Happily Never After Could Happen to Us

Oh So Right, Or Wrong?


T.J started acting weird, but then again I guess I did have to give him a little leeway considering his almost daughter just dumped him for her real father. Wow that sentence sounded more messed up than I meant it to. He missed Rosie, and I got that, but suddenly he was acting more flirtatious with me. That word didn’t exist between T.J and me. I flirted with him and he ignored me; that is the way it’s always been.

I slipped into Rosie’s red skinny jeans that fit me a little loosely and they were just a bit to short for me. I rolled the pants legs up to make them look more like knee pants. I grabbed the black shirt that was definitely too big for me. I sighed as I looked around the bathroom; I saw nothing that would help me to fix the shirt. I grabbed my white wife beater that I had been wearing under my blood stained shirt and slipped it on before putting on the black v-neck shirt. The white showed just a bit as the shirt flared out around my torso.

I gave myself a once over in the mirror before deciding that I needed to put my hair up into a pony tail and find a safety pin to pin the shirt so it wouldn’t be so huge. I stepped out of T.J’s bathroom to find him still standing shell shocked; it was almost as if I had entered the room in a towel again. I rolled my eyes at him as I past him to go to Rosie’s room. I knew she wouldn’t mind me borrowing her things because she had let me borrow things before she left. For some odd reason Rosie had inherited my fashion sense instead of her mother’s and that was a great thing.

I walked into her room and over to her vanity table; I was positive she never used the thing, and I knew this because I had stocked the table with all sorts of accessories before she got it. When I opened the drawer to grab a pony tail holder and found all of her supplies in order while the rest of her room was in complete chaos only made my point. I grabbed a black holder, and I managed to find a safety pin in what I assumed was a brand new shirt. It looked rather familiar, but I couldn’t figure out where I had seen it before. I ignored the random thought as I pulled my damp hair back and pinned the shirt on the side. Once I was finished I glanced in the mirror. I looked better than I did when I first entered the house, I had to admit, but I still looked odd without my normal make-up. I was almost willing to search Rosie’s room for her make-up, but that was a task that I didn’t feel quite up too.

I turned around only to be met by the gaze of a very odd looking T.J. When I say odd, I don’t mean he was wearing cat ears, or morphed into is wolf form. I mean he was looking at me with those beautiful neon eyes in a way that he had never looked at me before. I knew that look all too well; I knew that look because that is how I had looked at him so many times before. I loved him, and I knew one day he would come a round, I just prayed that this wasn’t just a messed up dream from Kegan’s very cruel god.

“T.J,” I whispered, only to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. He shook his head as of trying to get a hold of himself. I stared at him for a moment before he turned those piercing green eyes back on me. The intensity in his gaze only deepened, and I smiled.

“Lydia,” he started, but I had cleared the distance between us in seconds. He didn’t have to speak; I didn’t want him to tell me that this was a mistake. I just wanted him to hold me in those strong arms of his.

His bright green eyes darkened into a forest green that could only be reckoned with by the Amazon jungle. I felt the breath that I had been trying to catch stop in my throat as he stared into my light blue eyes. I couldn’t see my image, but I was positive my eyes had changed from their natural light blue to pure lustful silver. I heard his breathing go ragged, and I couldn’t help but to smile at that.

We were so close that I could feel his breath on my face, and I longed for his pink lips to press against mine. I wanted nothing more than to taste the sweetness of his kiss, but he turned away. My heart faltered for a moment, but in the next moment my face was in the palms of his hands. “There’s no going back if we do this,” he whispered so low that his words were almost lost. My mind racing around his touch, his eyes, his lips, and I felt like I was going to explode.

“I’ve been waiting for this since I met you,” I answered as I put my hand on the back of his neck and pulled those full luscious lips down to my own.

I felt a bolt of lightening go through my body and my knees grew weak. He put his arms around my waist as if he knew I would fall over any second, and I clung to him as if he would disappear if I let go. He lifted me off the floor and carried me out of Rosie’s room and into his own. I couldn’t help but to grin through the kiss. It was the moment I had been living for, but a sudden thought hit me.

I pulled away from him for a moment as he closed his door. He looked at me blankly for a moment before I realized he was waiting on my reasons for stopping our heated make out session. I looked into his darkened eyes and I felt his warm breath as I wondered my question. “T.J, if we do this, what are we going to do if someone finds out,” I questioned. A look of confusion shot across his face before he sat me down on his bed. He straddled me for a moment before he gave me a warm quick kiss and then pulling away.

“Then either we run, or we fight,” T.J answered. I stared at him for a moment in disbelief. “Then again, you are the princess of the vampire nation. You could easily make your brother change your people’s minds.”

I nodded and smiled before I pulled his lips back down on mine. I felt him smile through the kiss. I lay back with him on top of me and he began pushing my shirt up when another thought hit me. I pushed his lips away from mind for a moment as I asked, “I thought you didn’t like me, what changed your mind?”

T.J smiled lustfully at me as his eyes changed from that dark green to almost black. I wondered if he was going to morph on me from being too excited as he answered, “I always liked you, Lid. I just never realized how much until I saw you dripping wet in nothing but a towel.” I felt warmth spread across my cheeks. I knew I couldn’t blush, but I hope I didn’t grow paler. He chuckled as he gently placed his lips back down on mine.

I shut down my mind, not thinking of anything, as I let him take control. We only stopped kissing to get our shirts off and onto the floor. Within moments we were both animals giving into our desires. I didn’t know if he was telling the truth when he said he had always liked me, but I did know that I loved him with every fiber of my being. I believed deep down in my heart that loving him like this was the right thing, but the not so deep down side of my heart was thinking that this was completely wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is the chapter that sets the ball rolling on the
deeper plot line. alright so if you guys are wanting
a sneek peek, or a catch up on the plot lines here
they are.
1. Mission- Catch Lazarro
2. Rosie and Michael
3. Leo falls in love
4. Lydia and T.J
and 5. Kegan and Maddie work out their problem.

I know it's a lot to take in, but please bare with me.
Oh and I lost a subscriber. If you guys haven't noticed
this story is just getting started. It's going to be ten times
longer than the first two, and the ending is going to
be a show stopper because this is the last in the series
that has to do entirely with Kegan and his family and friends.
Please don;t unscribe because of that information though