Happily Never After Could Happen to Us

Funeral Plans


I fought against the tight knot Kegan had wrapped around my hands when he brought me outside. Regan’s eyes widened in shock at the sight of me, Lydia smiled as if she always knew this would be my destiny, and T.J just stared at me. He looked at me like he did when he first met me, and something in me snapped at that moment. I knew he was my best friend, and I loved him for it.

I hadn’t seen Kegan notice me since he found me in pain on the floor, and that was alright because I knew there was a lot on his plate. I took a glance at Cassie who was boring holes into me with her electric blue eyes. I wondered why she was only looking at me, but I noticed that her lips were moving in silent words that I couldn’t make out. I growled under my breath as I saw Leo’s car pull into the drive way. I knew this wouldn’t go too greatly from the looks on Lydia and Regan’s faces. T.J scooted a bit closer to Lydia as if he was trying to comfort her, or reassure her. I realized that it had finally happened, they were together, and I was extremely happy for them.

The knot loosened enough to where I could break free if I wanted, but I was trying not to breathe in the scent of that girl, Cassie. I didn’t want to hurt her, and I knew I wouldn’t if I was away from her. Kegan glanced back at me as T.J hissed something about doing something about the girl. I heard the word killing but I knew they couldn’t do it. Leo was in love with her.

I saw T.J pose himself to attack, and I could feel energy start to rise from the earth. The energy felt like it was drawing on what ever was closest and that happened to be T.J. I could see his bright neon green eyes slowly dulling, but there was nothing I could do about it as I struggled with the ever loosening knot. Lydia, who T.J seemed to be looking towards as he was frozen in time, stepped quickly in front of him in hopes of stopping the strange girl’s power. She was only getting herself killed.

I stopped paying attention as I focused fully on the knots of the rope but it was that much harder to concentrate when T.J was screaming. I was going to kill that girl. I managed to break free, but by the time I did I could smell the stench of death.

Lydia was nothing but a stone, and T.J, my dear sweet friend, was lying on the ground. He was in his golden wolf form, but his chest wasn’t rising and falling with the intake of air which could only mean that he had died to. I couldn’t think straight. Kegan looked towards me, and I thought he held out a hand towards me as if to comfort me, but I couldn’t take it. The only thing that I could see was that wolf and I was crushed.

“No, T.J. You did not just lose to a little girl,” I sobbed into his coat of fur. I would never see the sparkle of his beautiful neon green eyes, or ruffle that perfectly messy golden brown hair of his. He would never make a stupid remark about me and Kegan being together. He was gone, and I had lost sixteen years of the middle of my life.

I stayed buried in his warm silky coat of fur until Kegan put a cold hand on my shoulder. I lifted my head slowly and let him help me from the ground. I stole a glance at Lydia, and the water works started all over again. I put my arms around her waist in an embrace that would have been as cold as ice back when I was a teenager, but she couldn’t hug me back and that made it twice as worse. My friends were gone, and my son was in love with the bitch that took them from me.

“I’ll kill her,” I whispered into Lydia’s stony chest as Kegan’s grip on me tightened.

“You will do no such thing, Madeline. You are a new vampire and your emotions are hundreds of times stronger than they used to be when you were human, but you will not kill the girl that our son loves,” Kegan stated in an all to calm tone.

“Why not,” I hissed.

“Because we will lose our son if you kill Cassandra Cambridge,” Kegan yelled at me. He started squeezing my wrist. I expected it to break in half, but it didn’t. My wrist simply tingled from his touch.

“Let her go,” Regan instructed as he grabbed Kegan’s shoulder. Kegan released me, but he glared at Regan even harder. Regan rolled his eyes.

“Maddie, listen to me. You will never see that girl again, and I have no reason to believe that she will hurt anyone else. Calm down and let her go. You should be morning your friends in a different way,” Regan spoke calmly, yet putting extra emphasis on the word friends.

“What are you trying to say by that,” I growled at Regan. He took a step closer to me as he stared into my eyes.

“I mean treat T.J as if he was your friend, not your lover,” he whispered so low that only I could hear him. I felt a growl start up in my chest.

“He is my friend. I loved him as if he was my own brother,” I scoffed.

“Be careful Maddie, you know how Kegan is, and we don’t have the time to foil any murder plans that you might cause.”

I sneered as I turned away from Regan. I looked to my left to see the ghost of Lydia standing there looking at me as if I were a mental patient reject. I glared at her for a moment before I took a deep breath. Regan was right. I had to relax. I needed to breathe. I needed peace. I needed, I wanted those beautiful stormy grey eyes to never go away. I walked towards him in my new and improved vampire state. I smiled even though a small part of my heart was breaking at the loss of a friend, and I wrapped my arms around him.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered into his shoulder.

“Me too,” he whispered into my hair before kissing the top of my forehead.

“I love you, Kegan. You know that right,” I asked as I pulled away from him so I could look into his dangerous eyes.

“I know,” he answered simply before pressing his lips to mine in a small sweet kiss. Even though I was slowly forgetting about everything and enjoying the moment, I pulled away.

“What are we going to do now,” I asked as I unwrapped my arms from Kegan and laced my finger with his. I was looking at both Sophia, who stood beside my wolf, and Regan, who was near his sister.

“We bury and pray for our dead, and then we carry on as best as we can,” Kegan said in a stronger tone than his face displayed. I nodded as I walked over to T.J.

“Kegan, help me put him in the car, he deserves to be buried beside his father. Regan while we get him in the car call Remy; she deserves to be at her brother’s funeral,” I half asked as I stared at the golden wolf. His fur didn’t even hold the same brilliant sheen as it held when the setting sun hit his coat. Regan simply nodded.

“We’ll move Lydia into the house before we go, and we’ll put her in a better place when we return from T.J’s memorial,” Kegan promised as he walked towards Lydia. I sighed and nodded as I walked over to her side.

Kegan nodded and we both lifted and carried Lydia into the house as Regan spoke on the phone. I walked out of the house to see that ghost like Lydia whispering words over T.J and I hoped she was praying for his soul and not trying to damn him to hell.

“Come on, help me get him into the car,” I stated as I bent down to grab his front legs. Kegan sighed, but he grabbed his hind legs.

I wondered what those words were, and I also wondered why I was seeing Lydia’s ghost. I figured Zora could fix her, and that’s why Kegan was saving her. There was no way Zora could fix a wolf, so we would bury him.

“Remy is coming; she said she would meet us at the grave yard,” Regan promised as we all piled into the car and drove away.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry that this is ending on such a sad note, but
hopefully Kegan's chapter will be a bit better. Now, I assure
you that this is not the last of the H series as I have said Leo's
story is next, but more good news there is another Kegan story
I was working on, but it won't be out for a while (until Leo's story
is over)

If you want to see Leo's summary section check out this
story link... Unforgettable Love
also check out my new story Living On A Prayer
if you havent. and to those of you reading my other stories. Updates will
be out on all of them sometime this weekend. I promise :)