Happily Never After Could Happen to Us

Oh No, Kegan is Here


“Mom, dad is in the cellar,” Leo yelled through the front door as he chained the cellar door. It was time for what I knew I had to do.

“Well, it was nice talking to you, um; I wish you had a name. I mean, I wish I knew your name. I guess all this time I’ve been annoying you with my speech, but it has meant a lot to just get those things off my chest,” I explained to the human. Her wide electric blue eyes held a warmth to them rather than the coldness that they had held when she’d first arrived.

“Keep my son safe, and be careful,” I instructed her. She nodded, and that was her first sign of communication. I smiled as I patted her shoulder. She cringed away from my touch and that’s when my thought of hugging her seemed terrible.

Leo came into the room we were sitting and smiled brightly at us. He kept his eyes on the girl, but I knew he was worried about having two new vampires running around a human. Kegan would probably be alright in a few hours, but who knew how I would turn out. “We’re going to be together forever mom. The whole family,” Leo smiled brightly, but there was something behind his eyes. He seemed sad, and it worried me slightly. Had he seen something he wasn’t supposed to?

I didn’t have time to worry. I walked towards the stairs trying to hold a steady smile on my face when in all reality I was as nervous as a fire demon facing cool water. “Leo, don’t forget to barricade the door,” I called as I walked into my room. He mumbled a, ‘yes ma’am’ before I closed the door.

I pulled the bottles out of my black peace sign hoodie pocket and stared at them for a moment. Zora told me to drink the blue liquid first, a cup of blood, and then the purple. I was still nervous about the purple liquid, but she had said something about a time period in between taking the liquid. I sighed as I opened the blue bottle. It smelled sweet, sort of like the way Kegan’s spicy yet sweet cologne smelled.

“Here goes everything,” I laughed as I held the bottle up in a sort of toasting way before chugging the contents.

My body got weak very quickly, the world began to blur before my eyes, and soon my senses didn’t mean a thing. The only thing I could feel was a dry ache that started in my stomach and spread throughout the rest of my body. Kegan had described this to me once, but it was much worse in person.

I could feel beads of cold sweat popped out of the pores on my forehead. My stomach began to burn with an intensity that could only be rivaled by the pits of hell. My vision slowly came back but all I could see was red. The pain had lasted for what felt like minutes, and now the burning was in my throat. It didn’t hurt, it was more annoying, but I knew what I needed. Blood.

I realized I was sniffing the air like a blood hound within minutes. The blood that surrounded me smelled good, but there was something more appealing. It was like smelling apple cinnamon muffins and triple fudge chocolate cake. I walked toward the door, something telling me I shouldn’t, when a different smell caught my senses. It wasn’t chocolate or cinnamon, but it smelled indescribable.

I walked towards the bedside table and sniffed the air once again. I realized the smell was a white foam cup. I picked it up and slowly put the cup to my lips and turning it up so the dark burgundy liquid slipped slowly from the cup into my mouth. I knew it was blood because it was soothing the burn in the pit of my stomach, but I wondered what kind? It was sweet and tangy, kind of like an exotic barbeque sauce. I loved it.

I caught a glimpse of the purple bottle and I suddenly remembered what I was here to do. I picked up the bottle and glanced into the mirror. I already looked like a super model, but I would look like Kegan’s mom if I didn’t drink this. So I looked towards the sky.

“God, if you can hear someone like me, please don’t let this kill me. I’m doing it for a good cause. I’m doing this for Kegan and my two beautiful children, so let me be with them,” I half pleaded before I turned the bottle up.

A pain shot through me all at once. I felt like I was being electrocuted from the inside out. I could feel small gasps come from my lips as the pain intensified. It grew worse, and that’s when I felt my lungs start to let out screams. I didn’t know what was happening to me. I laid there and screamed until my vision began to blur again.

I felt tears roll from my eyes as my body shook with the pain I could feel the world going black, and I wondered if I had messed up the instructions like Kegan had, I wondered if I was going to die. That’s when I got a breath of that chocolate cake smell. I saw dirty bare feet beside black converse, and that’s when I realized that Leo’s girl wasn’t human. Plus I could possibly be dying.

I heard what sounded like Leo shouting mom before I saw a different pair of shoes. A pair of red converse, and the only thought running through my head was, ‘oh no, Kegan is here.’
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright so if you wanted to create a character for the new story
and you had no idea where to start then take a look here
Character Contest yes, I actually
posted that :), oh and the new story is going to be called Living
On A Prayer if you want to check out the summary section be my
guest although it's not quite finished... but it's located here
Living On A Prayer

oh and to you guys who are wondering how long we have left of this
series, it's about five or six chapters. :( I'm going to miss this and all
you wonderful commenters, be sure to keep in touch with me!