Happily Never After Could Happen to Us

End of Class


"Alright, now just point the little red dot at the target, Leo. Now don't think about it to much, just remember all the bad things that this guy is capable of doing. Now once you've aimed you pull the trigger, and," Alex explained as he helped Leo with his stance. Leo gently pulled the trigger as if he was still afraid of the gun, but this time he hit the bullseye head on.

"Wow," Leo grinned as he gazed at the bullet hole.

"Yeah it's a rush, but now you have to get the moving targets," Alex laughed as he glanced at me. I smiled as I took aim just in front of a target that was moving to the left. I took in a deep breath of the cold air as I jammed my finger down on the warm metal of the trigger. I hit my third moving target for the day.

"I can't believe how much fun guns are," I laughed as I reloaded the lazer. He smiled brightly.

"I hope you heal as fast as a vampire, love, because Rider will shove a blade through your rib cage without a second thought."

"She sounds a little scary," Leo said while blowing the head off of a moving target. He could hit those perfectly, it's just he seemed so unnerved by the stationary targets.

I sighed as I watched them for a few moments. Alex's statuesque frame seemed so different from Leo's predatory stance. Leo would probably be better in hand to hand combat, but when it came to wepons he just seemed scared. He probably had it in his head that those very wepons he could kill with could just as easily kill him, but we couldn't think of our wepons that way. Alex had put out what he called the irons which were basically plain black military pistols. I took one off the table and turned it over and over in my hands getting the feel of the cold metal underneath my finger tips.

"Are you sure you're ready for that, Rosie," Alex questioned as he watched me with curiousity. I simply turned my stormy grey eyes on him as I held the gun like I had held the lazer.

"Just tell me how to aim this thing," I stated as I pointed the gun towards one of the stationary targets.

"Alright then, Leo, don't kill me while I'm helping your sister alright," Alex joked as he walked towards me. I rolled my eyes at the same time Leo did. Leo took his predator stance once again and blew yet another moving target to bits. I smiled with pride at how could he was at killing moving things.

Alex stood behind me and told me to hold the gun as if I would hold any other gun, so I took my stance. He told me I looked more graceful than a normal killer, which made me laugh a little, but I was too focused on learning.

"Alright," he stated as he put one arm around my right shoulder. I could feel his chest move with the slow pace of the air that he sucked in. "What you want to do is to keep both eyes open and focused while peering through these two little black horn looking things." He pointed to the two horn looking things.

"And they are called," I asked absently as I followed his instructions.

"I forget, but you peer through those until you have located your target. Then you pull the trigger, but you have to pull gently or the force of your pull will throw the bullet off balence," he explained.

"Like this," I asked as I pulled the trigger. The small pistol had a giant kick that knocked my right shoulder back into him. He gasped for a moment, and then he took a step back.

"Yeah," he whispered as if he was in pain. I grinned.

"Sorry," I laughed.

"I hope you know you are like a bolder," he said in a joking tone, but I could tell he was a bit serious. I just smiled as I held the gun with both hands this time and tried again. I blew a hole straight through the middle of my stationary target.

"I think I'm more like a new vampire who just figured out that she has skills," I stated as I looked at him. He grinned once again as he made Leo hit another stationary. When Leo hit the bullseye, he gave him an iron. He told Leo how to aim, but instead of standing behind his shoulder he stood beside him. I rolled my eyes as Leo aimed at a stationary, and blew a hole through it just as I had.

"I think the boss man was wrong about you too. You guys should have started with the irons," Alex laughed as he picked up his own guns. He hit a button on the side of the wall and the lights brightened a bit as the blue wall rotated open. A new batch of targets filled the room only this time they looked more realistic. They were kind of like those robots he was shooting earlier.

"Loves, this is my new target range. They are robots I assure you even though they look like humans. Now they move, and attack, but they don't shoot back, so feel free to kill them all if you can, just don't get in front of one another or me. I don't what you shooting each other alright," Alex instructed.

"When do they move," Leo and I both asked. Alex grinned at us.


The robotic humans were every where at once. Leo was even better than I expected at shooting them down, and I wasn't doing too bad myself, but we were nothing compared to Alex. He was shooting them before they even had a chance to attack him or raise a hand to him. I laughed as one hit Leo in the stomach, but he blew it's head off. I quickly stopped laughing when one punched me in the face. "Ouch," I hissed as I put the gun to its nose and pulled the trigger. Bits of metal flew back at me, but I didn't care.

Within twenty minutes we had cleared the room of the humanistic robots, but we had a huge mess of metal on the floor. Alex shook his head as he went back to the closet.

"This is so not the fun part," he sighed as he pulled out three brooms and hit a big blue button. The floor slid open a little on the far side of the room as he handed Leo and I a broom. "Start sweeping them down the hole!" Leo was speeding around the room with his vampire speed, and so was Alex. I felt awkward because I couldn't quite do that yet, but that didn't stop me from helping.

Once we were finished we put the guns up as someone pounded on the door. "Enter," Alex yelled, and the door opened.

"Sir, the training day is over. Mr. Vaara has instructed me to take the kids to their living arrangements," a woman in a pair of jeans instructed.

"Hey Maddison. Why do you still call me sir, that's annoying," Alex said with a wave as he closed and locked the closet. Leo and I followed him towards the woman.

"Sorry, it's force of habit, plus I just got back from Mr. Crimson's room," she explained. Her red hair was pulled back into a pony tail, and her black square framed glasses made her look a little like a nerd, but her chocolate brown eyes suggested a hit of something dangerous.

"Ah, yes. Don't scare the children please," Alex laughed. I gave him an odd glance. What about Mr. Crimson could possibly scare us.

"Right, well tomorrow you two are going to see Rider. Be careful of her, she's slightly insane from the medieval era in time," she explained.

"Uh huh, apparently Kegan likes to make me crazier than I already am," I said to Leo. Both Alex and Maddison gave me strange looks.

"What? Just because he provided the seed to have me doesn't mean that I grew up there," I said bluntly. Leo's eyes went wide with shock.

"Hey, Autumn, maybe you should shut up," Leo said in my same tone.

"Hey Madison, how about we let that little statement slide. We didn't hear a thing did we," Alex said seductively. She smiled sweetly and nodded.

"I never heard a thing," she laughed. She motioned for us to follow her out into the hall. Alex waved goodbye as he closed his door.

"Now you guys are getting the best room there is," Madison stated as she walked down the hall and up a flight of stairs.

"Wait we're sharing a room," I questioned in disbelief.

"Oh no, of course not, you get the room across the hall from your brother," she answered politely.

"Oh okay." She stopped at the top of the stairs and started counting.

"I believe your room is this one," she stated as she opened the third door down the hall. I gasped in surprise.
♠ ♠ ♠
this update goes out to GlassRuby and
Vampire's_Addiction thanks guys for
doing the scavenger hunt. I appericate it.
So far Vampire's_Addiction is in the lead with
only one question wrong, and I will accept
any other entries until my spring break is over
which is monday :) I love your answers for the
question 16.. they can vary and it's interesting
to see what you think of Kegan :)