," Uncle T.J complained as he went to the end of my bed. He gripped the bottom of my bed sheets tightly as he yanked the sheets completely off the bed. I groaned as I rolled onto my back. He walked to my side so he could stare directly into my stormy grey eyes.

"I'm not sixteen yet," I sighed as I looked into his pools of neon green.

"Yeah, well either way you're becoming more and more like your mother every day," he said mostly to himself.

"I am nothing like her. She kidnapped me, and then left my father and my brother. How much stupider could one woman be? You don't just leave two week old babies with the people you think could take care of them while you're off doing god only knows what," I rambled as I made my way out of the bed.

"Yeah, I didn't mean her mental stablitly. Your mom was a nut case that's for sure, but that doesn't mean that you don't have her personality. You have her big heart, and her stuborness. You are strong willed just like she was," he explained.

"Yeah whatever. I'm going for a shower," I said in a moody morning tone.

"Not before you make your bed," he said in his parental voice.

I made the bed just as T.J had instructed. I was bruding over his comment about me being like my mother. I didn't even know her name. All I knew was that she had long black hair that flowed in the breeze, and she had big, deep ocean blue eyes. She was short and pale, and the only reason I knew all of that was because my aunt Lydia had given me a picture of her from uncle T.J's eighteenth birthday party.

I shook the image from my head as I headed towards the bathroom. I kept the real photo locked away inside a box that stays hidden in a drawer beside my bed. I never pulled it out to look at it anymore because I had lost my silly hopes of my mom ever coming back a long time ago. Sixteen years is a long time to make a girl wait.

I got my shower water just right, warm but not steamy, and hopped in. I quickly washed my shoulder length hair, with chopy layers, in this lavender shampoo Lydia had bought me. I used an almond body wash that dad had sent me for Christmas only because we didn't have anything else. I finished my shower in twenty minutes flat, and I was very proud of that.

I got out of the shower and went back to my room. I dried my hair a bit and then put a little gel on it to make the ends of my layers curl out. I then carefully applied a small layer of onyx eyeliner with a bit of purple eye shadow. I thew on the clothes that I had chosen the night before which was a pair of deep purple drain pipes and a plain black shirt. I thew on my yellow All Time Low hoodie, and grabbed my matching converse. I went back to the bathroom to brush my teeth and add a coat of clear lip gloss, and then I was ready for school.

I gave myself a once over in the mirror. My hair looked better than usual because my red tips were standing out perfectly from my choclate brown hair. My stormy eyes stood out under my black eyeliner in a scary beautiful sort of way, and my pale skin seemed whiter than usual. I shook off all those thoughts of any possible bad endings for my day. I nodded once in an approved way, before I walked out of my room.

I walked into the Kitchen only to see a plate of scrambled eggs, just the way I liked them, with toast on the table. I listened closely in hopes of hearing T.J around the house. After a few moments of concentration I heard the sprinkling sound of water dropletso n skin. He was getting ready for whatever it was that he did for a living.

I sat down at the kitchen table, and began eating breakfast. I finished quickly and began cleaning up after myself. "You ate my food and tried to clean up the mess," T.J whined in a mock angry voice as I put the last dish in the dish washer.

I turned to face him, and I almost fell in the floor laughing. My unlce was almost thirty six years old, and he stood in our kitchen with a pair of khaki cargo pants with a dark green button down shirt that hung open as if he were twenty again. T.J once told me that he wouldn't look like a teenager forever because his wolf form would soon wear down his body. He really didn't look that old, and it always made me laugh. "Yeah, you're a great cook T.J. Thanks for the food, but I'm running a little late. I'll see ya after school," I answered as I gathered my messenger bag, iPod, and cell phone.

"Need a ride," he asked in a mischiveous tone as he finished buttonign his shirt.

"Can you have me at school in oh, say fifteen minutes?" I grinned as I watched him ponder my stupid question.

"Of course I can, but I'm too old to travel the way you're thinking of, so we'll have to take the Jag," he answered nonchalently.

"Awe, and I was so looking forward to going to school on the back of a big bad wolf," I falsely pouted. He grinned as he grabbed the keys.

"Yeah, but the Jag is better, and I'll let you tell all your friends it's yours," he said as he mocked a power hungry lawyer or something.

"Oh, can I drive?"

"Do you have your liscense?"

"Nope, but in one week," I started.

"But nothing, in one week you can drive the Jag almost as much as you want too. Until then, I drive the expensive green machine!"

"Ugh! Fine, at least I don't have to ride in a back seat anymore."

"That's why I got the Jag." He grinned at me like a maniac as we walked out of the door.

The ride to school was faster than I thought it would be only because T.J has such a heavy foot. I grabbed my things and got out of the car. I tried to get out before any of the girls that were standing around could see T.J because they all did the same thing, but apparently I was too late.

"Bye Darlin' I'll pick you up later. Or maybe Lydia will," T.J called from the care.

"Okay, bye sweetie," I said sarcastically. He knew I hated the whole darlin' thing, but he did it to get attention. The girl that was standing on the side walk talking to a group of her friends was practically errupting on the inside.

Her face turned a deep shade of crimson as she looked at one of her friends and said, "he looked at me. Oh my god, can you believe how hot is he!"

"Get a life," I sneered.

"You're just jealous," she hissed.

"Of what?" I was confused, and I really wanted to know what I had to be jealous of. Her plain blond hair with her short skirt and wife beater wasn't something to be jealous of; it was morel ike something to want to run from.

"Because I'm not kin to him," she laughed.

"Yeah and I got to see him shirtless this morning, bet cha wish you were kin to him now, don't cha," I said snidely as I began walking down the school walk way. "Oh, technically, I'm not kin to him either, Miss Barbie!" I laughed as her face fell apart as I walked into the school. I was too good for this place.

I walked down to my locker which was locker 589. It also happened to be the meeting spot for my best friend and me. Summer Jane Morrison, or as I call her, Janie. I met Janie in first grade. Shannon Bristal yanked her hair and spilled jucie on her, and I bit Shannon. T.J whipped me until I couldn't stand up for biting the blood out of a human, but I couldn't help it, she was being mean! Plus, Shannon tasted terrible, but then again I don't like blood.

"Hey Janie, how was your weekend," I asked as she walked up to me.

"It sucked! I didn't have anything to do, and I was bored out of my mind. How was yours," she answered in one breath. I smiled slightly.

"Um, I hung out with T.J and Lydia. Although Lydia keeps talking about some Regan character, and it makes T.J angry. I had fun watching them argue," I said while trying to hold back fits of laughter from the weekend before. In the back of my mind something wanted to wonder who Regan could possibly be, but in the fore front of my mind I knew I didn't want to know.

"Sounds great. I need to hang out with you guys again sometime. It's so much fun," she laughed.

"Yeah, you definitely do, but not tonight because T.J's got some big dinner thing that he is obsessing over. He's even making me leave the house. I hope he has a date with someone other than Aunt Lydia, or hopefully those two will finally get together," I laughed.

"Hey, don't say that. Maybe he likes girls who are a lot younger, like me for instance," she blushed.

"Okay, everyone else has a crush on my fake uncle, please tell me that I don't have to hear about yours too," I said sarcastically.

"Sorry, did you hear about the new guy. He's in our grade, and apparently he's pretty cool. I haven't met him yet."

"I haven't heard about him, so we're even, and besides I don't need any drama. I have enough," I said half jokingly.

"Yeah, you have, but I haven't," she said in one of those dreamy movie voices.

"Live life while you still can," I whispered under my breath.

"Did you same something," she asked.

"We're going to be late!"

"Oh, we better run!"

Luckily I didn't have first block with Janie. Actually, I could barely stand the kids in my first block class. Math was bad reguardless of what time you had it, but I happened to have it early in the morning and it just wasn't fair. I made it through Math without talking much, and then I was off to Spanish. My friend Sam was in my group and he made the work alot easier, but I still didn't half understand what I was saying.

"Alright, so it's i-m-o-s at the end of that word," Sam instructed as I wrote on my miniture white board.

"I think I get it," I said happily as the bell rang. I quickly got my things together and rushed out of the class with Sam at my heels.

"Thank god for lunch break," he half sighed as we waited for Janie. "Hey, there she is," Sam said as he pointed down the hall. She was with some guy.

"Well, she's occupied, we'll just save her a seat, come on," I said as I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the double doors. We walked through the court yard talking about random stupid things until we finally made it to the caffitera.

"Okay, give me your money so I can get food while you save the seats," Sam said as I found my wallet.

"Here," I answered as I handed him a five. He went off to stand in line for food, and I walked down to the last table. I sat at the window while putting my messenger bag beside me and a book in the seat across from me. I figured I sould save the guy Janie was with a seat too, but I saw them sit at a different table away from us. "Well that's nice, ditch your best friends for a pretty face," I said to myself. I noticed Sam look at her as if she was crazy as he walked by.

"Is that what I think it is," he asked in a disappointed tone as he sat a juicy chicken sandwitch with some honey mustard in front of me.

"Yup," I answered as I unwrapped my food.

We ate in silence, and by the time we were finished lunch was over. It was time for History. I didn't like History, but it was better than Math. I walked to class alone since Janie was no where to be found, and Sam didn't have this class with me. I made it to the class just as the tardy bell was ringing. "I am not late," I said as Mrs. Gregory opened her mouth. "My foot was in this door before that bell stopped ringing!" I walked towards my desk which was in the back corner. I found Janie in the seat in front of my desk and the guy she was flirting with beside my seat.

"Miss Garver, how nice of you to join us," Mrs. Gregory stated.

"Yeah, nice to be here, actually, I think I might be here all week," I announced and a few people across the room chuckled, including the new guy.

"Sit down, and be prepared to take notes!"

"Like always."

I sat down at my desk without looking at anyone. I placed my note book on the desk and opened it to a random empty peice of paper. I could feel Janie staring at me, but I refused to look at her. Instead I chose to pay attention for once. "Class, today you will pick a certain event in your family history and write a paper about it. Today, you are just going to be picking the topic. Your papers will be due at the end of the week." I rolled my eyes as I silently raised my hand.

"Yes, Miss Garver?"

"Mrs. G, I'm sure you know all about my situation, so instead of using my history, can I use someone else's history in my family," I asked politely.

"No, tell your guardian to tell you all about your family," she hissed at me. I sighed.

"Rosie, are you alright," Janie asked. I was positive the worried look on my face gave me away.

"Nope, I'm not. T.J's not going to tell me abotu my parents," I half hissed at her.

"Excuse me, but what's going on," a voice came from beside me. I glanced at the guy as if he were insane. "I just thought maybe I could be of some assistance."

"No, thanks anyway," I said in a cranky tone. My life had went down the drain. "I'm not doing this assignment," I stated. Mrs. Gregory heard me, and she sent me a glare full of daggers.

"You shall do the assignment, or explain to the principal why you won't do it."

"Don't ruin your grade," the guy stated quietly.

"Who are you," I asked harshly.

"Michael Mathews," he said as he smiled. I must have been halucinating because I could have sworn I saw fangs.

"Yeah, whatever. My grade in this class is spotless anway," I said as I leaned back in my chair.

"If you don't do the assignment, you'll have a failing grade on your next report card," Mrs. Gregory stated in a happy tone. I rolled my eyes.

"What are you gonna do? Kill me for failing," I said sarcastically.

"No, I'll call T.J," she stated. That was the first time she didn't call T.J my guardian.

"Go right ahead," I stated bravely. If I failed History, T.J would definitely kill me.

"She'll do it, I promise," Janie stated as Mrs. Gregory got this smirk started on half of her face.

I laid my head down after they finished arguing about me, and it seemed as soon as I closed my eyes the bell signaling the end of class rang. I groaned as I grabbed my things and rushed out of the classroom. I didn't bother waiting on Janie because I knew she would be with Michael. I pratically ran to my English class and took my seat, which was again in the back corner. Mrs. Pomerantz smiled at me as she graded papers. "Are you alright," she asked politely as I put my head on my desk.

"Not really, but I will be. What are we doing today?"

"Writing a self essay," she answered absently.

"What is that," I asked just as the warning bell rang.

"You'll find out in a sec," she answered as she stood from her desk and took her place in front of the class.

I watched as Kids filed into the room. There was pretty much every stereotype in this class, but I was mostly the outsider of all outsiders. Unfortunately, as the tardy bell rang, Michael Mathews walked into the class room.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter goes out to my title finder aka
Vampire's_Addiction. she also happens to
be my first subscriber. Be sure to leave me some
commente please? This chapter is seven
pages long, and I hope you like it (not to mention
I didn't exactly make it through Rosie's full day.
So she's busy, busy, busy. I'll try and post
Leo's day tomorrow.