Happily Never After Could Happen to Us

Kegan's Surprise Guest


I couldn't get my head straight. My thoughts were swimming around and nothing would stick. I couldn't grasp anything solid except for the terrible sound. Her heart beat was back. When she left I listened for it every night, and I could hear the faint sound. It lulled me to sleep so many nights long ago, but I had grown to ignore it. I had learned not to listen for it, but most importantly I had taught myself not to long for that horrid sound.

"You've got to get her away from me. Ger her out of this town, hell get her out of this planet if you can. Just make it stop," I pleaded like a schizophrenic who hadn't taken his drugs in a very long time.

"Kegan, breath," Lydia instructed. She isn't that bad. At least she didnt bring," Lydia traided off and shut her mouth tightly but that didn't mean I couldn't hear it.

"She's engaged, perfect. What else could go wrong," I hissed. I punched yet another huge oak tree that had survived many storms, but it couldn't survive my burst of anger.

"I'm sorry," Lydia whispered. I shook my head.

"Do you still have dad's old business contracts," I asked quickly.

"Not all of them," she answered honestly.

"I have the one you want, Kegan," Regan spoke up as he walked towards his blue European sports car. He popped open the trunk carefuly, pulled out a navey blue breif case, and then pulled out a stack of old brownish looking papers.

"Amanda's number is," Regan stated as he began to read the numbers off. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed the numbers carefully.

"Hello," a soft voice answered.

"Amanda Garret," I asked in a hopeful tone.

"Is this Kegan Vaara," she asked in what seemed like a happy tone.

"If you'll do me a favor, then yes, but if you won't do the favor then I have the wrong number."

"What's the favor, love?"

"Can you come to my children's birthday party as my date since me and my ex girlfriend broke up and I hate her," I asked in one breath.

"How many kids," she asked as if it didn't bother her.


"Names please?"

"Leo Vaara and Rosie Garver."

"Different last names, what did she give one to the werewolf," she laughed. I kept my mouth shut.

"I'll be there in three hours, love. Don't start the party without me."

"See you then."

I hung up the phone and my mind swirled back to that day. It was exactly a week after I had met Maddie that my fiancee showed up in a long black limo. She was stunning with dirty blond hair that was cut in choppy layers, a dark olive skin tone. If she had black hair like mine she would have looked Italian, or maybe Spanish, but still in yet she had nothing on the dark haird beauty that stood on the top step of my house. The mysterious brunette with the deep ocean eyes was way out of my league, but she loved me anyway.
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