Happily Never After Could Happen to Us

She's Mine


Rosie zoned out which let me speed up just a bit more. My speedometer read one hundred miles per hour, and Rosie was in some sort of trance. I wondered if she was having another vision or if she was just worried about Michael.

“How much further,” she asked suddenly. I was slightly startled by her words and nearly hit a tree.

“Ten minutes,” I answered.

I somehow managed to get to the place where my vision had taken me. It was a huge castle that was dark even in the setting sun. I had nightmares of castles like this place when I was younger, but I didn’t let that stop me. I knew that the dungeons were located at the back of the castle, and that’s where I headed.

Rosie’s eyes glazed over once again before she put an icy hand on my shoulder. “Wait Leo, they are being move,” she informed me as she walked through vision after vision. I rolled my eyes as I turned off the car engine. There was an easier way to find Michael than through her visions, and dad had taught me everything I needed to know about it.

I stepped out of the car in a stealthily manner. I began sniffing the cool air. As a breeze passed my nostrils I caught the scent of wet dog mixed with the sweet smell of fear along with the copper scent of blood. I looked at Rosie who was still transfixed in her vision as I raised my hand to knock on the car window. She jumped slightly as I tapped the glass softly.

“Will you come on? Mike is this way, and I don’t know where the girl is,” I half hissed as I made my way towards the castle. I was bound and determined to get my friend back, and I couldn’t break a vow to my own soul.

Rosie jump from the car and began running along with me towards the castle. They had obviously moved Michael and ‘Cassandra’ so I was in a bit of a bind trying to follow Michael’s scent. I rushed around each opening of the large building until I smelled the familiar scent. The door was left ajar so I crept inside with Rosie at my heels.

“They were taking them to something called the auction in my vision about five minutes ago,” Rosie explained as we walled through the large corridor.

“This way,” I instructed as we made a left in the castle. The hall appeared to be darker than the rest of the halls that we had gone through so I assumed that this would be either a changing room to make the slaves presentable before selling, or an auction barn.

There was nothing but silence as we crept down the long hall. I could hear the soft whispers of Rosie’s foot falls behind me, but nothing else. The silence was starting to freak me out when I heard muffled screams, or was it shouting? It didn’t matter what I thought it was because I heard more shouting from the door that we had stopped in front of. The door was solid oak, and it was very thick.

I pushed open the heavy door easily and Rosie slipped in behind me. I didn’t notice anything at first because it was so dark with a single spot light shinning down onto one tiny stage, but Rosie gasped with fright. I glanced over the crowd and realized that Michael was a few feet from the crowd in chains. Rosie left my side and made her way slowly through the crowd, but my attention was focused on the stage.

Her chestnut hair was all too greasy as the light shown on it, and her bright electric blue eyes glared bravely at the crowd. “This is Raven; she is the certified daughter of Cambridge. The bidding will start at five,” the grotesque auctioneer announced. I shuddered at the thought of her going to someone else.

“Five,” I shouted as I raised my hand. Her eyes met mine and they went wide for a moment, but I didn’t think much of it.

“One thousand,” a girl with long jet black hair called. Her voice was barely above a whisper as her chocolate eyes bore into mine.

“Fifteen hundred,” I countered as I held her glare.

“Two thousand,” she practically hissed.

“Going once,” the auctioneer started as I mentally calculated the amount of money I had on me. I had enough to go to three thousand, so I made up my mind.

“Three thousand,” I shouted just as the auctioneer was about to say, “sold.”

“I’ll go as high as five thousand right now,” the dark haired girl shouted as she held up a hand full of money. The auctioneer glanced at me, and I nearly puked, but I couldn’t match her.

The auctioneer screamed a, ‘sold’ and I felt my heart break into thousands of pieces. I glanced over to where Rosie and Michael were supposed to be, but they were gone. I was alone in a strange auction, and I lost both of the things that I came to get.

“What is happening to my life,” I asked myself as I began looking around the crowd. I saw the girl who had bought my Cassandra sneer as she looked at the crowd of slaves. It appeared that she decided she didn’t want anything else when she grabbed Cassie and the keys to her chains. I watched them as I began to move forward.

I found myself following the two girls out of the building. The darker haired girl had the sour scent of a vampire, while Cassie’s blood smelled all too sweet. I followed them until we reached a back alley; there was no one around us, and it was my only hope to save her.

“Hey, I think you’ve taken something that belonged to me,” I yelled across the alley. The vampire turned around slowly with a huge fang filled grin.

“Oh really, because I don’t think I have,” she challenge.

I walked towards her preparing myself for a fight. She looked stronger than me, but I wasn’t about to let that stop me from saving Cassandra. “I saw her first,” was my only reply before I started glaring at the vampire.

“I’m sure you did, but she belongs to my master now,” she hissed.

“Yeah right,” I growled as I lunged at her. I was hoping to rip her head off, but that was far from what happened.
♠ ♠ ♠
Now the nameless vampire belongs to Miss
Scream!! She was out other winner to win the
scavenger hunt. I need another contest idea to
get you guys more involved in the story... actually
I do need help with the next chapter... where do you
guys thing Rosie and Michael should run to?