She Isn't Real


The guys decided to wait to see if the football guys actually did anything before going on with their plan. The guys told me I was going to be needed in the next part of the plan but didn't tell me how I was gonna be used. Them saying that kind of made me wary.

Right now, it's been a few days since the fish incident and I was sitting with the guys at Zacky's baseball game. How I never noticed he was on the team was beyond me. Maybe that would explain why the cheerleaders never cheered at baseball games. I'm gonna have to do something about that.

"I think they chickened out. They know we're going to get revenge," I heard Brian say.

"We shall get our COMEUPPANCE!" Jimmy yelled. A few people looked at him. I wasn't really paying attention to their conversation. I was watching Zacky toss a baseball back and forth with some other guy.

"They're probably waiting to attack when we're not paying attention," mused Matt.

"But they don't know about our secret weapon," added Johnny. I turned to look at them when I heard the mentioning of a secret weapon and saw Johnny glance at me. So I was a secret weapon, huh?

"They're not very smart. They probably don't have a plan yet," I commented. I looked around and saw Josh and his friends coming in. "You guys better watch your backs," I warned.

"Why?" asked Brian. I nodded my head towards Josh. The baseball game soon started. The guys kept an eye on Josh. Zacky was about to bat when I suddenly got hungry.

"I'll be back. I'm gonna go get some nachos," I told the guys as I got up.

"YOU'D BETTER HIT THE FUCKING BALL, VENGEANCE!" Jimmy yelled at Zacky as he walked up to home plate. I laughed as I walked away. I was almost to the nacho cart when Zacky hit the ball and started running like the wind.

"Run, Zacky, run!" I yelled to him. He threw me a quick glance, grinning. My arm was suddenly yanked on and I hit someone's chest.

Zacky's POV:

I was rounding third base when I saw something I never thought I'd see.

Amber was kissing Josh.

As soon as I saw her, I felt pissed, jealous, betrayed, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Everything she said to me was a lie. The scene she caused when she broke up with Josh was probably a lie. She was probably using me and the guys. And to think I was about to tell her I really liked her and could possibly be in love with her.

Busy with my thoughts, I started sliding into home, but slid wrong. My ankle started hurting like a bitch and I let out a yell of pain. Wonderful. Simply wonderful.
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Don't kill me! Don't kill me! *hides behind laptop* Comment please!