Happily Never After Could Happen to Us

Questions & Answers


I stopped just outside of the door to the 'sitting' room. "Kegan, I won't do that," T.J's voice answered with a hit of harshness in his tone.

"Why not? She is my daughter, and after all Regan has a point. Rosie was taken from me without my consent. She gave up her rights to Rosie when she left her on your front porch. I never gave up my rights, and I want my daughter," Kegan's voiced floated on the air. He was calm, but I could detect a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"I know you want her. She's a great kid, but I can't give her up, Kegan," T.J said in more of a pleading tone.

"She's not your daughter, Thomas," Kegan answered in a low threatening sort of tone.

"But she is all that I have left," he answered in defeat.

"You have Derek. My parents have been long gone!"

"Derek's dead. He has been for years. Your daughter cried her eyes out when he died, plus she hated me for a month because I wouldn't let her go to the funeral because she was too little." Tears swelled in my eyes from the truth of T.J's statement, and from the coldness of his voice. I quickly composed myself and walked into the room.

"Why don't we let her decide," Kegan asked curiously.

"Decide what," I asked as if I hadn't heard a word.

"Would you like to move in with your father," T.J asked in an emotionless tone.

"What? No! I mean, this place is great, don't get me wrong, I just I can't leave my home," I started saying what came to mind. The truth was that I was afraid of my father. I didn't know him, and I didn't want to live with a strange man. My brother was out of this universe, so he was definitely another reason. I thought about how every day T.J incorporated my mom into my life, and in the last couple of hours, these people hadn't brought her up, except for an argument, but that was it.

"Well that settles that," T.J said with little relief. I could tell that something was still bothering him, and I had a feeling it was Maddie.

"When is my party," I asked as I tried to change the subject.

"Your birthday is Firday, so why don't you take the day off from school, and spend some time with your brother. Maybe he could introduce you to some of his friends so they won't frighten you, and then the party will be Friday night. Feel free to invite whoever you want. Just be sure to tell them that it's a costum party. That's only because I think a fairy, and a shapeshifter will be here for sure. I'm not sure about the troll though," Kegan thought aloud.

"Alrighty then," I stated with an eye roll. No humans at the party. Great, I was being thrown a party which was technically just for my brother. T.J laughed a bit at my words, but Kegan looked at me for a moment.

"You thought something bad about my plans didn't you," he asked. For the first time in the evening he actually held an emotion in his tone and on his features. He was shocked for some odd reason.

"Um, maybe. Why," I asked in an 'am I in trouble' tone.

"Nevermind," he stated quickly, but the shock stayed with him.

"What don't tell me you couldn't read my mom's thoughts and now you can't read mine," I said sarcastically.

"No, I could only hear the ones she thought hard about. Like when I asked her to marry me, she thought about T.J, and I got upset, but I wasn't supposed to hear her thought. Well I didn't really I just heard his name," Kegan remembered aloud.

"Creepy. Can I go home now. I'm really tired," I yawned. I wasn't really tired. I was just extremely bored.

"Um, sure think over my offer, and Leo and I will see you friday. Oh please be here before 7:30. You don't want to make your brother late."

"Late for what?"


"Wait, rewind. I'm going to school with my brother on my birthday?" I was about to stomp and scream my way out of this when he laughed.

"Of course, how else do you expect to meet everyone!" My face dropped. I knew something bad was going to happen. It was only a matter of time.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it's so uncreative. And for those of you who have
helpped me plan a little ahead. Remember Rosie is
thinking of moving. Don't be mad just yet. and as for the
chapter. sorry it's so uncreative. I had a bad day and
for those of you who are curious about my dentists apointment
I have to have surgery on April 15 so you probably won't
get many updates for a while when that comes around.
(Wisdom teeth have to be cut out :()