She Isn't Real

Trip To The Hospital

Amber's POV:

"What the fuck are you doing?" I yelled as soon as I pushed Josh off of me. He smirked.

"Getting back at your little friends. You'll see soon enough," he said before walking away. I heard a collective gasp come from the crowd. It didn't sound like the good or shocked gasp. It was more like an "Oh my God!" gasp. I turned towards the field to see what was going on. My eyes landed on Zacky who was on the ground holding onto his ankle and his face was scrunched up in pain. I let out a gasp myself before running back to where the guys were. They were headed to the door in the fence to get to the field. The coach and a few other people were going over to Zacky.

"I'm pretty sure he dislocated his ankle," I heard someone say.

"Can you stand up?" the coach asked Zacky. Zacky shook his head. Someone was calling for an ambulance. I pushed my way over to Zacky's side.

"Keep away from me," he said through gritted teeth and only loud enough for me to hear. I flinched as if I'd been slapped. Apparently the guys had heard him too because they looked at each other with confused expressions. Matt's gaze met mine. I shrugged to answer his unspoken question. An ambulance soon arrived and Zacky was taken away in it.

"Come on, Am," said Matt, grabbing my hand and started pulling me towards his car. Johnny and Brian got into Jimmy's car with Jimmy. Once we were on the street, Matt asked me, "What was that with Zacky?" For some unknown reason, tears welled up in my eyes.

"I don't know," I replied, fighting back the tears.

"Are you gonna cry?" I didn't answer. "Please don't cry. I hate it when girls cry. I freak out when girls cry. I don't know what to do when girls cry. I do one thing, they cry more. I do something else, and they get pissed. I mean I can kick someone's ass, but give me a crying girl and I'm a big pussy," he ranted. I let out a weak laugh.

"I'm not gonna cry," I assured. He let out a sigh of relief. We got to the hospital. Jimmy, Johnny, and Brian were already there and were waiting for us. They had apparently already asked where Zacky was because they started leading the way down the hall. We couldn't see Zacky yet, so we were stuck waiting.

"You may see him now," said a nurse a few hours later.

Zacky's POV:

"Knock, knock!" I heard Jimmy yell as he barged into my room. The guys walked in, followed by a timid Amber. Matt had to coax her into the room. She was currently one of the last people I wanted to see right now.

"How are you feeling?" she asked me, eyeing my ankle that is now in a cast. Crutches for me. Yay.

"So so," I stiffly replied. Matt threw me a warning glance, but I ignored it. How can I be nice to a girl that just basically broke my heart even if she doesn't know she did?
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Matt always seems to have a big part in my stories.... Huh. Comments are loverly! ={D