Happily Never After Could Happen to Us

***ous Hate!


A familiar face step into the room. A face so familiar that Maddie had prayed night after night that she would never see it again. Bright golden eyes peered into Maddie's ocean blue eyes, that alburn hair flowed in a nonexistant breeze, and those all too white teeth sparkled as that pale face loomed in the door way. There was no where around her, and Maddie knew it with all of her hert. Kegan was to awe struck to move, he couldn't believe that Rain Tallen stood in his door way.

"Hello boys and girls," she laughed in one of those evil laugh tones. Maddie shivered slightly but she refused to let Rain see that she was afraid.

"How nice of you to stop by. How'd you manage to survive River," Maddie hissed in her direction. Kegan managed to get on Maddie's left flank through his shock.

"We made a treety, love," a soft voice cooed from the hall way. A second golden eyes flaming red haired monster came into view.

"Who are these lovely people," he asked curiously. He sniffed the air closest to Maddie just like he had the first time he had ever seen her. In his eyes she was still as beautiful as ever, and just as unatainable.

"You lay a finger on either of them and I'll personally take you apart peice by peice," Kegan threatened. The River and Rain moued.

"Awe, and we were looking so forward to meeting the beautiful twins. Leonardo Vincent and Autumn Rose, right," Rain asked musically. Leo's eyes glazed over and he nodded.

"Stop," Maddie hissed as she lashed out at Rain. Leo grabbed her wrist without thinking. His vampire strenght was crushing her human bones, and Maddie was ready to scream.

"Leo," Kegan spoke calmly as he grabbed his son's shoulder. "Remember who you are!" Leo carefully released Maddie's hand and shook his head back and forth.

"I really don't like you. I can feel a vibe from you," Rosie stated as she moved to circle around the two. River grinned a fang filled grin at her, and Rain just kind of glared.

"No one really wants you either human," Rain spat towards Rosie. Rosie hissed.

"Who says I'm human," she growled. Her fangs popped out once again, and Maddie couldn't believe her baby girl had fangs.

"Oh, la, la," River laughed as he took a step towards Rosie. "She's a fiesty one isn't she." Rosie growled once again as she snapped at him. Maddie smiled.

"Looks like you have no effect on my daughter," she laughed a bit.

"That's only because she doesn't know the future. Autumn, I can show you what it will be like if you stay with your mother and father, if your mom will leave again, or what could happen to T.J if you want," Rain said sweetly.

"Don't listen to her Rosie. She will only show you what she wants you to see," Maddie hissed at once.

"I don't like knowing my future. I love surprises," Rosie hissed as she finally flashed stepped behind Rain. Kegan was suddenly in front of River, and as if on que both bit into the twins wrists. Rain and River screamed with the pain of the venom from Kegan and whatever was seeping out of Rosie's teeth. Something inside Maddie as she watched her daughter work with the man of her dreams to kill two entities that had been bothering her family forever had sent chills through her heart.

Maddie grabbed Leo and hugged him tightly as she watched Kegan and Rosie. A small smile crept across her face as Rain's screaming grew loud and tortourous.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, so I decided that I'd do the scavenger hunt after all.
The deal is I am going to figure out the questions between
now and friday... hopefully twenty questions... and then who
ever messages in the answers first gets to either be Leo's
new girl, or decide something in the story like maybe how he
meets her or who he kills or something of that nature... what
do you guys think?

Oh and leave me comments please?